1-min walk from Exit B1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay OpenRice Pay UnionpayQR
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (479)
Level4 2024-06-21
arriving there at about 12:30pm and the crowd still not yet appeared so we could get seated directly. Ordered their signature mazesoba for our first time. It took about 15 mins to prepare for our food even though there were not many people there yet. Looked around and found the guide showing the different styles of eating the mazesoba. Worth noting is the konbu vinegar. The bowls of mazesoba were smaller than what we expected. But the presentation was nice. The soba came with colour / sauce even though i hadn’t mixed it. It tasted very good!. Though they suggested adding black pepper to vary the style, i think the black pepper taste it came with is heavy and spicy enough. The two tiny pieces of chasiu are indeed very yummy 😋 really hope they can make them larger! They also recommend mixing some rice with the sauce leftover. It’s no double very tasty as the sauce itself is good. Just a tiny rice ball, so you wont feel it’s too heavy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-05
最特別嘅係佢嘅食法,可以撈唔同嘅醬汁!特別鍾意柚子醋嘅味道,清新又refreshing,為呢碗麵帶來一份特別嘅風味。糖心蛋嘅流心更係令整碗麵多咗一層豐富嘅口感,咬落去時真係好滿足。對於一個撈烏冬嚟講,價錢都有少少貴,但味道真係唔差,所以都值得一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
日式拉麵沾麵大部份人都試過,日式撈麵(Mazesoba まぜそば)响香港真係少之有少。咁啱 search 到,點都要試一試!正宗全料東京撈麵 🍜個麵一來到,賣相好靚仔。本身對撈麵冇概念嘅我,一坐低就見到有指示,建議你點樣去食,指示清楚易明,加分!以下就係建議加嘅調味料,由左至右,一味粉,胡椒粉,醋。匙羹🥄同筷子🥢可以話係先聲奪人,金色的,呢吓加左印象分!因為指示第一個 step 就係篤穿隻蛋,我見隻蛋咁靚真係有d唔捨得😂 撈勻左之後,就係咁既樣。麵條方便,選用左小麥味非常夠嘅太麵,煙韌有咬口,算幾夾。特別一提豬叉燒部份,甘香,肉味濃,厚薄適中,幾好食喎。食吓食吓,發覺用海苔包住 d 麵同料食,都幾爽。食到尾,可以要求加飯,撈埋落去食,感受多份體驗。整體 - 值得推薦 👍👍👍👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-09-27
一直搭車經過門面都好想試自己俾錢真金白銀拎左222蚊食左而餐但物有超值😚💸六點半左右入座 本身已經有三枱客人我哋揀左最入面既bar枱 係面壁但坐得幾舒服Menu選擇很多我地兩人各揀左兩個撈麵原味東京撈麵 同 鹽味撈麵麵未到 店員已經送上介紹食法既牌當然我地都有跟著介紹食法進食原味東京撈麵係兔哥既右手面 有隻生蛋係面好豐富味道係好味而兔哥既左手面係鹽味撈麵叉燒好食 全碗麵味道好夾加多左隻溏心蛋(係兔哥後面)由於太好味 好快食晒向店員要求 迷你白飯撈埋餘下既醬汁晚餐份量嚟講好足夠食食下我另外order 多份竹筍(本人自己好鐘意食竹筍):爽口入味😂超級推介而間麵店 我哋會再嚟試埋其他麵麵店內有洗手間 好乾淨係bar枱後面 真係好乾淨 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-24
💛 柚子鹽味撈麵 :天氣咁熱,梗係要叫冷麵嚟降溫!上枱就聞到陣陣柚子香,忍唔住要開動啦!! 配料超級豐富,有雞肉片、葱花、紫菜仲有爽口嘅竹筍,上面仲擺咗粒生蛋黃。拮穿蛋黃之後將全部配料撈埋一齊食,凍冰冰嘅爽滑麵條仲有柚子嘅生果香,入口清新又開胃 !🤤特別一讚,麵條係店家自家製嘅小麥麵條,好有彈性,仲好掛汁,食落去每一啖都好入味!💛 日本產麥茶:店家用咗日本原產大麥,保留咗麥子原本嘅天然香味。啖啖茶香清新撲鼻,口感又清爽又甘甜😍整體嚟講呢間日本撈麵好高質!大讚服務員好有耐性咁講解應該點食先可以食到唔同口感同味道嘅撈麵!值得推薦!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)