Exit G, Central MTR Station/ Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
L' Atelier de Joel Robuchon is a French restaurant that serves delectable foods amidst stunning decor. A few of their signature dishes include Wagyu beef sirloin, free-range quail with foie gras, and caramelized cream custard with pistachio and cacao. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 2 Starred Restaurant (2009-11), Michelin 3 Starred Restaurant (2012-24), Asia's 50 Best Restaurants (2017)
Additional Information
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:00
*Lunch last order: 14:30; Dinner Set Menu last order: 21:00, A La Carte last order: 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (334)
From the moment you step into Robuchon, you're enveloped in an atmosphere of comfort and sophistication. The impeccable service and fresh, artfully presented dishes make it clear why this place has earned its well-deserved three Michelin stars.Dining at Robuchon with friends has always been a delightful experience. We particularly love celebrating special occasions here, and every visit leaves us with cherished memories. This time, we gathered for a birthday lunch, and once again, the experience was nothing short of spectacular.We started with warm, delectable bread and exquisite starters that set the tone for the meal. The highlight for me was the lobster pasta – an absolute flavor explosion. The cheese selection, desserts, and finishing coffee were all phenomenal, each dish crafted to perfection.A special shoutout to Mr. Paul Lam, whose hospitality makes every visit memorable. His professionalism, friendly demeanor, and culinary knowledge enhance the dining experience. What truly warms my heart is his thoughtful attention to my preferences, ensuring each dish is tailored to my liking.For French fine dining in Hong Kong, Robuchon is my top choice. Can't wait for our next celebration here! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-09
Finally, I had the opportunity to dine at the prestigious 3-star restaurant in Hong Kong. The lunch experience was truly delightful, with a perfect balance of flavors in every dish. Regrettably, the signature dish, Caviar Imperial de Sologne, was not available during lunch set menu. The Lobster Spaghetti stole the show with its impeccably cooked pasta, al dente and complemented by a harmonious sauce. The combination of pigeon and foie gras was a culinary delight.We opted for the Spatlese by Egon Muller and the Monprivato wines, both reasonably priced and close to market value. Egon Muller's wine was exceptional, offering a well-balanced and refreshing taste.There were a few disappointments, such as a mix-up in ordering mains and a missing dessert for one of my friends, which was not expected from a renowned 3-star establishment. Additionally, there was confusion between latte and flat white at the end. Nevertheless, the overall taste of the dishes was superb. The lunch provided excellent value for money. Cheers to a memorable dining experience! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-23
來 Robuchon 次數已經 lost count,2022 年 4 月之前,小妹覺得 Robuchon 不過爾爾,斗膽一句「不大三星」,對那黑與紅的色調,更不敢恭維 。2022 年 4 月 一次午餐,覺得味道不但令人動容,而且有一種前所未有的「火花」,從那時開始 Robuchon 食物才是真正三星的味道,一問之下,原來澳門《天巢》的 Chef Julien Tongourian 回來香港坐鎮(有興趣請參考小妹 2022 年 4 月 17 日食評《真正的三星》)。這午餐本來不打算寫食評的,思前想後,還是把它記錄下來,有三個原因。第一,香港 L’Atelier 的 set menu,很多菜式都不變的,所以這個午餐雖然在 2023 年10 月,評說依然適用。二,關於 Robuchon(集團),除了星星,還有其他令人開心的新聞,容後再說。三,而且今天午餐依然美味,卻少了點之前幾次的「火花」,都是不寫不快。先簡單看看是日午餐 —— $ 1,080 (加 10% service),包括兩個 appetisers,主菜和甜品,小妹沒有選擇要額外加錢的菜式。【 Champagne 】L’Atelier 的酒牌很 extensive(三星餐廳不能沒有一個像樣的酒牌吧?),今天只選擇了 Pierre Gimonnet 的 Special Club 2015,全 Chardonnay 的酒,清新中也帶點貴氣,是又點 dry 的,但是整體沒有 dry 過了頭。****泡泡也相當細緻.......****【 Bread Basket 】來 Robuchon 首先期待的當然是他們的麵包籃,每一款都美味,吃不完的話務必請帶走,不要浪費上佳的麵包。****【 Amuse-bouche | Pumpkin Sorbet | Nameko | Samphire 】這個 amuse-bouche 跟 2022 年 11月一餐,基本上一樣,除了 pumpkin sorbet 和滑菇,今天這餐前開胃小吃加了 samphire,重了海洋之味(參考 2022 年 11月18 日食評《既評美食,也談風月》)。****【 La Betterave | Beetroot and Apple duo with Avocado served with Green Mustard Sorbet  】Robuchon set menu 有很多基本菜式取自 a la carte menu ,很少會變,例如 caviar in lobster jelly 和 lobster spaghetti 都是 Robuchon 經典的常設菜式。 La Betterave 也是「套餐」裡面不變的,很清新素菜。有人要求真素菜要有葷菜之味,這縱然非強人所難,卻不必要。小妹從來不需吃素如葷,反而讓原材料的鮮美盡情發揮並且各式蔬菜味道渾然天成才是必要。這個 beetroot and apple 正合這樣的和諧之味,L’Atelier 把味道的抑揚頓挫和溫度清凉冷冽均掌握得完美。****【 Le Crabe | Crabmeat in Ginger Vegetable Jelly with Potato and Leek Cream 】忌廉口感稀稠恰好,經典的 potato and leek 之味,croutons 給予菜式 crispiness 的對照。而碟底藏珍,味道晶瑩的蟹肉和芬芳的 jelly 就埋於金黃之下。不過在吃之前,請細意看看這道 appetiser 的 gestalt,讀食評當然唯有看照片啦。金湯般顏色,點點橙紅碧綠,幾根青草,儼如稻田夕照,眼前一片風景,不能不讚廚師的心思啊。****【 Le Canard | Roasted Duck Breast with Aromatic Spices and Turnips with Foie Gras 】反倒這烤鴨主菜,雖美味如昔,由於今日其他菜式各有個性,Le Canard 給比了下去啦。Le Canard 味道 profile 層次分明,foie gras 濃郁,法國 Challan duck 鴨味則稍輕,夾著 foie gras 對蘿蔔配菜清新帶著淡淡清甜,跟 foie gras 十分匹配,味道展現亦很細緻,整個菜式其實沒有負評,只是欠了之前吃過鴨菜式的火花而已。****【 Paris Mash 】配搭主菜怎可以少了 legendary Paris mash 呢?這個不知應該稱呼它為「牛油薯蓉」還是「薯蓉牛油」的伴菜,似乎襯任何主菜皆宜喔。****【 La Pomme | Apple Tatin with Sour Cream Ice Cream 】小妹對酸味 sensitive,對 sour cream 雪糕襯甜度頗高的蘋果 tatin,甚為欣喜。不但味道,法國甜品對於口感的對比似乎甚為重視,軟中帶著 jelly 般些微爽彈的蘋果 tatin 配合青蘋果片的香脆,襯一點雪糕的幼滑,兼顧每一種食感,如何味美無用多說了。不過小妹對甜品要求特別高,所以只給 4 星。****【 Petit Fours | Coffee 】Petit fours 一貫美味,跟之前吃過的連那點 subtle 的分別也沒有,可能甜點有獨立師傅,他/她做甜品做得很好。而咖啡則較為苦澀啦。不知是因為外面獨立 boutique 咖啡店沖調咖啡太好,還是餐廳咖啡(不單這裡,所有餐廳皆是)太平庸呢?你可以加點 L'Atelier「秘製」的 Cognac caramel sauce,不過那不是王道呢。******【 注意 】現在餐廳喜歡以人頭計算礦泉水的,比如說 L’Atelier 就是每位 $ 88 ,小妹和朋友最多喝一瓶大裝的 Evian,但是卻要 charge $ 176 加 10% service,似乎有點進取啦。這個食評沒有「總結」,只略談二事。【 點金成鑽之術 】 今天午餐不但沒有問題,美味和諧,擺盤精緻,不能說不是 Chef Julien 的 L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon 之作,那沒有懸念,只是跟前幾次不同之處相當微妙。和 Chef Anne Sophie 談談天說說地( 每次來都會跟她閒談一下 ),原來今天 Julien 回到《天巢》,小妹心想,難道一家餐廳的大廚真的擁有點金成鑽之術不成,Julien 不在,味道就有不同?當然知道 chef 對餐廳之重要,唯有時見某些名廚在 dining room  行行走走,完全沒有在廚房中,彷彿看著他食物自動美味般 🙄(一笑),感到奇怪。其實不用奇怪,如果知道那樣的餐廳,只賣名聲,食物水準一般,合情合理,相反,每一次見到 Chef Julien ,都是站在廚房中央監督著(來過 L’Atelier 都知道,餐廳開放式廚房是給 counter 座位包圍著的,廚房內「營業風景」一目了然)。今日一餐,感受到大廚對餐廳獨特性的重要,也領略「點金成鑽之術」還是要在廚房中發揮的。期待再會 Chef Julien。【 後話 】 香港 L’Atelier 設計和顏色和其他分店一樣,不是小妹杯茶。之前食評有提及過,到外地小妹是不去 Robuchon 的,但是凡事總有例外,東京恵比寿的 Joël Robuchon Restaurant,和 L’Atelier 那種塑膠一般,紅黑 kitschy 的現代感完全不同,Joël Robuchon Restaurant  世故華貴,小妹近乎迷戀。 東京 Robuchon 完美無瑕,不在話下 (其實東京最高級的法國料理基本上都完美)。最近令人開心並且振奮的是東京 Robuchon 主廚関谷健一朗先生獲得法國 MOF 的名銜。MOF 啊 —— Meilleur ouvrier de France —— 国家最優秀職人章,関谷先生是第一位非法國人獲得這個榮銜啊,小妹衷心恭賀,當然下一次到東京必定要到 Robuchon 了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
突然心血來潮好想試下米芝蓮星級餐廳,趁拍拖周年紀念,一嚟就試一間3星級嘅!結局擺前面:一試愛上😍!最深刻嘅感想係食材同配菜/調味都各有個性,但擺埋一齊冇互相搶戲之餘,仲有相得益彰嘅效果。 L’Atelier呢邊係比較休閒輕鬆嘅吧枱setting,佈置用紅黑色做主調,比較摩登啲。坐呢邊可以揀細portion嘅菜式,揀咗幾款自己睇中嘅,再由侍應推介幾款。 📝前菜 - Le Carviar Imperial de Sologne 經典魚子醬配龍蝦果凍及椰菜花忌廉矜貴之選,見識少,冇乜食過魚子醬,唔係好識品評,但覺得佢係鹹香得嚟唔會腥。個龍蝦湯啫喱個樣好清,但食落龍蝦湯味好突出,成個配搭好似食咗啖海洋入口咁 📝前菜 - La Langoustine 脆炸鮮龍蝦配羅勒汁用filo pastry包住炸小龍蝦,另外再配basil汁。炸粉好薄而脆,小龍蝦肉好結實彈牙 📝海鮮 - La Saint-Jacques 香煎原隻帶子伴魚子醬及金柑汁帶子好大隻厚肉,煎得好嫩,醬汁輕微甜甜酸酸,幾清新嘅口味 🌟🌟🌟📝海鮮-Le Black Cod味噌烤鱈魚柳配黑蒜醬及野生蘑菇呢道菜係全晚最驚豔好味!鱈魚肉好細嫩滑溜,魚油好澎湃香濃,但完全唔會覺得膩,用味噌嚟煮令到佢有啲日式風味,但唔會蓋過魚香,純粹加少少鹹鮮,好味到嫌唔夠喉 🌟🌟🌟📝主菜-La Caille 焦糖燒鵪鶉釀鴨肝伴栗子及香草呢道菜都係今晚最喜歡之一,鵪鶉皮嘅部分皮脆肉嫩,胸配鴨肝嘅部分就肉香味同口感都有兩種層次,相輔相乘 📝主菜-L’agneau 鐵板燒法國嫩羊架配新鮮百里香及蔬菜蓉及茄子脆片bb羊主要係食嫩滑嘅肉,羊肉味比較淡,一啲都唔羶 主菜配咗招牌嘅薯蓉,牛油味超濃口感好綿滑 📝甜品-Le Soufflé Chaud 朱古力香蕉梳乎厘配蘭姆酒熱帶水果雪葩梳乎厘部分真係出色,估唔到口感咁輕盈但朱古力味仍然好濃郁,入面仲有脆粒。唯獨是個冧酒雪葩比較差,好藥水 📝甜品-Le Melon 日本蜜瓜配香脆乳酪,白乳酪雪葩及熱情果甘筍醬清新嘅結束,甘筍比較有驚喜,冇草青味又好甜 覺得自己有啲詞窮,唔係好具體咁寫得出食物嘅味道。今次嘅餐飲體驗有大開眼界嘅感覺🤩雖然貴,但絕對換到相應嘅美食同滿足感,好圓滿嘅慶祝!🥳 *****多quota評價:🤤爆quota都食(🤮<☹️<😐<😋<🤤)P.S.第30篇食評,襯米芝蓮3星餐廳! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-29
今日黎到米芝蓮三星餐廳食飯 黎既時候已經好肚餓 所以叫左個9 courses menu🥖 麵包一定要帶走返屋企 (雖然無新鮮出爐咁好食)因為upload圖片有數量限制 我就無擺上黎啦魚子醬龍蝦啫喱 每一啖擺入口都好有鮮味不過我就覺得有啲太鹹太重口同埋呢個菜單嗌係靚好多 港女的我食既時候都小小失望😂truffle ravioli with 🍤 - 好食呢個poached egg係當日最好食既菜 好有層次煎帶子 好食呢道龍蝦配白菜仔小小遜色🥬黑鱸魚好滑 不過其實去到呢個位我已經食到好飽 有少少夾硬食😂鵝肝+牛排其實呢就咁聽呢個組合呢就應該好好食嘅不過我真係飽到食咗一啖之後就冇食過好可惜啊真係🥹點少得遠近馳名嘅薯蓉😍😍😍 我寧願唔食塊扒都要留肚食半個薯蓉好滑好香奶味😍😍 今日mvp🥔🥔整體嚟講呢服務係非常之細心雖然環境係坐吧枱冇咁舒服但係整體嚟講都係好好嘅體驗如果唔係好大食嘅話,就唔好叫咁多個course可以試下食lunch開始先🍫 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)