2-min walk from Exit B2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Fri
12:00 - 00:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
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10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (5)
Level4 2014-10-05
Recently I took a weeklong trip to Shanxi for business and pleasure, and although I got to have some good Shanxi food, mostly I had terrible hotel buffets (breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 3 days in a row at the conference!) and terrible greasy noodles at train stations and tourist traps. Arriving home, predictably delayed, what I really wanted was a burger.The burger options near me (Sheung Wan area) aren't great. Bowl Burger closed and I don't even think it was open for dinner. Same for GBU. Canteen does an OK one, but you have to go to Canteen, and that was not the ambience I was looking for. I learned just recently that The Lot on Possession does a good burger (review of that to come), but I didn't know then what I know now. La Viola seemed like my only option, and my friend who lives at Island Crest swears by the burger, so I set out to give it a go.I don't have a lot to say. The burger was certainly good. I had to ask for ketchup and mustard, but that's better than them pre-slathering the burger with some condiment I didn't want. There was lettuce and tomato on it, but they're obscured in the picture. The patty was cooked as ordered (medium), but I felt it was on the over-seasoned side. The cheese was melty American stuff, which I am not against by any means. There was an egg that was thankfully easy to remove. Mama told me there are three things you never do: pee into the wind; mess with Superman; and put eggs on hamburgers. True story. Burger score: good, B-The fries were truly awful shoestring fries. And that's not coming from someone who just has a vendetta against shoestring fries-- I like the fries at McDonald's. These were just flavorless potato-like sticks. I'd've preferred potato chips to be honest. Fry score: terrible, F.Salad: I will admit that I skipped the salad, and I ate all my fries, despite not liking them. I think this is some psychologically deep American thing, some sort of compulsive need to consume fried foods/ fried quasi-foods that are placed in front of me. I need treatment.Would I go back to La Viola again? Yes, I've been there like 5 times already for drinks, and it's more or less inevitable. The rest of the menu looks enticing. Would I get the burger? Probably not-- especially now that I know The Lot has a better one. This one's not bad, as I said it's good, but I try not to settle for merely good burgers. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-03-06
知道西區有好多西餐廳,所以係openrice找找,見到這間食評不差,就去試下服務員的態度好好,我們點了mushroom soup, 湯的味淡了少許,但如果連同湯內的mushroom粒,就加添了濃味👍Green apple salad 蘋果幾甜,配埋紅菜頭片,味道好fresh👍只是我們不太喜歡食goat cheese😁煎帶子味道也不錯😋和牛意粉,和牛粒不太肥,有少許唔知什麼焗溶化了的Cheese粒,少許蒜片,味道很好😋😋😋👍👍👍已經有些飽,但點了1份Tiramisu,好soft,不太甜,正👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-12-30
Indeed, La Viola is my new love in Sai Ying Pun. This is truly a place to relax, and eat amazing and stylish food with your friends and your loved ones. According to my research, the Chef actually worked at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group in Hong Kong and Four Seasons London and Milano. This testimonial is certainly a vote of trust!We ordered Beef Osso Bucco, Kobe Beef Carpaccio, Seafood Linguini. They are all well prepared and full of surprises. I have to say the Grilled Lamb Rack with Basil Crust, tahini, Confit Tomato, Char Grilled Baby Corn and Veal Jus is heaven. The texture and flavour are truly irresitable after the first bite. You will never regret ordering this. The skin is crispy and the meat is pinkish in colour which is grilled perfectly. The meat is juicy and tender. You just can’t wait for the second bite! And let's not even mention the homemade Tiramisu... oh mamma mia! The multiple crispy and creamy layers instandly subdue you for the first bite.I think this is a perfect place to the experience what you're looking for, be it a romantic dinner or a casual week end gathering. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-10-17
小時候經常與家人周圍去,當中尤以銅鑼灣及西環為多,皆因父母工作地點離不開此兩處。在朦朧的印象中,西環是一個舊社區,與小時候的紅磡甚為類似,唐樓林立,前舖後居等等,可是時代變遷頻繁,貶眼間,西環也慢慢變得繁華起來,許多新建成的高樓大廈,亦令不少食肆紛紛進駐。是日再次踏足,就遊走到第二街的縉城峰,當中有一間歐陸餐廳進駐,就是La Viola。在寧靜及清幽的環境下,它彷如一顆亮星,帶來了一個環境舒適又寫意的用餐地方。室內以白色為主,配襯深色的傢俱,設計簡約但不失高貴,門口處是酒吧,旁邊是用餐區,加上樓底極高,又採用落地活動玻璃門設計,令室內的空間感大增,變化彈性強,感覺十分舒適。第一道頭盤是Goat Cheese Salad, Beetroot & Green Apple,起初有點擔心羶味會很重,但經過焦糖化後的羊奶芝士易於入口,甜味中和了些微羶味,但又不會完全蓋過,再配搭上青蘋果及紅菜頭等蔬菜,令本已有焦糖合桃粒來增加口感,令層次更上一層樓,豐富又很清新。另一道是Kobe Beef Carpaccio with Rocket, Parmesan and Black Truffle,它的出現令我深深領略到國界無界限。我也是第一次吃和牛的Carpaccio,那份入口即溶的感覺十分美好,淋上黑松露油後,香氣迷人,簡簡單單就做出意想不到的效果。意粉方面選了Spaghetti with Wagyu Beef,又是用最簡單的方法,以蒜片及橄欖油烹調,麵條煙靱有彈性,甚為Al-Dente,和牛粒則軟腍嫩滑,油份甘香,實行簡單就是美的概念。Spaghetti “Sicilian” Style with King Prawns, Sun-dried Shrimp and Tomato Sauce令人一試便愛上,充滿西西里風情,辣茄醬汁濃香惹味,意粉又煮得煙靱有嚼勁,而且辣味又不會與鮮味互相抵觸,咀嚼期間更有股咸鮮慢慢從口中散發出來,原來正是由切成小粒的蝦乾發揮的神奇效果,越吃越滋味,欲罷不能。主菜是Grilled Lamb Rack with Basil Crust,羊架肉質柔嫩,帶點乳羶味,伴隨保雲酥同吃,內裡的香料有助中和羶味,但旁邊的tahini(茄子檸檬麻醬)卻深得我心,酸酸地又帶有炭香,還有陣陣的芝麻香。最後一道主菜是Pan-fried Halibut with Olive Sauce and Mixed Vegetables,盲鰽煎得皮脆肉嫩,配上水欖醬,更添鮮味,輕輕聞著水欖醬的氣味的確有點像蝦醬,令海洋味道更重,但水欖醬始終不是人人喜愛。又到甜品時間了,先來的是Banana Pudding with toffee ice-cream,質感濕潤,肉桂味極之香濃,幸好香蕉味並未被肉桂蓋過,焦糖雪糕很甜美,但若肉桂味可以輕手一點伯更佳。Orange and Almond Cake質感結實,混有不少杏仁片,令口感豐富起來,而且橙味亦夠香濃,每咬一口也充滿橙香。我喜歡寧靜,亦喜歡熱鬧,雖然甚為矛盾,但能在一個寧靜幽雅的社區內,能有熱鬧的一面,又有浪漫的一面的餐廳,則是相當困難,況且設計簡約時尚,寬敞的空間感最能舒緩緊張的心情,有什麼比能舒舒服服享受一頓美味的晚餐更好呢? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Located at Island Crest, in the bustling, new up in coming neighbourhood of Sai Ying Pun...La Viola takes center stage with a sleek contemporary modern, western eatery. Jie and I recently went to a tasting to the newly opened restaurant. The restaurant atmosphere is relaxed, simple and comfortable. I like the open dining area...and there's a rather big open bar area...guess that means I'll have to go back to try the drinks!Goat Cheese Salad, Beetroot & Green Apple | $128. I really liked this dish!! It was such a fun combination of fresh flavours and contrasting textures. I loved the crunchy crispy layer of caramel coating atop the creamy goat’s cheese, the sweetness and tartness of the apples and caramelized pecan bits and fresh beet roots! Refreshing and tasty to say the least!Kobe beef carpaccio with rocket, Parmesan and black truffle was such a pretty presentation! So bright and then...the deliciousness of the aromatic rich black truffle and cheesy parmesan kicked in! I couldn't wait to tear into the tender beef capaccio! And, boy...all combined together- was perfect.BREAD!!! Focaccia and Thin Crisp Bread!! Loved the crispy bread!!Jie ordered the special- The Seared Tuna Steak w/ Mixed Vegetables....Cherry Tomatoes, Baby Corn & Olives w/ anchovy sauce, olive paste and mashed potato. . Jie really liked it. I'm not a fan of tuna...but it was pretty well made! I loved the fresh veggies drenched in a olive oil and olive paste sauce!! It's quite strong...so beware...but for me...I really liked it!I ordered the special: Beef Osso Bucco...a famous Italian casserole (similar to a beef stew) traditionally made with beef shin! The tender beef shin was rich, flavourful and tasty! It was a bit on the saltier side...but when you bite in with the accompanying mashed potatoes- it made it the perfect compliment.Seafood Soup | $108. This was a savoury, rich and scrumptious seafood broth. It was light yet rich and piled up with jumbo shrimps, clams, mussels and cherries! LOVED IT...better than some lobster bisques I've had at some mighty fine dining restaurants.Tiramisu, an Italian classic | $78. I loved the lady fingers dipped in coffee, and rum infused flavoured with cocoa bits!! The cream isn't quite what you were expecting! It's not ice cream...but this sort of rich, creamy goodness that complements the lady fingers perfectly.Jie's pick- Banana Pudding w/ toffee sauce and chocolate ice cream | $88 Jie LOVEEEED it...she loves bread pudding...so this was a big winner for her AND me. I loved the moist banana bread. The chocolate ice cream was decadent and rich and perfectly melded into the pool of hot toffee sauce !!! YUMMMMMMMOverall, I was rather surprised by La Viola. The starters and desserts had some distinct standouts. (Goat cheese salad anyone?) The mains were pretty good- but not too memorable, I think its because I ordered the seasonal dishes, but next time I think I'll have to try their famous dishes like the Linguini and Pan seared foie gras, or their home-made gnocchi w/ black truffle and cheese fondue!!! OH MY!!!!!!! I will be back!!! ;D continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)