Tipsy Restaurant & Bar

7-min walk from Exit B, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
坐落於大坑精品酒店,以上世紀三十年代的經典前衛風格,另有一番時代感。餐廳採用來自世界各地時食材,而開放式廚房更可讓客人一睹大廚精廚藝。 continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Modern and Stylish Space to Indulge in Contemporary European Delights
Located in Tai Hang, Tipsy Restaurant and Bar aims to provide diners with an exquisite and creatively satisfying culinary experience. The restaurant carefully selects premium ingredients and pays attention to cooking details, resulting in truly delightful flavors. Among their many memorable signature dishes are Sea Urchin Pasta with Flying Fish Roe and Fennel Foam, as well as Tipsy Signature Roasted Spring Chicken Stuffed with Black Truffle.

To ensure a fresh experience, the restaurant regularly updates its menu, offering new surprises with each visit. Whether you're dining with friends, gathering with family, or having a romantic date, Tipsy is a must-visit hot spot.

The restaurant boasts a spacious and bright design, featuring double height ceilings, creating an open and inviting atmosphere. The modern black and gold tones contribute to a stylish and trendy ambiance. Additionally, there is a private dining room that can accommodate up to 12 people, equipped with an open kitchen. Furthermore, there is a special outdoor dining area, a large terrace where you can enjoy the bustling view of Tung Lo Wan Road while savoring your meal in comfort and relaxation.

About Reward Scheme
Review (470)
同朋友🧒一齊嚟咗呢間喺大坑嘅酒吧🥃餐廳🍽️食晚餐因為朋友🧒鍾意呢度坐得幾舒服食物又美味🤣$168 Yellowfin Tuna Tartare with Watermelon:黃鰭吞拿魚好似係輕輕漬過然後用嚟做他他再配以西瓜🍉,清新又好食🤣$10 一隻Oyster:生蠔🦪依家做緊 《dinner oyster promo》🤩;要咗半打🤣,生蠔🦪嚟自西班牙🇪🇸,有淡淡嘅海水味🤩🤣$148 Summer Lobster Salad with Walnut, Orange & Vinegar:龍蝦🦞新鮮切成 bite size,加入做沙律感覺幾豪華又好味🤣,仲有甜甜哋脆脆哋嘅核桃、幾新鮮嘅香橙🍊、甜甜哋酸酸哋嘅沙律醋,仲有青瓜、蕃茄、沙律菜 等,仲好似加咗啲蛋黃醬,全部撈埋一齊幾清新🤣$198 Wild Mushroom Risotto with Marinated Abalone:意大利飯煮得少少 al dente 幾啱我胃口,仲有兩隻醃過嘅鮑魚,鮑魚肉質爽滑🤣$298 Grilled Australian Lobster with Cajun Butter:澳洲龍蝦🦞大大隻肉質鮮甜,估計係 開邊之後加上 Cajun Butter 然後再焗,好美味🤣$78 Lavender Crème Brûlée 薰衣草法式燉蛋 非常 creamy、幾滑、少少甜,上邊嗰層焦糖少少脆,隱約食到有啲啲薰衣草香味,夠晒 subtle 😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-02-06
Baked coconut alaska with Myer’s Rum 焗阿拉斯加椰子配黑蘭姆酒 🗻🔥 $98呢一個焗阿拉斯加椰子甜品真係好吸睛,一上到嚟會淋黑蘭姆酒🍷,點埋少少火好似個表演,除咗有濃郁嘅酒香味之外,外面有層軟滑忌廉,裏面係海綿蛋糕🍰同埋好重椰子味嘅冰凍椰子雪糕🥥,真係幾高質🤍➋ ➌ Charcoal grilled wagyu M6 sirloin 炭燒牛脊肉 🥩 $398好受歡迎嘅粉紅色炭燒牛脊肉🍖望落去已經好正,成碟Medium rare 牛脊肉有300gram好足料,聞落去已經充滿炭香,食起上嚟口感唔會太煙靭,但牛味超級濃厚,點埋芥末醬食真係好夾,係個值得推介嘅main course 🤍➍ ➎ Grilled caesar salad燒凱撒沙律 🥗$128相當有特色嘅燒凱撒沙律確實唔錯,一碟有四件清甜鮮嫩嘅BB生菜🥬,面頭有脆口嘅咋bacon🥓、洋蔥片、鬆化嘅迷你麵包粒🍞,配上開胃嘅凱撒沙律醬,係個養生好食嘅appetiser 🤍➏ Wild mushroom risotto with marinated abalone 秘製鮑魚惹菌意大利飯 🍛$198大大碟嘅鮑魚惹菌意大利飯性價比好高,除咗面頭有兩大隻fresh 嘅鮑魚🦪之外,意大利飯裏面仲有大量野菌🍄‍🟫、蔥花🌿、少少洋蔥粒🧅,撈埋香濃嘅黑松露醬汁,creamy 又夠晒飽肚!🤍❼ Cry baby 哭泣寶寶 🍹 $78 杯飲品裏面有幾款雜莓,好似係藍莓🫐、紅桑子同埋士多啤梨🍓,配埋香滑而營養價值高嘅牛奶🥛同埋秘製配方,成杯飲品酸酸甜甜,係一杯健康又好飲嘅smoothie 😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-02-01
✳️今日同老婆去咗大坑銅鑼灣道98號嘅Tipsy Restaurant & Bar食Brunch,環境幾chill,坐喺1樓望出去都幾開揚,啱晒放假同老婆慢慢嘆。我哋揀咗三道菜早午套餐,每位$238,價錢合理,仲有咁多嘢食,真係抵到爛!✨前菜有四款,我哋試勻晒:1、海膽慕斯吐司、2、鮮蝦雞尾酒配小生菜、3、夏季花園沙拉配馬戲團油醋汁4、酥皮煙燻鮭魚韃靼。✨海膽慕斯吐司真係一絕,海膽味濃郁得嚟又creamy,配埋脆卜卜嘅吐司,口感好有層次。✨鮮蝦雞尾酒配小生菜就清新啲,蝦肉爽口彈牙,醬汁酸酸甜甜,好開胃。✨夏季花園沙拉啲蔬菜好新鮮,配埋馬戲團油醋汁,酸香得嚟好醒神。✨酥皮煙燻鮭魚韃靼就係驚喜之作,酥皮鬆化,鮭魚鮮味十足,食落好滿足。✨主菜方面,老婆揀咗蒔蘿奶油醬煎鮭魚,我就揀咗慢煮油封鴨佐什錦蔬菜。鮭魚煎得外脆內嫩,蒔蘿奶油醬香滑得嚟唔會太膩,老婆食到舔舔脷。我嘅油封鴨就更加正,肉質鬆化到不得了,入口即溶,配埋什錦蔬菜,健康又美味。✨飲品🥤我哋加咗$10升級凍cappuccino,咖啡香濃得嚟又唔會太苦,凍飲啱晒咁熱嘅天氣。✨最後甜品係綠茶慕絲蛋糕,綠茶味濃郁,慕絲質感細滑,甜度剛剛好,為呢餐畫上完美句號。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-01-11
食物好好味,由頭讚到落尾。一路有驚喜。服務人員好友善。價錢超值。$10生蠔一D都唔馬虎,好新鮮。特別要讚牛舌好得,好夠入味。乳豬好嫩皮夠鬆脆驚喜是甜品,以為是一般火焰嘢,點知蛋白包住嘅椰子雪糕好好味。而且甜品每一個size都大份,可以開心share! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-12-31
諗住元旦日可以食餐好,點知坐低,水都冇一杯。叫個野食都要等5分鐘先有人過嚟,成間餐廳得3個待應,計埋經理。野食等左30分鐘,前菜沙律都未上。完全唔知憑咩收呢個價錢。。。 打緊呢篇野個陣就係等緊野食黎。8點20分落單,9點先黎個沙律。不知所謂。食完個沙律,再等多半個鐘先黎塊牛扒同意粉味道仲要麻麻,肚餓真係唔使黎食。上菜慢過fine dining,質素同普通bar 餐廳一樣,性價比超低,體驗極差!完全不推薦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)