Tipsy Restaurant & Bar

7-min walk from Exit B, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
坐落於大坑精品酒店,以上世紀三十年代的經典前衛風格,另有一番時代感。餐廳採用來自世界各地時食材,而開放式廚房更可讓客人一睹大廚精廚藝。 continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Modern and Stylish Space to Indulge in Contemporary European Delights
Located in Tai Hang, Tipsy Restaurant and Bar aims to provide diners with an exquisite and creatively satisfying culinary experience. The restaurant carefully selects premium ingredients and pays attention to cooking details, resulting in truly delightful flavors. Among their many memorable signature dishes are Sea Urchin Pasta with Flying Fish Roe and Fennel Foam, as well as Tipsy Signature Roasted Spring Chicken Stuffed with Black Truffle.

To ensure a fresh experience, the restaurant regularly updates its menu, offering new surprises with each visit. Whether you're dining with friends, gathering with family, or having a romantic date, Tipsy is a must-visit hot spot.

The restaurant boasts a spacious and bright design, featuring double height ceilings, creating an open and inviting atmosphere. The modern black and gold tones contribute to a stylish and trendy ambiance. Additionally, there is a private dining room that can accommodate up to 12 people, equipped with an open kitchen. Furthermore, there is a special outdoor dining area, a large terrace where you can enjoy the bustling view of Tung Lo Wan Road while savoring your meal in comfort and relaxation.

About Reward Scheme
Review (448)
Level4 2024-05-01
今晚去左港島一間有情調、服務幾好既餐廳😆。先講環境,坐得舒服,岩曬飲酒🍸談心事。👉🏼Angus Beef Cube Teriyaki with Crispy Garlic $168份量夠,牛肉粒唔韌、好易咬,不過個人覺得調味咸左少少。👉🏼Oyster $10而家餐廳做緊promotion,10蚊一隻蠔,我地叫左半打,蠔🦪都大隻,抵食😆👉🏼Truffle Toast $88一口toast方便易食,脆脆既麵包夾住香濃既黑松露&芝士🤩👉🏼Braised Whole Sea Bass with Fennel & Saffron Broth $288真係好少會見到西餐有原條魚上碟😆,仲要唔係炸魚,海鱸魚🐟加上酸甜既蕃茄醬汁,唔腥之餘仲帶到俾你食魚既新鮮感👉🏼Pumpkin Scallop Risotto with Soybean & Pinenut $188金黃色既Risotto擺盤靚靚,食落好香南瓜味🎃,我幾鍾意飯粒整到煙煙韌韌,入面仲加左松子去增加咬口,share食都唔會好濟🙌🏻👉🏼Sunset Moment $108好易入口🤭,酸酸甜甜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友介紹大坑呢間西餐廳食物水準唔錯,今日特登帶我過嚟幫襯,餐廳裝修優雅,很適合情侶約會,拍拖食飯,或閨蜜聊天聚會,Dinner Oyster Promotion - $10/pc生蠔做緊promotion,$10/隻,超級抵,口感creamy,味道鮮美,Charcoal Grilled Wagyu M6 Ribeye (300g) - $398一上桌已經立刻聞到炭燒的味道,口感外脆內軟,切開燒得剛剛好,juicy有肉汁,色澤粉紅,入口滑嫰,個人認為這道菜必點必食!Grilled Octopus with Pickled Beetroot & Paprika Mayonnaise - $198擺盤精緻漂亮,八爪魚的份量不少,口感彈牙,搭配醬汁非常夾,紅菜頭也很甜,Parma Ham Melon with Rocket Leaves - $228parma ham配蜜瓜和火箭菜,擺盤有花心思,這道菜看似普通,但實則餐廳揀選了高質的parma ham,而且每一件蜜瓜也又甜又多汁,有驚喜,又靚又好食,Classic Tiramisu with Bailey's Foam - $88甜品的擺盤打卡一流,baileys味道香濃,整件tiramisu味道不會太甜,配上清新的水果,為這頓晚餐畫上一個完美的句號。餐廳服務幾好,侍應只有數人,但有細心留意客人是否有需要,態度親切有禮,上菜和收碟的速度和禮儀均不錯,是實至名歸的高質西餐廳。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-04
*《#大坑 兩個女仔係有情調既餐廳撐個靚枱腳👭🏻》話說朋友想一齊撐個枱腳🤣撐下撐下就去左大坑喇🤗為左食 可以去到幾盡🥹.🔸Agnes beef 🥩 cube teriyaki with crispy garlic🧄 $168🔸嘩😳幾有feel既石鍋網上的安格斯牛🐮食落味道唔錯的🫶🏻適中既軟腍度再配脆蒜🧄係上面一齊食個味道會出d🤣.🔹Sweet Potato 🥔 Fries with Honey 🍯 Yogurt $78🔹登登!就係見到個sauce幾特別就叫左甜薯條🍟喇🫶🏻果然冇令人失望既sauce 😍 完全減輕油膩感再自我感覺健康🤣 甜薯條🍟就不過不失😂.🔸Pumpkin 🎃 scallop risotto with soybean pinenut $198🔸去到呢個risotto 前已經飽左一大半luuuu🤣我就可能太飽既關係 食左幾啖就皮已收🪅朋友就覺得整體味道唔錯👍🏻.🔹Classic Tiramisu with Bailey's Foam $88🔹最後甜品胃就出來了🍮叫左個好classic ge tiramisu 出黎🥰Sor我都係太滿足食左幾啖但已足夠😂食完就會有種返去古典時期既味道😋.🔸Apple Fizzy $118🍎🔸野飲方面我就叫左apple fizzy, 入面有Lychee Liqueur, Prosecco, apple🍎 Juice味道我覺得sweet d😍.🔹Sunset Moment $108🌅🔹朋友就叫左sunset moment, 入面有Rosemary Infused Aperol, Citrus🍋‍🟩, Prosecco, Flamed orange🍊 佢覺得酒味比較重d🤣..✩•‿• ♡ 〝*﹉◇﹊◆﹉*﹊◇﹊◆﹉**﹉◆﹊◇◇﹉*〞 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
.‼️❤️ 記得CLICK我PROFILE關注我呀 ❤️‼️.🍽️ 𝓔𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓓𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓔𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮 @ 🌟 Tipsy Restaurant & Bar 🌟.💁‍♀️ 圖片顯示美食為:Summer Lobster Salad HKD 148Grilled Octopus HKD 198Tipsy Signature Roasted Spring Chicken HKD 328Braised Whole Sea Bass HKD 288Lavender Crème Brûlée HKD 78.👽 大坑旺中帶靜,係搵食好地方。呢間西餐廳起精品酒店入面,係約埋朋友仔飲嘢食嘢聚下嘅好選擇。.🦞 夏天熱辣辣,叫個「核桃橙子醋汁夏日龍蝦沙律」開下胃。龍蝦肉都幾嫩,配上香脆核桃,同甜香嘅橙,仲有啲醋汁嘅酸味,好清新!.🐙 另一個頭盤係「腌甜菜根燒八爪魚拼辣味蛋黃醬」,八爪魚肉質唔韌,配埋酸甜嘅腌甜菜根,仲有辣味蛋黃醬,味道鮮明又有層次。.🐔 主角係「Tipsy招牌黑松露烤春雞」,上檯好特別,起一個煙燻箱入面,一打開滿滿煙燻味。春雞烤得香脆,雞肉嫩滑多汁。而且仲有黑松露嘅香氣,好滿足!.🐟 仲有「燉茴香薑黃湯汁燴全魚」,全條魚上檯視覺享受一流。魚燴得肉質滑溜,茴香同薑黃燉煮嘅湯汁,同魚肉相融合。.🍮 最後叫左「薰衣草焦糖燉蛋」做甜品,焦糖燒得焦香鬆脆,滑溜嘅燉蛋。質感綿密,仲有一絲絲薰衣草嘅芳香,甜而不膩。.😊 呢度可以舒舒服服嘆美食,同朋友仔嘆一個悠閒嘅晚餐。.📍 大坑銅鑼灣道98號1樓☎️ +(852)2818-8807.‼️❤️ 記得CLICK我PROFILE關注我呀 ❤️‼️.💯 最真實的美食點評 ❤️ 歡迎報料 ❤️.꧁𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌꧂. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-04
今日同朋友黎到一間係港島充滿格調、感覺高貴既西餐廳,但重點要highlight 既係價錢算親民相宜🫣🫣淨係食環境,同朋友、三五知己係度飲野、吹水、約會、happy hour,都好抵好有feel~~ 而且佢既食物質素亦有餐廳裝潢既水準,可以話係酒店餐廳/扒房既質素,正常港島西餐廳既價錢😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️今次同朋友叫左個小食(炸番薯條)、頭盤(生蠔)、2個main course(燒豬仔骨+M6肉眼牛扒)、再開埋酒飲🙊🙊都係人均$500左右,以咁既環境+食物質素真係值得大推薦!!-Potato chips (炸番薯條)炸到金黃色脆卜卜嘅番薯薯條~~再配埋自家製嘅忌廉醬,香口爽脆得黎,有忌廉醬平衡返惹味又唔會太漏-Oyster (生蠔)$10隻既新鮮生蠔,肥美大隻,鮮味十足,唔敢話係最高級嘅檔次,但以咁嘅價錢絕對係超級抵食!!!-M6 Ribeye (M6 肉眼牛扒)超級推介嘅main,好明顯係選用質素幾高嘅肉眼牛扒。今次叫咗medium rare,熟透程度啱啱好,咬落去超級Juicy,肉味濃厚,而且質感十足!!上碟已經切開成一塊塊,炭燒完之後表面燒出好靚坑紋,中間肉質呈粉紅色,油脂分佈非常均勻,絕對拍得住酒店級水準,加埋份量絕對足夠(300g),但價錢都只係$398,-BBQ Ribs (燒豬仔骨)另一個抵食之選:燒豬仔骨,菜式用左baby spare 既ribs去燒,成個ribs燒得超級入味,而而成功燒到骨肉好易分離,但又5會太冧無咬口。令成個口感同質感非常吸引,輕鬆食!同一時間用左自己調製嘅燒烤醬,甜甜地得黎又帶有燒烤味,再加埋調製手法令舊Ribs入晒味。另外菜式無論口感定味道都係上乘之選~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)