5-min walk from Exit C, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
It is one of the top 10 famous BBQ restaurants in Taipei, serving Japanese A5 Wagyu beef. You can grill by yourself or take the “staff service” to do so. In addition, the buffet area offers more than 10 condiments that include their own brand sauces. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
A5 Wagyu Steak Cube With York Truffle Sauce A5 Wagyu Ribeye Cap (Rare) A5 Wagyu 28+ Days Dry Aged Striploin The Truth Donburi - Wagyu, Truffle, Uni, Caviar Wagyu Tartare With Caviar And Parmesan Cheese
Review (7)
食得日本A5和牛燒肉,預咗一定唔會平,今次齋計食唔計飲人均$800 ,有質有量,同樣嘅價錢,喺出邊好多高級燒肉店都係食唔飽嘅,人哋過千蚊一個set,勝在打卡靚仔,呢度好實際,零擺盤,要影靚相真係好考功夫,擺碟冇花冇草冇任何多餘嘢,只係有肉,上網做吓功課,就知道呢個係Luigi 嘅賣點,完全不賣弄花巧。有咩好食?其實佢Menu唔多嘢揀,最靚嘅A5肉眼、西冷、chateaubriand、仲有28日dry age 全部唔會令人失望,網上推介「和牛月見金磚」同埋生牛肉 toast ,呢個厲害啦,和牛他他配即刨嘅 parmesan cheese 同點到即止嘅魚子醬,仲要超值$90有兩件,啲Cafe求其食個麵包加果醬都收你$40,呢個真係必吃!之後想嗌佢幾個丼飯試吓,有個和牛滷肉飯好想試,不過咁啱冇,侍應建議先嗌其中一個share,咁就揀最貴嘅真理丼,裏面有和牛、仲有魚子醬、黑松露、海膽、同埋日本蛋黃,食完就真係知道乜嘢係丼飯嘅真理,順帶一提,佢哋有個自助醬料區,有啲大蒜、蔥鹽,攞嚟撈飯超正,仲係任攞㗎,攞咗就唔好嘥,一定要食晒唔好浪費。最後,回應吓前po,絕對認同佢哋服務係超勁好,雖然話自己燒價錢會平啲,以為會冇人理你,但係佢哋會走埋嚟提吓你點燒最好食,另外仲有個燒烤操作手冊可以參考吓,至於燒完會唔會大陣味,啲A5和牛油脂咁重,燒嘅時候係有少少煙升上嚟,我諗呢個係正常嘅,但係唔會大味囉,唔明點解有人冇燒過,就話會有味,我睇完嗰篇食評,都有窒一窒,好彩自己嚟食過,真相大白。總括嚟講,係CP值勁高,見隔籬枱有澳門專程嚟幫襯嘅,有半個場啲客都係講英文,又有藝人,呢個真係 hidden gem!唯一有少少意見嘅,係唔近地鐵站,唔方便我呢啲唔揸車嘅人,不過揸車嘅朋友就超like門口有咪錶位。最最最後,佢哋門口有個好特別嘅衣櫃位,除咗掛外套,攞住大袋戰利品嘅都可以放入去,咁就可以燒得盡情盡興,唔使放喺座位隔離阻住晒。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-04
啱啱轉左嚟灣仔做嘢一個月,決定寫下灣仔嘅餐廳先同事話樓下開咗新餐廳一齊trytry,試左但唔係我哋style,所以應該唔會再試第二次😞價錢正常,環境都坐得幾舒服,大約20個位👍🏼Menu無乜選擇,得2款同燒肉set。唔想食身味道番office所以叫佢2個飯lunch set我叫咗生牛肉飯,睇得出好新鮮,不過完全冇牛肉味,唔知食緊乜同事叫咗海鮮丼,啲刺身好大雪藏味,解凍可能唔夠?呢個價錢,我諗要再努力啲食物一般,侍應態度一般,有努力但唔熟悉menu 應該係炒散短期應該唔會再試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
昨夜無意中經過這一間新開的日本燒烤餐館,店員很友善和客氣,服務態度非常好,雖然價錢不算便宜,但食物的質和量都非常好。物有所值,是很值得推薦。 兩人花費約2500但已經是兩份最貴的套餐外加兩杯飲品。很滿意👍🏻。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
灣仔新開路易奇電子公司,睇個名唔知食乜,好彩openrice有menu,睇👀落性價比高,就打電話📞book位,但店員話一個唔洗留,嚟到就有位。胡忠行到差唔多警察👮‍♀️總部,行到懷疑🤨人生,店都大,7成滿,我一個人坐6人枱。三個餐:生牛肉($150)、海膽($150)同燒肉($380)。最後我揀咗生牛肉柚子味,等咗15分鐘上菜,真係全生既牛肉,有一隻生蛋喺上面☝️,柚子胡椒就係碗邊,下面⬇️係白飯,餐仲有雞湯、泡菜同山藥蓉。侍應叫我撈勻先食,我將山藥蓉倒埋落去一齊撈起,好意頭。生牛肉好新鮮,冇怪味,成碗飯食哂,柚子胡椒重味,每匙試少少🤏,雞湯好好飲,泡菜我冇食,因為不嬲唔食。坐得舒服😌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-16
Wagyu Yakiniku dinner. Chain from Taiwan. Decided to try cos of its interesting name.3 sets to choose from: $958, $1,278 or $1,758; with a significant discount (down to $598, $798 and $1,098) should you decide to DIY. At suggestion of server, the 2 of us decided to share the $1,758 set (too lazy to DIY), adding on the beef intestine and chicken soup from the a la carte menu. Our server was from the Taiwan flagship, delegated here to train staff. He noted that the beef was from 鹿兒島 and that we should help ourselves to the condiments buffet at the center.Here’s what we had.-Japanese A5 Wagyu Sashimi-Beef Tartare on toast topped with shaved Parmesan and Caviar. A bit awkward biting into the toast as the cheese fell everywhere. US Beef Tongue: Thick-Cut and Sliced. Particularly liked the chopped spring onion whites being wrapped inside the sliced tongue: very fresh and sweet.-Oysters in creamy butter sauce. There were at least 4 oysters in the tim foil. Server noted that normally there would only be 2, but since we were sharing, decided to give us some more. So nice! 🫶🏽-Scallop with Sea Urchin-Pork Belly-Add on: the “big intestine” as stated on the menu turned out to be only small intestine. Server agreed that the menus needed some amendments.-Japanese A5 Wagyu Striploin-Japanese A5 Wagyu Short Rib-Japanese A5 Wagyu Steak Cube with Yolk Truffle Sauce-USDA Inside Skirt-Japanese A5 Wagyu Chateaubriand- my favorite cut of the nite. Not too fatty. Kumbo strips were the favorite condiment; brown sauce was a bit too sweet.Also: Japanese yam, Chinese zucchini, kimchi and rice.In summary: indulgent wagyu feast; made more enjoyable chatting with server whilst he expertly grilled our meat. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)