
The Astor
Restaurant: The Astor

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

Exit B1, Jordan MTR Station, Exit C, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
68060664 (WhatsApp)
The restaurant has seven cuisine areas, offering a variety of international dishes. All kinds of iced seafood are sourced from worldwide. The seafood is fresh and diverse. They also have instant seafood and instant meat cutting. The buffet is open for lunch and dinner. continue reading
Opening Hours
06:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday
06:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
06:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Sustainable Seafood
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Hong Kong’s Best-Value Buffet
All-day dining venue The Astor combines the nostalgia of Hong Kong’s cha chaan teng culture with the novelty and convenience of an Asian hawker center. Offering a vast selection of vegetable-first options, seven live cooking stations prepare a delicious celebration of international cuisine, from lobster to oysters, sashimi, curries to Western grilled meats, modern vegetarian to Chinese classics and more, all served with a smile in a nostalgic retro setting.

The Astor at Eaton HK Presents "Seafood Romance" Buffet All-You-Can-Eat Oysters and Lobsters
The Astor at Eaton HK invites gourmands to immerse in an oceanic feast, available from 29 July. The latest buffet promises an indulgent journey through the finest and freshest offerings of the sea, crafted to delight seafood enthusiasts. Debuting on 29 July, The Astor’s Seafood Romance Buffet presents a lavish lineup of premium seafood. Tuck into an array of all-you-can-eat delicacies, including plump Oysters, juicy Shrimp, and succulent Crab at the seafood counter, delivering the quintessential flavors of the ocean across a vast variety of options. Guests can also indulge in a selection of hot dishes including the irresistible dinner-exclusive luxurious Crab and Salmon Wellington. Dive into the Curried Lobster Strudel for a touch of exotic flair, a bold fusion of delicate lobster meat with aromatic spices. The briny feast continues to the hot counter, where the perfectly creamy Lobster and Seafood Orzo awaits. Equally enticing is the Crab and Corn Pasta Shells with a delightful burst of richness and sweetness, while the Steamed Scallop with Garlic and Glass Noodle offers a taste of Asia. Get ready for a spicy kick with the Sichuan Mala Chicken Pot with Abalone and Hong Kong Typhoon Shelter Crayfish, a local favorite packed with crunch. The Asian counter transports taste buds to the Southeast tropics with Thai Big Head Shrimps Curry and the iconic Singapore Chili Crab. Be sure not to miss the Japanese-style Miso Crab Shell and Sake Clams, both infused with deep umami. Conclude your seafood feast with exquisite dessert offerings. Guests can cater their sweet tooth at the fancy Candy Counter or relish the serene beauty of the Japanese Kanten, an elegant and refreshing treat that perfectly rounds off the seafood feast. The Astor New Online Shop To celebrate The Astor's new online shop going LIVE! Guests can enjoy a limited-time exclusive discount up to 15% off for lunch, dinner and afternoon tea buffets. Head to The Astor eshop now and secure your spot today! Shop Now: https://theastoreshop.com/ The Astor “Seafood Romance” Buffet Date: From 29 July, 2024 Lunch (12pm-2:30pm) Mon-Fri: HK$388 (Adult) | HK$268 (Child and Senior) Sat, Sun and Public Holiday: HK$468 (Adult) | HK$368 (Child and Senior) Dinner (6:30pm-9:30pm) Mon-Thu: HK$658 (Adult) | HK$478 (Child and Senior) Fri-Sun and Public Holiday: HK$728 (Adult) | HK$528 (Child and Senior) *Subject to 10% service charge *Price will vary during holidays; please call us for pricing enquiries *Food items will be adjusted based on seasonal availability More
About Reward Scheme
Review (588)
Level1 2024-08-15
中午自助餐、多野食選擇、熱食全部好硬好乾, 食到13:45糖水冇哂吾refill, 意大利粉又吾refill ,令人冇引、比起我上個月食的帝苑又係中午buffet、雖然人地少d野食, d野食好食好多, 又不停refill, 又平三分一、應該吾會再來呢間普慶! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
小鳥胃偶爾還是會想吃自助餐不想吃太豐富的自助晚餐這時候就會想起普慶餐廳的下午茶 ʙᴜғғᴇᴛ每隔一段時間就有新主題的普慶餐廳最近推出「歐洋瘋」週末下午茶自助餐以華麗的歐陸下午茶美點作主題帶來一系列意大利 法國 西班牙等鹹甜美食鹹點選擇廣泛 包括慢烤肩胛肉 濃郁法式海鮮酥皮盒惹味的焗芝士菠菜青口 還有薄餅等滋味美食當然長青款日式壽司天婦羅和中式點心也任勻選擇現凡惠顧下午茶自助餐 每位享芝士焗龍蝦半隻邪惡又滋味的體驗更上一層樓螞蟻人最愛的特色甜點琳瑯滿目有 ɪɢ-ᴀʙʟᴇ 的馬卡龍塔 法式檸檬撻 即製ᴄʀᴏғғʟᴇ濃郁香甜的朱古力海鹽焦糖撻 迷你可麗露等還有十數款 ᴍöᴠᴇɴᴘɪᴄᴋ 雪糕任吃 大小朋友也很愛飲品除了自助飲料吧 還有兩款夏日特飲清新一下酸爽青蘋果青檸冰沙跟甜酸熱情果芒果紅茶為完滿的自助餐解膩下午茶時段對小鳥胃的人兒其實蠻友好的選擇豐富 吃飽可直接跳過晚餐 性價比蠻高 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於香港佐敦的逸東酒店「普慶餐廳」,為我們帶來了一場自助午餐饗宴。踏入餐廳裝潢富有香港特色,散發著別具一格的氛圍。從霓虹燈到水牌,諸多細節都凸顯出濃濃的本地風味。 🇭🇰食品種類繁多,應有盡有,食材超級高質。從沙律、冷盤到主菜;從西式、中式到日式料理,再到甜品和飲品。各區域井然有序,讓人有種逛街尋寶的樂趣。 🍔🍣🍧其中一大亮點是新鮮任食生蠔及時令海鮮,品質新鮮,優良出色。鮮蝦口感超爽脆彈牙。 🦞另外要特別提及的包括日式串燒雞柳,醬汁入味,雞肉鮮嫩多汁。 🍗甜品方面,則是提拉米蘇,咖啡香濃而不膩。還有班戟香脆可口,我們自由調配醬汁及配料,配搭出適合口味,最後加上一球雪糕,非常圓滿。 🍰🍨飲品方面的選擇也很豐富,包括果汁、熱飲、本地出名的凍檸茶,如喜歡喝酒可以加購清酒或啤酒等… 🍹值得一提的,餐廳的菜品涵蓋了多元化的菜系,包括素食選擇。區域劃分清楚,我們亦可以方便地找到自己所需的菜品。 🌱總括而言,這場自助午餐絕對稱得上是物有所值,我們四人同行還可以享有八五折優惠,即每人$440💰這次自助餐沒有趕急及夾硬以食量爭取回本,食材質素出色已經可以取勝!這次真的要大大力推介這裡,絕對是不容錯過的好去處! 💯🔝環境:🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅味道:🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅性價比:🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅📢佐敦彌敦道380號香港逸東酒店B1樓#佐敦逸東酒店 #自助午餐 #物有所值 #新鮮海鮮 #日式雞串燒 #甜品推介 #飲品選擇 #自助餐#JordanHotel #BuffetLunch #GreatValue #FreshSeafood #JapaneseChickenSkewers #DessertSpotlight #BeverageVariety #buffet continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
昨午,我與剛移民回港的好友在佐敦的普慶餐廳享用了一次難忘的自助餐。這次我在網上訂購,沒有任何優惠,也不是試食活動。用餐經驗實在令人回味無窮,從環境、服務到食物質素,都是滿意的。首先,普慶餐廳的環境相當舒適。餐廳內部設計簡約而不失雅致,光線明亮且柔和,座位間距適中,給人一種寬敞而不擁擠的感覺。其次,職員的服務態度令人讚賞。從我們進門的那一刻起,服務員就面帶微笑,親切地迎接我們,並迅速安排座位。用餐過程中,他們不僅迅速補充食物,還不時主動詢問我們的需求,讓我們感受到賓至如歸的待遇。說到食物,普慶餐廳的自助餐真是讓人驚艷。餐廳提供了多種多樣的菜品,包括新鮮的海鮮、生魚片、燒烤、各式熱菜和精緻的甜點。無論是中式還是西式,素食還是肉食,每一種食物都精心製作,色香味俱全。尤其是海鮮區的鮮蝦和生蠔,口感鮮美,讓人一試難忘。更值得一提的是,普慶餐廳的價錢相當合理。以這樣豐富的菜品和優質的服務來說,性價比非常高。這次用餐經驗讓我們覺得物超所值。總的來說,普慶餐廳不僅提供了美味的食物和舒適的用餐環境,還讓我們感受到無微不至的服務。我會毫不猶豫地將這家餐廳推薦給親戚朋友,讓他們也來體驗這份美好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今次第一次去普慶餐廳食自助午餐,之前巳經好想去食,終於有機會買到買一送一的優惠,真是超值,非常扺食。11:50am 去到餐廳巳可入座,已見很多人巳入座,服務好好,11:56am 巳叫可取食物,這個埸超大,分了很多食物區,第一次見自助餐這麼多種類食物,就連醬汁都超多,去了取熱食,有燒排骨,好好食,有蟹脚,有生,海鲜好好味,刺身都有很多選擇,有 Sushi, 有日式前菜,有中湯和西湯,有燒牛肉,豬腩卷等等,真是琳瑯滿目,講都講唔完,就連水吧嘅飲品都超多種類,但只有一個工作人員在沖飲料,所以要排隊。這次真是開眼介,未見過噤多種類的食物和飲料,而且品質都做得好好,下次一定要再去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)