Odelice! (新城市廣場一期)

Restaurant: Odelice! (新城市廣場一期)
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Exit A3 , Sha Tin MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
It is a Parisian bistro theme restaurant chain. The menu is diverse. It offers home-style French dishes which are inspired by traditional French recipes and Asian elements. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Spot payment
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
法國人主理 環境好有法國街頭嘅Chill 氛圍
法國餐廳一直給予大家的刻板印象就是一個高級餐飲場所﹔但在ÔDELICE,您會感覺置身於巴黎大街小巷上的小酒館,聞到菜肴扑鼻誘人的香氣,聽到賓客源源不絕的歡笑聲。作為一家親民的多元化法餐連鎖,ÔDELICE 巧妙地運用傳統法國食譜,創造出一系列又一系列融入亞洲風味的家庭式法國料理﹔讓每位客人每次的光臨,都是一次煥然一新的愉快體驗!

About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: Odelice! (新城市廣場一期)
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Members can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants and presenting a membership QR code.
  • Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn HKD4 = 1 mile when dining at our partner restaurants, plus HKD4 = 1 dining rewards when you pay with your card for a total of HKD4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (265)
🇭🇰 Sha Tin 沙田|Odelice! Wanting to visit France 🇫🇷 but forced to stay in HK? No worries, 😉 you can now enjoy fantastic French food in HK easily at Odelice! 🥹 Their dinner set is just $528 for 2 people! 😯 I tried it and ordered:🔥 Seared Scallops 🔥 This is definitely the right choice for appetisers! 🤤 The scalloped are seared perfectly and goes very well with the cauliflower purée! 😋🦆 Seared Foie Gras & Confit Duck Leg Spaghetti 🍝 I love how oily and juicy the foie gras is ❤️ and when the spaghetti is soaked with the juice, 😩 they smell and taste even better! 🇦🇷 Argentinian Angus Ribeye 🥩They put a lot of spice on top of the steak and it is cooked to medium rare, 😜 which is not chewy at all. I also love the truffle red wine 🍷 sauce that goes with it! 😊🧀 Speculoos Basque Cheesecake 🍰This Basque cheesecake is one of the best I have ever tried! 😍 It is so heavy in taste and I love every bites of it! 😚 It’s freshly made from the kitchen, so there’s lava in it 😍I also love the interior design that seemingly brings you back to 🇫🇷~ Come and check them out! Thank you for the great hospitality and yummy food ✨📍 Shop 628, 6/F, New Town Plaza Phase I, 18-19 Sha Tin Centre Street, Sha Tin💲Price per person: $264 + 10% service charge continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
💁🏻‍♀💁🏻💁🏻‍♂️️💁🏿‍♀️💁🏿💁🏿‍♂️🏷 Odelice! @沙田@o.delice💁🏻BISTRÔT SET FOR 2 $528晚市雙人套餐 (Soup + Starter + Main + Dessert 餐湯+頭盤+主菜+甜品)💁🏻餐湯溫潤順口,湯頭清爽怡人,食材精選,開胃開始,為整個晚餐打下良好基礎。搭配小法包,酥脆外皮內裡綿軟,令人食指大動💁🏻法式點心拼盤這道點心拼盤有成足足6款食物。而且每款都有其獨特之處,從香脆的法包手指餅配醬料(有點像吞拿魚檸檬夾心餅,爆多醬料)到香濃的迷你蛋批(鬆餅加蛋的組合很驚喜)到層次豐富的西班牙火腿(浸浸鹹香味由0開始慢慢到100),再到外酥內軟的炸黑松露磨菇球(由少少辣味到他他味再到黑松露味到cream味),如果覺得太油膩的話可以食兩片酸瓜中和油膩感,每一項都讓人回味無窮,令人對還未上的主菜更有期待感。💁🏻吞拿魚他他、厚三文魚藏盛、阿根延安格斯肉眼牛排三道主菜均為高品質食材,烹調手法出眾。吞拿魚他他清新爽口,大大粒青口,無骨的厚身三文魚肥美之餘還煙靭多汁(又結實又大件,配羅宋湯汁),牛排入口即化,還有連皮馬鈴薯粒,搭配特製醬汁,層次豐富😻😻💁🏻焦糖餅乾口味芝士蛋糕這道甜點糅合了焦糖餅乾的香脆和綿密濃郁的芝士蛋糕,口感層次豐富,甜而不膩,超級完美💁🏻白葡萄酒酸度適中,清新爽口,與整個晚餐搭配得恰到好處,為整頓餐飲劃下完美句號。💁🏻Herbal tea是否推薦↩️?✅無論是環境、菜式本身還是搭配,都體現了高超的廚藝和精緻的用餐體驗、拍拖一流 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Odelice! 係一間法國餐廳係香港有五間分店好耐之前食過將軍澳分店食物同服務都唔錯所以今次係沙田行完街就再食呢間佢地嘅晚市雙人套餐有齊餐湯、頭盤、主菜、甜品今日餐湯 ⭐️南瓜湯 都幾特別微微帶點煙肉味同好輕好輕嘅辣味配埋麵包條都幾好味頭盤⭐️法國田螺配辣肉腸蕃茄醬汁小巧精緻肉質口實辣肉腸蕃茄醬汁配麵包作為 starter 都幾開胃主菜⭐️紅酒燉牛面頰 配薯蓉牛面頰嫩滑入口即溶紅酒加上牛肝菌嘅醬汁味道配搭得宜連配菜紅蘿蔔都十分入味⭐️法國油封鴨腿 配黑松露薯蓉、橙香砵酒醬汁鴨腿不太大份量剛剛好雖然係半煎炸但肉質依然粉嫩薯蓉入口順滑黑松露味道都好香濃甜品⭐️ 焦糖餅乾口味芝士蛋糕切開先知道原來呢個芝士蛋糕係流心嘅碟上啡色嘅擺盤裝飾係椰子碎鍊奶整體滑溜飽滿惠顧二人套餐可以八折加購餐酒🍷Red Wine 紅葡萄酒:Malet de Roguefort Bordeaux, France.🥂Dessert Wine 甜白葡萄酒:Monbazillac Bordeaux, France甜白葡萄酒非常可口美味 👍🏻👍🏻🍽️ Odelice📍沙田沙田正街18-19號新城市廣場一期6樓628號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-16
新城市廣場一向多美食餐廳,今日我哋去咗六樓Odelice,由開胃的芝士薯仔湯一直到甜蜜的火焰橙酒可麗餅,一個充滿驚喜的味覺之旅,讓我垂涎三尺!💫前菜我們來一碗濃郁濃郁的芝士薯仔湯,入口即化的薯仔搭配融化的芝士,絕對是春日暖心的最佳選擇!🍲接著,我們來一份牛油果凱撒沙律,新鮮的牛油果與爽脆的生菜,搭配著濃郁的凱撒醬,清新健康又美味!🥑 主菜是我們這次的重頭戲——阿根廷安格斯肉眼牛排!肉質鮮嫩多汁,每一口都是幸福的滋味!🥩跟著來一道法國油封鴨腿,外脆內嫩的鴨腿肉,油香四溢,讓人回味無窮!🦆不得不提的是法國Charolais生牛肉他他,新鮮的牛肉搭配特製醬汁,口感豐富,絕對是肉控們的最愛!🥩最後,來一份火焰橙酒可麗餅,甜蜜的橙味加上微微的酒香,完美結束這一頓豐盛的大餐!🥞 一餐豐盛大餐怎少得了美味的飲品呢?一杯鮮奶咖啡和泡沫咖啡,清新香濃,讓人陶醉其中,回味無窮!☕️ 從頭到尾,這一頓美食讓我舌尖上的味蕾得到極致的享受!🍽️✨Odelice地址 沙田沙田正街18-19號新城市廣場一期6樓628號舖Shop 628, 6/F, New Town Plaza Phase I, 18-19 Sha Tin Centre Street, Sha Tin營業時間星期一至五11:30 - 22:00星期六至日11:00 - 22:00#odelice #法國菜 #法國餐廳 #西餐 #將軍澳美食 #荃灣西 #海之戀 #灣仔好去處 #灣仔美食 #尖沙嘴好去處 #沙田美食 #香港美食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-14
星期日,風和日麗,和先生入沙田新城市廣場行下。這兒有個露天的恐龍樂園,兩老入去視察下,看看會唔會啱兩歲的孫仔玩。結論是有部份設施是可以的,不過實在太多人和太曬了,中暑指數過半。還是快快返回室內。最後我們來到6樓一間法式餐廳,食了個brunch。Brunch Set有頭盤、主菜和飲品,價錢由$88起。餐廳以英式裝修,有長梳化,2-4人枱和圓枱。我和先生各點了一個set,追加了一個前菜和甜品,度過悠閑的午後。前菜🏅巴斯克甜椒煮蜆(+$85)巴斯克位於法國與西班牙的交界處,靠山近海,盛產紅綠甜椒,煮出來的醬汁鮮甜微酸,加上蜆肉鮮甜,是很開胃的前菜。頭盤有4個選擇。🏅是日餐湯~忌廉蘑菇湯🏅炸黑松露蘑菇球~外脆內軟,球入面的忌廉蘑菇醬非常香滑。主菜有18個選擇。🏅盲鰽魚海鮮鍋($155)盲鰽魚肉質鮮味,魚味甚佳,我最愛那煎過的魚皮,魚油豐富。盲鰽魚下是藍青口、蜆和燒薯粒,全部吸收了海鮮濃湯汁,很美味。🏅法國油封鴨腿($175)鴨腿經煎封後皮脆肉嫩。伴以黑松露薯蓉和橙味砵酒醬汁,超級好食。甜品🏅榛子朱古力醬煎香蕉可麗餅(+$48)可麗餅煎得金黃軟熟,塗上厚厚的榛子醬,加上香蕉片,怎可以忍口?飲品跟餐有咖啡茶和汽水,其餘要加錢。🏅檸檬汁(+$15)🏅泡沫咖啡(+$15) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)