
Hanook Korean Restaurant
7-min walk from Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
The Korean family restaurant helmed by the Korean chef, no MSG or preservatives in any dishes, more healthy. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Traditional Soup. Bubuimbap by Korean Chef
Chef Hanook Korean Restaurant combines Korean culinary techniques and culture with a Korean chef team and staffs. Actually, Korean has soup for three meals a day that inspire the owner of the Chef Hanook Korean Restaurant to serve over 10 delicious Korean soups which are no MSG and no preservatives. The signature soup is Busan dwaeji gukbap (Busan pork soup). Moreover, haejang-guk (potato rib soup) is the most popular in Hong Kong, besides it also is hangover soup in Korea. At the same time, you must try dolsot bibimbap (stone pot bibimbap) which is few layered with cheese and rice. There also serves over 10 flavors of fried and steamed dumplings all directly imported from Korea, recommended large mandu, ginseng chicken and beef galibi.

About Reward Scheme
Review (1155)
🇰🇷尖沙咀韓國街内的小店「韓屋」,由韓國大廚班底主理,煮出韓國正宗的家常菜。餐廳款式貴精不貴多,主打韓式熱湯、石鍋拌飯及餃子,全部均以健康、零味精、零防腐劑去烹調,健康養生吃出「家」的味道🍶🍲原味石鍋芝士拌飯(Hk$118):熱烘烘石鍋拌飯的香氣混合濃郁拉絲芝士,紫紅米飯配蛋、芽菜、脆肉瓜、菠菜、菇、蘿蔔絲等,營養配搭十分均匀,底部的鍋巴飯焦粒令口感更有層次,加埋醬汁食更美味🥘炒豬肉石鍋芝士拌飯 (Hk$138): 這款係原味石鍋的昇華版,除各式蔬菜加入了豐富骨膠原的豬肉片,芝士石鍋拌飯令人溫暖和滿足,感受到家的溫馨🍑韓國蜜桃果肉果汁(Hk$25): 蜜桃味濃郁,甜美怡人🍐韓國梨果肉果汁(Hk$25): 滿滿的梨果粒 果汁,香醇圓潤(All subject to 10% service charge)📍韓屋 Hanook Korean Restaurant尖沙咀金巴利道69-71A號美園大廈地舖(港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 B1 出口, 步行約7分鐘) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-11
Weekend Lunch薯仔豬排骨湯 $168薯仔豬排骨湯是韓國人常見醒酒食物,同朋友雖然沒宿醉,但也很喜歡🤣。排骨湯上桌熱辣辣,有幾大塊燉至肉質軟腍的豬排骨、大量薯仔、菜乾、蘿蔔絲及大豆芽,組成了一個清甜的湯底,加上韓式醬料令味道更突出。醬炒牛肉石鍋拌飯 $128底下是健康的紫米飯,上層有不同口感的配料,包括醬炒牛肉、翠玉瓜、紅蘿蔔絲、芽菜、菠菜、魚板條及紫菜。拌飯以上石鍋上菜,令食物保持熱騰騰,淋上自家製拌飯醬汁,再均勻攪拌,會聽到發出滋滋滋的美味聲音,很滋味。泡菜餃子王 $18餃子王大大隻,皮薄餡多,泡菜酸辣配豬肉,味道不錯。韓國桃汁 $25Sprite $22餐廳座位不多,有可愛的韓文霓虹燈裝飾,最喜歡呢一句韓文:맛있게 먹으면 0칼로리 (是指好吃的話就是零卡路里🤣🤣) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
尖沙咀金巴利道係出名的韓國街,滿佈韓國食肆,揀左呢間裝修有少女味的韓屋,粉紅色牆身。餐廳細細地,但感覺好溫馨。🌟經典韓國石頭鍋飯經典的石頭鍋飯沒有令人失望,配料滿滿,紅蘿蔔絲、菠菜絲、洪珍菇等不少得。石頭鍋飯好夠熱、仲整到飯焦!🌟薯仔排骨湯薯仔排骨湯係我其中一道非常鍾意嘅韓國料理😋😍排骨炆到好林、薯仔亦都好入味,湯頭濃郁,幾時都岩食!😊韓屋 (尖沙咀)尖沙咀金巴利道69-71A號美園大廈地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-04
🇰🇷韓屋主打係湯飯同韓式餃子🥟 ,係偏家常菜養生健康嘅風格!🐓🍗蔘雞湯🍲嵾雞湯係將紅棗、人蔘、糯米等材料填入🐣雞腹再長時間熬製而成,所以好入味,蔘香味與雞湯相融,飲起來唔會有一大陣藥材味!🍗雞肉好多又軟腍,肉質都好嫩滑!🥟餃子王、泡菜餃子王餃子係呢度招牌,當然要一試。餃子王用蒸籠上,真係好大隻,漲卜卜包住菜肉,仲有泡菜味,🌶️辣辣地好惹味!🥙醬炒牛肉石鍋芝士拌飯拌飯有嘅🥕蘿蔔、紫菜、🥒翠玉瓜、醬炒🥩牛肉外,本身已經好豐富,仲加埋芝士🧀。石鍋熱力慢慢融化🧀芝士,做出拉絲效果,芝士令拌飯食起來增添左奶香鹹味,味道更加豐富,所以比較建議揀食芝士嘅拌飯。呢個拌飯仲係用紅米飯,更加健康! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-25
今日天氣濕濕立立,朋友提議嚟金巴利道食韓國菜,呢間餐廳佢已經幫襯咗好幾年,都係人氣之選,果然冇令我哋失望🙍‍♀️🍳薯仔豬排骨湯- 呢個餐廳簡介係韓國人宿醉必食嘅湯品!大家都知韓國人幾鍾意飲湯,呢個薯仔豬排骨湯用料十足,入面有大量蔬菜例如蘿蔔絲大豆芽蔥,等等再配合埋大量嘅薯仔同重點嘅豬骨,所以煲出嚟嘅薯仔豬骨湯非常之濃郁😋🍳爆漿芝士牛肉石頭飯- 呢個石頭飯份量非常大,一向鍾意石頭飯,呢個入邊有好多蔬菜,今次有埋芝士,估唔到後果出嚟係蛇點睛嘅感覺🍳泡菜餃子🥟餃子王❤️- 餐廳招牌菜之一,餃子王👍🏻聽講都係韓國人家傳戶曉嘅小食,一向好好餃子嘅我覺得非常好食🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)