Restaurant: | Spiga |
Offer: |
Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant ! Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply. |
Terms & Details:
1-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station
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Restaurant offer Italian cuisine with good environment. It suit for couple and friends. They also have semi-buffet in lunchtime.
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme

Restaurant: | Spiga |
Offer: | Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply. |
Terms & Details:
地點:中環用餐類型:朋友聚餐午市環境:- 格調時尚- 裝潢企理- 氣氛適合朋友聚會食物質素:✓ 優點:- 自助沙律吧選擇多樣- 主菜質素好- 味道出色✗ 缺點:- 上菜速度極慢- 需要預留2小時用膳時間- 餐廳服務流程欠佳沙律吧:- 新鮮食材- 種類豐富- 可以自由配搭主菜:- 出品水準高- 賣相精緻- 味道出眾服務:- 最大問題係上菜速度- 需要較長等候時間- 建議預留充足時間建議:- 午餐最好預留2小時以上- 唔趕時間先好去- 最適合悠閒聚會總結:食物質素值得讚賞,自助沙律吧係一大賣點。但服務速度慢係一個明顯缺點,唔適合趕時間嘅客人。如果有充足時間,想搵個地方同朋友慢慢傾計食飯,都係一個唔錯嘅選擇。
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餐廳以奢華典雅西式風格為主 無論裝修定環境都非常舒服 適合朋友輕鬆聚會👩❤️💋👩由11:30食至15:00 。4個 course $558/pp .分別有 the sea ,the land, the farm 嘅主題選擇 包咖啡或茶 勁豐富。特別係海鮮拼盤 勁吸引 必叫❤️🍽️ The begin 🍽️The sea | The farm | The land The sea :各種類海鮮 🦪超大盤 一人食一大盤海鮮做頭盤 超滿足😋當中有 帶子刺身 生蠔 青口 蜆 大大隻海蝦 吞拿魚他他等 新鮮又豐富 必叫❣️The farm :各種 🧀芝士 ham 等 cold cut 有8多款 同樣吸引又足料。 The land :係 🥨cauliflower carpaccio ,鷹嘴豆泥 ,乾蕃茄松露吐司橄欖、杏仁 芝士等 🍽️ Antipasti 🍽️(小食12款 每人選3款)The sea | The farm | The land 因為我地有5人 就決定每款都叫齊試下 。成枱擺滿不同小菜 好豐富😂 每樣都好精緻 各有各特色。 當中最出色分別係 fried whitebait fish 炸魚仔 咸咸地又好脆口、Sautéed Claws 調味蜆肉好大粒又清甜 ,beef tartare 肉質好嫩滑 、roasted veal 牛味突出 調味剛好 👍🏻🍽️ The main act 🍽️The sea | The farm | The land 主菜共9款😃 。 the sea 分別主要係海鮮 、the farm 以肉為主 ,the land 以意大利麵 ,risotto 為主。我地揀左the farm 嘅牛扒🥩。 牛扒熟度剛好 肉質好粉嫩 牛味都算濃郁 幾juicy 。Indulgent finale 最特別係甜品部分, 店員推出dessert trolley 到枱前 上面有多款餐廳自家制嘅甜品 打卡一流 好吸引。 甜品係任食 試完可以再refill 😋當中tiramisu 最好食 好正宗嘅口味 夠creamy又滑身😍再配一杯熱菜 超滿足😊
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環境氣氛真係超好💕勁浪漫🌹啱哂慶生/紀念日嚟慶祝下~意大利菜超正宗ᴛᴀɢʟɪᴀᴛᴇʟʟᴇ必食佢地嘅手工意粉🍝超有驚喜,會有架車仔推出嚟即場係你面前煮,食落超creamy添!加入左大量Pecorino Romano、牛油🧈食落仲有啖啖檸檬香,配埋超濃郁羅馬芝士🧀ᴍᴀʀɢʜᴇʀɪᴛᴀPizza都勁出色♡好耐冇食過麵包外脆內軟超有咬口~~擺耐咗都仲好好食超正嘅FiorDi Latte Mozzarella,可以拉芝~配埋番茄醬同新鮮羅勒🌿要再encore焗黑鱈魚都好出色🐟!先焗後煎,做到外層魚皮超香脆中間魚肉嫩滑,仲好香魚脂~*⌂ sᴘɪɢᴀ中環皇后大道中31號陸海通大廈3樓#中環美食 #中環打卡 #慶生餐廳 #慶生 #打卡餐廳 #意大利菜 #紀念日 #中環好去處 #打卡熱點 #打卡美食
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Spiga, Central Hong Kong ️Had a delightful dining experience at Spiga in Central!--The Ambiance is elegant and sophisticated with a touch of rustic charm. Perfect for a special occasion or a romantic night out.Started with the Pappardelle al ragu di guancia - the homemade pappardelle was perfectly cooked and the 24-hour braised beef cheek ragu was rich and flavorful.For the main course, I opted for the Merlyzzo nero - the baked black cod was flaky and delicious, and the smoked pepper sauce added a lovely depth of flavor. -The baby bok choy and salsa verde were refreshing complements.---We also shared a Marinara Pizza - the classic combination of tomato sauce, anchovies, oregano, garlic, and extra virgin olive oil was simple yet satisfying.-To cleanse the palate, we had a Stinger - a refreshing blend of yuzu honey.Overall, a delicious and satisfying meal at Spiga! Highly recommend checking it out if you're in Central and looking for some authentic Italian cuisine.
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今次朋友有好介紹,帶咗我去食好正嘅餐廳呢度環境超級優雅,食物仲好有驚喜每一道菜都精心設計,食得出好有心思4 course Brunch食完真係大滿足麵包都已經有幾個選擇,可以點埋橄欖油同意大利黑醋食**TO BEGIN**💜THE SEATuna Tartare, Scallop Carpaccio, Oysters No. 2, Raw Scampi, Steamed Prawns, Steamed Australian Mussels全部海鮮都好新鮮,帶子同吞拿魚他他都好鮮甜,鍾意食海鮮嘅朋友一定要揀💜THE FARM24-month Prosciutto di Parma, Salame Corallina, Coppa, Mortadella, Parmigiano Reggiano, Olives, Sundried Tomatoes and Almonds有好多款嘅火腿同埋意式香腸,配埋佢嘅芝士超級夾好好味**ANTIPASTI**💜Sautéed Prawns雖然有啲醬喺上面,但係仍然食到蝦嘅鮮味💜Semolina Fried Whitebait Fish呢個炸白飯魚好新鮮,熱辣辣好好味💜Roasted Veal薄切嘅牛肉加埋特製嘅醬,好有驚喜💜Porchetta Skewers烤豬肉串脆脆哋,不錯不錯💜Beef Tartare將牛肉他他配埋麵包食都好夾💜Scrambled Egg,Truffle黑松露蘑菇炒蛋,唔會太熟,炒得啱啱好**THE MAIN ACT**💜Black Angus Striploin安格斯牛肉煮得好腍好軟熟,仲好香牛味💜Acquerello Risotto Rice超級多芝士蘑菇嘅意大利飯,啱晒芝士控**INDULGENT FINALE**最開心就係有一架甜品車推出嚟嘅時候超級驚喜,有好多款甜品忍唔住全部都要咗一件推介Tiramisu,有香濃咖啡味其他甜品都好出色,又開心果蛋糕、桃味蛋糕,檸檬撻,西瓜mousse等等
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