8-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
Scarlett Café & Wine Bar offers French-inspired specialties from the land and sea, as well as imported cold cuts, French cheeses and wine. Open daily for aperitif, and dinner as well as brunch on weekends. French Wine by the glass starting from $40 continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay OpenRice Pay
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Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Review (381)
商业区的hidden gem之一,整体好吃、酒水丰富、人气很旺的French bistro。在尖沙咀一条并不人声鼎沸的小巷里,上下两层楼,环境老旧和拥挤了些,毕竟真的开了很久,服务一般般吧,氛围还是蛮好的。·偏传统的法式小酒馆菜式,食材新鲜,货真价实,调味没有因为下酒而很咸很腻,就算不喝酒,随便点几道吃吃都不错,并且看得出来有在卖相上努力。·菜品不少,还会有一些期间限定新菜,lunch set和happy hour跟晚餐比真的好便宜。酒款都是affordable的类型,两个人小酌就没点整瓶,杯卖就是随便喝喝的餐酒程度。·前菜和汤【Burrata & Heirloom Tomatoes】【Beef Tartare】【Mushroom Soup】【Duck Rillettes】·主菜【La Quenelle de Brochet】【Pan Seared Scallops】【Beef Cheek】·选几道印象深刻的说吧,牛肉塔塔用玻璃罩盖着上桌,一揭开呈现烟雾缭绕的即视感。这款经典前菜的出品可以超过大多数小酒馆,不过烤法棍不太行(餐前面包也不好吃)。·蘑菇浓汤在桌边浇上,蘑菇切片在碗底摆得整整齐齐,窝着一颗温泉蛋,搅开之后享用更加鲜浓。·油封鸭肉酱太量足太下酒了,质地如奶油般扎实绵滑,每一口都能吃到油润咸香的、丝丝缕缕的鸭肉,青葱和欧芹的清香又缓解了油脂的腻。·鱼肉慕斯有点意思,鱼肉口感酿得细嫩弹牙似舒芙蕾,跟芝士和蘑菇一同焗烤,相比千层面之类的焗物还是清新多了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-31
Scarlett Cafe & Wine Bar🍽️🌟2 Austin Ave, Tsim Sha Tsui**Cold Cut Platter**: The cold cut platter 🧀🍖 was a delightful assortment of cured meats and cheeses, beautifully presented on a wooden board. The flavors were well-balanced, and each item complemented the others perfectly. A perfect start to a memorable meal. 😋**Carbonara Pasta**: The carbonara pasta 🍝 was a creamy and indulgent dish that was both comforting and sophisticated. This dish was a true standout and a must-try for any pasta lover. 🤤**Octopus Carpaccio**: The octopus carpaccio 🐙 was a work of art on a plate. The thinly sliced octopus was tender and flavorful, with a delicate drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of herbs enhancing its natural taste. A perfect choice for those looking for a unique and elegant appetizer. 👌**Steak Frites**: The steak frites 🥩🍟 were a carnivore's dream come true. The steak was cooked to perfection, juicy and full of flavor. This classic dish was executed flawlessly and left me wanting more. 😍**Garlic White Wine Mussels**: The garlic white wine mussels were a divine seafood dish, with plump mussels in a fragrant broth. Each bite offered a burst of ocean freshness, garlic warmth, and white wine acidity. A must-try for seafood lovers, perfect with crusty bread. Culinary delight! 🌊🍷👌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-14
Came here the first time with friend that highly recommended and had a very high expectation as well. First we ordered all day breakfast and sausage wasn’t cooked. Second, no apologies. Maybe you are Chinese and didn’t order much? So that’s why don’t care how the food is good or service is good?! Took the sausage and recooked .. came back with well done and hard to bite. It was totally wasted! But they still don’t care and service still continue bad. We had to spend close to $700 HKD for this brunch menu and services. I will never return to this place for such bad food and service. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-12
Scarlett Cafe & Wine Bar - 法式風情,美味滿分位於尖沙咀的Scarlett Cafe & Wine Bar,提供優質的法式餐飲體驗。餐廳裝潢以工業風格為主調,寬敞明亮,設有舒適的室內外用餐區。我點了招牌碳烤肉眼牛排,肉質鮮嫩多汁,碳烤後外層微焦入口即化,別有風味。另一道章魚也非常出色,柔軟鮮嫩的章魚。甜點方面,招牌的熱門蘋果批份量十足,酥脆可口的外皮裹著香甜多汁的蘋果餡,配上冰淇淋更是絕配。整體來說,Scarlett Cafe的菜式味道出色,食材新鮮,手藝一流,加上舒適的用餐環境,實在是一間不錯的法式餐廳選擇。十分推介給喜歡法式料理的朋友。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
最近去了位於香港尖沙咀的法式酒吧餐廳 Scarlett Cafe & Wine Bar,這裡真的是一個隱藏的寶藏!餐廳位於尖沙咀的心臟地帶,交通非常方便。🏙️ 一進門就被這裡的工業風裝修吸引了,地下室有戶外座位區,適合晚上來小酌一杯。而二樓的落地大玻璃窗,讓你可以一邊享受美食,一邊欣賞街景,感覺超棒!😍這次點了幾道推薦菜式: 🧀Baked Camembert:這道菜簡直是奶酪愛好者的天堂,烤得剛剛好的卡門貝爾奶酪配上烤麵包,外脆內軟,奶香四溢🥩Wagyu Rib Eye:這道和牛肋眼牛排真的是入口即化,肉質鮮嫩多汁,配上特製的醬汁,讓人一口接一口停不下來🍝Vongole Pasta:這道蛤蜊意大利面也是必點,麵條彈牙,蛤蜊鮮美,湯汁濃郁,味道非常正宗🍋 Lemon Tart:最後來個檸檬塔作為甜點,酸甜適中,塔皮酥脆,完美的結束了一餐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)