4-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
It is located on the higher floor of a commercial building and offers a nice city view. It aims at providing high level dishes and service to promote the culture of high-quality Chinese cuisine. The shop design is elegant, which is suitable for family gatherings as well as serving business customers. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (597)
今晚約咗朋友食dinner,朋友帶我黎呢間中菜餐廳,估唔到有驚喜,佢地個境一流,望到勁靚嘅夜景,而野食都非常好食。紅燒乳鴿即叫即炸,外皮炸到脆卜卜,撕開d肉,勁多汁漏出黎,d肉好嫩滑,好好味。菌皇醬蜜豆甜椒炒蝦球d蝦球勁大隻,隻隻都非常爽口,個醬係有黑松露,所以食落勁香,蜜豆都好嫩,冇渣,唔錯。蜜汁西班牙叉燒拼燒腩仔叉燒肥瘦適中,仲要有燶邊,食落好淋滑,完全唔鞋,口感非常好,燒腩仔個皮脆卜卜,好鬆化,肥瘦一層層,唔會太肥,而d海蜇,口感爽口彈牙,幾清爽。秘制醬乾抄九肚魚河粉份量都幾多,勁多九肚魚,d魚炸到脆卜卜,入面軟淋淋,勁好食,而河粉抄得好乾身,d秘制醬都好惹味,而且唔會好油,正。生磨蛋白杏仁茶個杏仁茶勁香杏仁香味,佢地磨得好滑,好creamy,唔算太甜,入面仲有勁多蛋白,滑上加滑。豬仔出浴奶涷個賣相勁得意,打卡一流,好似豬仔浸緊牛奶浴咁,豬仔係用芒果布丁制成,好香芒果味,仲有芒果肉喺入面,加埋花奶一齊食,好滑好好味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-08
喺V Point 29 樓嘅張公館坐擁維港嘅無敵海景,唔少食客都會選擇坐近窗邊,邊欣賞景色邊嘆茶🥰🥰🤩🤩🤩😚😚紅燒乳鴿🐦‍⬛ $98表皮香脆,味鮮香甜,肉質嫩滑,上枱時非常熱,係即時炸起,亦都因為夠新鮮,撕開鴿肉時肉汁爆發,做得比唔少餐廳出色😁😁😊😊😚😚蝦醬骨🐷 $228豬脆骨帶蝦醬鹹香,味鮮香口同時炸得金黃香酥,表面炸粉好薄,好酥脆,豬脆骨醃得夠入味, 肉質鮮嫩,咬開時有肉汁滲出,火喉控制得宜🥰🥰😄😄🔥🔥🔥川式口水雲吞配糖心皮蛋🦐 $98雲吞鮮蝦鮮甜爽口,口水醬汁味香微辣,為雲吞提升上不只一個層次;同時有大量芫茜同皮蛋,鐘意呢道菜嘅朋友會非常鐘意😁😁😚😚🥳🥳野菌紅燒豆腐🍄 $168豆腐嫩滑有豆香,野菌爽脆有咬口,感覺好健康嘅一道菜,醬汁應該係用咗素蠔油烹煮,初一十五應該都適合食,有需要嘅可以向侍應再次確認🥰🥰😄😄😛😛生磨蛋白杏仁茶🥛 $48蛋白應該以燉嘅方式放入碗底,表面再加上生磨鮮杏仁,香甜味濃,足料之作♥️♥️😛😛😚橙絲清心丸綠豆爽🍵 $38清心丸Q彈,綠豆爽清新有咬口,不俗😁😁🥳🥳🥰🥰從張公館嘅角度望去維港,係可以睇到煙花嘅, 想食飯同時睇到live 煙花就要預先book定位啦♥️♥️😋😋😛😛張公館地址:銅鑼灣登龍街18號V Point 29樓電話:8118 1177#vpoint#timessuare#cwb#cwbfood#cwbrestaurant#authenticchinesecusine#張公館#銅鑼灣餐廳#煙花餐廳#睇煙花#靚海景#海景餐廳#銅鑼灣食#粤菜#中菜#點心#聚會#屋企人食飯#紅燒乳鴿#蝦醬骨#蝦醬菜式#口水雲吞#糖心皮蛋#紅燒豆腐#野菌#生磨蛋白杏仁茶#清心丸#綠豆爽#高質中菜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
在銅鑼灣有很多高品質且具有水準的中菜餐廳,但並不是間間餐廳都能提供海景視野。這家主打高品質的中餐廳,位於市中心且高層,大部分座位都面對著落地大窗,讓客人能夠欣賞到維港海景。有小包廂是相當適合親友聚會或招待商務客戶,但房間不多,要提早預約!入座後,他們會送上香茶和小食,還用用小蠟燭來維持茶的溫度。臘味炒芥蘭:這道菜絕對有別於在家住的味道,中式才會有的芥蘭的臘肉,鹹香將清爽的芥蘭調出中式的臘味香,是一道可以作為主菜的佳餚,如果喜歡吃臘味的話,再配上一碗飯,絕對有滿足感。焗脆蝦多士超多蝦肉,而且外脆內香,金黃香脆再配蝦肉的鮮甜彈牙,讚!川式口水雲吞配糖心皮蛋(4粒):新鮮煮熟的雲吞不是在湯中,而是跟皮蛋組合,再根據個人喜好添加川式口水辣汁,自由搭配成紅油抄手!XO醬黃金淮山麵:淮山麵是不少人的新歡,因為口感爽口,而且非常健康。用XO醬炒出了獨特風味,再配上大量的蝦肉,每一啖都好爽。養顏紅棗糕:最後是這款糕點,紅棗味醇厚,有滋潤養顏作用,非常喜歡。服務員上菜都好細心,確保客人需要,除了美食,環境及服務都很講究和注重。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-01
🐟 Recently, I had the pleasure of dining at Cheung Kung Koon in Causeway Bay. Situated on the 29th floor of V Point, this restaurant offers breathtaking views of Victoria Harbour, creating the perfect backdrop for a delightful ‘yum cha’ experience. From the moment I entered, I was captivated by the stunning scenery and the warm ambiance of the restaurant.1️⃣ 魚湯鮮竹卷 (Fish Soup with Fresh Bamboo Shoot Roll) - $58This dish featured a combination of tangy pickled vegetables wrapped in tender fish, creating a harmonious blend of flavors that delighted the palate.2️⃣ 脆皮韭菜角 (Crispy Pan-Fried Chive Dumplings) - $58These dumplings had a crispy outer layer that provided a delightful contrast to the savory chive filling.3️⃣ 香茜叉燒腸 (Coriander Steamed Pork Dumplings) - $68The aromatic coriander perfectly complemented the succulent pork filling, resulting in a flavorful and satisfying dumpling that left a lasting impression.4️⃣ 古法馬拉糕 (Traditional Steamed Ma Lai Gao/Malay Sponge Cake) - $48Indulge in this classic sponge cake, made using traditional methods, which boasts a light and fluffy texture with a hint of sweetness.5️⃣ 養顏紅棗糕 (Nourishing Red Date Cake) - $48This red date cake showcases the natural sweetness of red dates, offering a unique and nutritious dessert option that satisfies both the palate and the body.6️⃣ 翡翠明珠球(3粒)(Emerald Pearl Balls) - $58These vibrant green balls, made from glutinous rice and filled with an assortment of flavorful ingredients, provide a delightful surprise with each bite.☕ To complement our yum cha experience, we enjoyed a fragrant pot of tea ($40) and a selection of small bites ($40) that added an extra dimension to our meal.💰 Our total bill for two people, including a 10% service charge, amounted to $459.8. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-28
銅鑼灣食中菜既地方有好多,夠高質又有質素,仲要有海景既就唔係咁多餐廳景觀開揚,大部份既座位都對住落地大玻璃,打卡一流店內環境古典雅緻,環境寬敞舒適,適合親友聚會及招待商務客戶茶壼上枱仲用會小蠟燭保持溫度,讓大家無時無刻都可以飲到熱茶,非常細心食物方面:蟹粉小籠包 : 小籠包一籠一客,皮薄餡靚,餡料豐富,入便仲有大量蟹粉蟹肉,相當足料,仲爆曬汁蜜汁西班牙叉燒燒腩仔 : 叉燒用上西班牙豬肉煮得輕淋,再用蜜汁調味夠曬入味,一口燒腩仔外皮超香脆,肉質肥瘦相間夠曬香口,再加埋爽彈既海蜇做配料,美味既燒味拼盤臘味炒芥蘭 : 芥蘭翠綠清爽,配埋大量既臘腸、潤腸、臘肉一齊炒,相當惹味,配埋白飯就頂呱呱楊州炒飯 (半份) : 炒飯炒得粒粒分明,加入蝦仁、叉燒、蛋、菜粒、葱粒去炒,夠曬乾身金黃色,鑊氣十足,簡單既炒飯,炒到有高級既質素杏汁豬肺湯 : 杏汁味道濃郁,配埋柔軟嫩滑既豬肺、瘦肉、雞肉及杏仁,夠曬滋潤養生羊肚菌松茸竹笙花菇燉湯 : 採用上乘珍貴羊肚菌,配以松茸、竹笙、花菇、瑤柱,味道濃郁鮮味薑茶湯丸 : 用小黃薑濾出薑汁製成薑茶,再配上黑芝麻丸,食粒湯圓飲啖薑湯,成個人暖笠笠,岩曬秋冬季節既品生磨蛋白杏仁茶 : 杏仁香氣濃郁,杏香細膩,入便有嫩滑又厚厚既燉蛋白,非常滿足既甜品 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)