Restaurant: Sun Tung Lok Chinese Cuisine

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

Exit B1/ N5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Sun Tong Lok's menu has a strong focus on contemporary Guangdong cuisines, with signature dishes including dry-aged beef ribs and mushroom-stuffed crab shell. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 2 Starred Restaurant (2012-23) Michelin 3 Starred Restaurant (2011) Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2024)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (154)
相信我可能有十年沒踏足這間食府,但看到很多食評和相片一直都很吸引。踏足這間食府,但看到很多食評和相片一直都很吸引。欣賞的是菜式沒有退步還有進步及令到菜式更加現代化。很多食府現都開始做fusion菜式但最後令到中菜的傳統味道失色。我相信這間餐廳如果帶商務客人前來會10分驚喜及會懷念這些菜式。很值得留意的是,他們仍然用着象牙筷子給客人使用。出乎意料原來個感覺是有不同的。I believe I haven't set foot in this restaurant for maybe ten years, but the many food reviews and photos online has always intrigued me. It’s always tempting to visit the restaurant again and verify the food reviews and photos. Thankfully, the dishes have not deteriorated but have improved and became more modern. Many restaurants began to create fusion dishes, but in the end the traditional taste of Chinese cuisine was lost.I believe that if you bring business guests and associates to this restaurant, they will be very pleasantly impressed and will miss these dishes. It is worth noting that they still use ivory chopsticks for their guests. Unexpectedly, the feeling is different.Service/服務 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Cleanliness/清潔度 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Taste/味道 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Ambiance/氣氛 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-17
新同樂長年michelin星級食府我諗唔使點多介紹。心血來潮想同老婆食好少少,openrice見lunch set 400+ ok啦就坐低左。坐低先發現個lunch set已經變左598+, 計埋茶位加一即係700 per head。鮮圍蝦金粟翠蔬沙律:凍得太耐d蝦已經無乜味,咁呢d前菜我都唔expect d乜野。廣東點心:紅菜頭蝦餃,燒賣,粉果,紅菜頭都有特色,只係呢種特色係味道上其實無乜幫助,整體黎講3款都係好食既。湯品:灌湯餃同點心一樣,都係好食既,係d翅有d碎,當然就你比幾多錢係食幾多野嫁啦;但花膠筒瑤柱燉雞就令我好失望,個湯應該係放得太耐酸左。一開始我仲諗係咪落左d 咩料所以會酸,但最後都幾肯定唔係。我估個湯放過左夜,可惜左佢係用靚而又有少少厚身既花膠筒,我估有30頭以上,當然唔係成條比你啦。Main: 帶子皇同東坡肉,成個present同做法都好西式,帶子皇係2-3L, sauce都係西式creamy白汁,東坡肉就略嫌瘦肉既部分多左d, 去左佢拎去煲湯仲好啦。主食:個鮑魚飯用醬油+紅葱頭燴左個飯,好福建既做法老婆好中意,一啖飯都無留比我;雲吞面重蝦籽味再加d蝦油,雲吞足料,面身可能佢整完等上,浸得太耐有d偏淋。整體黎講兩個都好食。甜水:新鮮腐竹既口感出奇地同燕窩好夾,竹生一開始我仲以為係切片既梨,點知原來係厚身既竹生,食落都幾有趣。成餐飯,最有驚喜係甜水,主食好食,點心同main都可以,前菜同湯就令人失望。仲有一點係出餐時間對中菜既影響都大,主食碗面我就覺得太淋,只係我已經好飽食唔落無所謂咁解。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-11-17
今天專程到新同樂魚翅酒家試試他們的午餐。今次嘗試了每位$598的套餐。首先是大蝦沙律,配以沙律醬和其他配菜,整體沒有甚麽味道,只是靠沙律醬,份量不少蝦還算新鮮。接下來是三款點心,侍應當著顧客面前把三款點心先行蒸熱再上枱,服務仔細,點心份量不少,比一般酒樓點心大,而味度豐富,好像齋菜餃子一般很難弄得好味,因為不能放入肉食雞湯等調味,但這款餃子非常美味,味道濃郁令人回味。接下來的燉湯水準非常好,老火湯應該燉了很長的時間。接着是黑毛豬,份量不少有點像上海菜的五花肉,由於是半肥瘦所以不至於太「鞋」,但味道方面比較普通。最後的鮑魚飯芡汁做得很好味,是一個完美的結束,也非常之飽肚,是一頓很不錯的午餐! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-10-31
最近在这家餐厅的用餐体验,可以说是一次充满失望的经历。首先,服务方面的问题明显且多样。例如,服务员在推荐菜品时,有意诱导我选择价格更高的选项,而低价的菜品则被描述为质量不佳或味道不好。这让我不禁质疑,如果便宜的菜品质量如此不堪,那为何还要提供给顾客?其次,餐厅的服务速度过快,我甚至没有吃完就被服务员准备收走餐具,这就像是在快餐店就餐,而且,服务员在上菜时也缺乏谨慎,碟子与碟子之间的碰撞声音让人惊吓。更令人困惑的是,服务员在我去洗手间时,她们并未提供引导,反而在原地挥手指引我走出门外,然后又让我返回。这种行为让人感到困扰。更糟糕的是,服务员在上菜后并未对菜品进行介绍,这无疑使得用餐体验进一步降低。至于食物,味道过于咸,尤其是鱼翅。即使我向服务员反映了这一问题,他们依然继续将咸汤倒入鱼翅。总的来说,这次的用餐体验让我深感失望。服务和食品质量都远未达到预期,我希望餐厅能从这些反馈中学习,为顾客提供更好的用餐体验。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Lunch Time,終於有機會試吓新同樂好耐之前買過佢哋新年嘅糭覺得都幾好食所以今次專登去試吓雖然係米芝蓮二星餐廳,不過感覺上唔似每次去食中菜必點叉燒,叉燒比想像中失望唔知係唔係因為太瘦,口感一般唔推薦食芋角雞粒酥同朋友一致認為都覺得好似怪怪地咁😆瓜粒泡飯好好食,材料好足,值得一試馬蹄糕酥好好食,賣相亦都做得好好不過趕時間嘅話,建議唔好叫因為上甜品好慢,等咗好耐總體而言都唔錯,不過短時間內都唔會再食😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)