8-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station
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Scarlett Café & Wine Bar offers French-inspired specialties from the land and sea, as well as imported cold cuts, French cheeses and wine. Open daily for aperitif, and dinner as well as brunch on weekends. French Wine by the glass starting from $40
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Recommended Dishes
📍Scarlett Cafe & Wine Bar 位於尖沙咀嘅中心地帶,交通超級方便第一次踏入呢間餐廳,就即刻畀佢嘅工業風裝修吸引住👀露出嘅磚牆、金屬管道同木質桌椅相互交融,營造出一種好獨特嘅復古又時尚嘅氣氛🤩燈光柔和舒服,坐喺入面感覺好自在,好有格調🥂🦪France Oyster 法國生蠔我平時唔多中意食生蠔,但呢度嘅 France Oyster 真係令我改觀👍每隻蠔都新鮮到爆💥,一打開個殼,陣陣清新嘅海水味就飄埋嚟~擺落口嘅時候,口感爽滑,味道清甜鮮美,一啲腥味都冇,搞到我忍唔住一隻接一隻咁食😋🥩Wagyu Beef Rib Eye 肉眼牛扒賣相一流😍,牛扒煎到金黃,表面嘅焦香誘到暈。一刀切落去,肉質粉嫩鬆軟,放入口即刻融晒🤩。肉香撲鼻,調味又啱啱好,真係令人回味無窮。送嘅薯條都唔錯🍟,炸到香脆可口,食多幾條都唔覺得油膩🍝Carbonara食過咁多意大利面,呢份 Carbonara 真係令我眼前一亮✨第一口落去,豐富嘅口感令我即刻豎起大拇指👍溫泉蛋煮得滑潺潺,蛋黃流出嚟,同奶油汁、芝士混合埋一齊,形成一種好特別嘅味道!奶油味唔算濃,淡淡嘅奶香好吸引🥛培根煎到焦香🥓,每一啖都香到爆,份量又足,兩個人食一碟啱啱好👫🍋🍰Lemon Tart 檸檬蛋糕食完前面嘅大餐,呢款 Lemon Tart 就好似及時雨🌧️檸檬嘅酸味清新醒胃,蛋糕口感綿密,食完好解膩~酸酸嘅味道可以中和之前菜品嘅油膩感,令味蕾有新嘅刺激,真係唔錯👏一到夜晚,餐廳嘅氣氛更加浪漫,燈光調暗,伴隨住輕柔嘅音樂🎵好啱情侶約會或者朋友聚會🎉
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❤️《尖沙咀隱世法式高質西餐廳》— Scarlett Cafe & Wine Bar🥂同朋友gathering佢話想試呢間,平時都少去呢邊,但見過Menu都幾吸引所以就去咗試☺️成個環境幾有氣氛,店內設有兩層,我哋聖誕節去嘅時候上層有人開party幾熱鬧😛而且燈光昏暗幾有情調😘無論大時大節或者普通日子都好適合約會同埋朋友聚會,好chill😙食物方面亦都中上🤩🥩 Wagyu Beef Rib Eye煎得剛剛好👍🏻幾重牛味而肉質鮮嫩,無乜筋🫶🏻而薯條都好食,炸得脆脆的😋🍄🟫 Black Truffle Risotto 黑松露味好濃,而好欣賞個risotto 口感,偏硬身🥰🍫 Le Fondant係心太軟加雲呢拿雪糕,估唔到普通嘅甜品都令到我有驚喜,冰火交融,龍龍嘅朱古力味同雲呢拿焦糖味,超級好味!❤️連我朋友唔太鍾意食甜嘅都覺得好食👍🏻而飲品方面,我哋嗌咗Delightful Passion & Kowloon Cooler🍹兩杯都好易入口,果味超香,而cocktail 價錢嚟講算抵🫶🏻☻味道:8.5/10☻環境:8/10 ☻服務:7/10☻價錢:7.5/10☻回頭率:80%📍Scarlett Cafe & Wine Bar (尖沙咀)尖沙咀柯士甸路2號地舖
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1. 蛋糕店直接送蛋糕往餐廳,麻煩餐廳代為收妥,他們完全沒有問題。還特別再打電話我確認並告知會有收切蛋糕費的安排。 2. 我們其中一款菜品出菜時間稍長,餐廳經理特別向我們道歉,並送上一杯飲品給我們。3. 餐廳出品非常之美味,羊架極之嫩滑,並且足有七至八支羊架,價錢非常之合理。 牛扒熟成亦非常之好。 4. 最後餐廳經理還免了我們切蛋糕費,還幫我們將蛋糕放置於碟上送上餐桌,安排了蛋糕碟及送上一把餐刀給我們自己切蛋糕。其他服務的同事幫我們拍照留念。為表多謝,我們給餐廳經理送上一件蛋糕,餐廳經理亦欣然接受並立即享用,最後還前來告知我們蛋糕非常之美味,非常之客氣,我們亦感到非常之開心。整體餐廳氣氛非常之好!餐廳出品亦非常出色。 一定會再次光顧,亦都會介紹給朋友!
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尖沙咀嘅 Scarlett 餐廳真係一個好地方!我已經黎過多次,今次試咗佢哋嘅牛扒,真係好正!牛扒煮得剛剛好,外面有啲焦香,內裏保持住肉質嘅鮮嫩,咬落去超級juicy,真係好滿足。佢哋嘅調味做得非常好,配上焗蒜頭,味道更上一層樓。餐廳嘅環境都幾靚,設計時尚又有氣氛,適合同朋友約埋一齊食飯或者慶祝特別日子。服務方面都唔錯,侍應熱情又專業,會幫你介紹菜式,令你有更好嘅用餐體驗。雖然價位上可能有啲高,但考慮到食材質量同埋整體體驗,其實都係值得。總括來講,Scarlett 餐廳真係食牛扒嘅好地方,我已多次光顧,下次一定會再嚟試其他菜式!如果你喺尖沙咀附近,記得來呢度食一餐!
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Scarlett Cafe & Wine Bar🍽️🌟2 Austin Ave, Tsim Sha Tsui**Cold Cut Platter**: The cold cut platter 🧀🍖 was a delightful assortment of cured meats and cheeses, beautifully presented on a wooden board. The flavors were well-balanced, and each item complemented the others perfectly. A perfect start to a memorable meal. 😋**Carbonara Pasta**: The carbonara pasta 🍝 was a creamy and indulgent dish that was both comforting and sophisticated. This dish was a true standout and a must-try for any pasta lover. 🤤**Octopus Carpaccio**: The octopus carpaccio 🐙 was a work of art on a plate. The thinly sliced octopus was tender and flavorful, with a delicate drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of herbs enhancing its natural taste. A perfect choice for those looking for a unique and elegant appetizer. 👌**Steak Frites**: The steak frites 🥩🍟 were a carnivore's dream come true. The steak was cooked to perfection, juicy and full of flavor. This classic dish was executed flawlessly and left me wanting more. 😍**Garlic White Wine Mussels**: The garlic white wine mussels were a divine seafood dish, with plump mussels in a fragrant broth. Each bite offered a burst of ocean freshness, garlic warmth, and white wine acidity. A must-try for seafood lovers, perfect with crusty bread. Culinary delight! 🌊🍷👌
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