Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 04:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
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Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Korean BBQ & Grill
Review (13)
Level3 2014-05-10
一年之間,有兩個節日特別難想食什麼,其一是情人節,另外一個是聖誕節,一來要預先訂位,二來很多餐廳會推出很多華而不實的套餐,冠一個美名的什麼什麼情人大餐。今年本想和老婆到韓國館,可惜早已被訂滿,泡菜園的前身莊園數次光顧都感覺良好,所以選擇到這裡一試,亦可避開情人節套餐。前菜有八小碟,很快就清碟,沒有拍下相片。沒有烤小魚,而且這個價位的餐廳沒有免費添加前菜是有點兒失望的。前菜小碟們的味道很好,泡菜不太辣易入口。點了燒特級牛肋骨及燒烤拼盤,牛肋骨腌得很入味,我燒的是七成熟,烤得很香,吃一口肉汁滿溢,牛味香濃,令人百吃不厭。燒烤拼盤什麼也有,牛舌雖然很簿,燒一會兒也比較韌,如果提供厚身的會比較好。大蝦很新鮮,不是雪藏貨。牛豬雞也好,不是便宜貨式。另外點了個豆腐湯,一點不辣,豆腐極滑,滑不溜口,一啖豆腐一啖肉,感覺良好。埋單每人約三百元,捧腹而走。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-03-02
星期日在銅記經過見呢間上樓韓國燒,感覺好似好正宗,於是就走上去試試。試完結論係唔會再返來,食韓國燒要慢慢食同同伴傾下計,enjoy燒嘅過程,但呢間嘢竟然人多要拾枱,就一d都唔enjoy,加上圍返每人過$200咁嘅價錢,竟然食得咁冇privacy,真係o曬咀!好唔值。先來前菜,陫長十足,好多款式,但味道一般,尤其辣白菜,冇咬口,好辣又唔香。咁多蝶但竟然冇魚仔。之後來了韓國啤酒,夠凍不錯。韓國壽司,其實ok嘅,不過可能因為食過尖咀韓國街的出品,比較起上來就唔係太出色。主角係普通牛肉同牛脷。牛脷不錯,彈牙但又好奇怪冇牛味。普通牛肉就真係麻麻地,又冇味,d肉又碎碎濕濕。其間答枱的男女在長枱另一面大家都食得不舒暢,而且個女人講嘢又嘈又大聲。其實埋位時如果店員講明之後人多要搭枱,就唔會坐底食。加上埋單四百幾,又貴,食物又普通,坐得唔舒服。而家食完一定唔會回頭。總結:環境👎食物👌服務👎價錢👎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
因為之前回來光顧,呀朱媽送了一張VIP CARD給我 VIP可免加一!感覺到呀珠媽的親切,另外有一位男侍應反應快,冰雪聰明,值得表揚! 熱茶的味道獨特...侍應會不停加茶,勤快!泡菜味道好,可惜不是所有泡菜可添食,視乎貨源是否充足。店主應該預留多些薯仔,因為薯仔是我的最愛!今次二話不說,都是炆牛肋 ($150)!因為真的好味!湯依舊是濃, 在冰冷的天氣,一口熱湯令人精神為之一振。今次同樣一滴不剩!全部湯汁佐白飯($10),飽飽!強調:胡蘿白和紅棗吸收了湯的精華, 甘香具口感, 而且胡蘿白的草青味, 因為美味的肉汁, 全部蓋過, 只有香氣!餃子湯($120)有大量蔥蒜,要有心理準備(令人引起口氣的),味道可是令人振奮的!餃子內有豬肉、韭菜,十分濃郁。湯水有牛肉味道,香甜!簡單的小佈置,清雅。清潔的餐具,方便而令人安心。最害怕是油膩的桌面,但Kimchi Garen沒有這情況,當然,還是會有點油煙,但可以接受。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-29
There is getting to be a lot of Korean restaurants in Hong Kong and out of the many to choose from, my sister and I chose Kimchi Garden.  Decor & Hygiene:The entrance was a narrow one, you'd probably miss it if you were not going there intentionally. Along the stairs to go up to the restaurant, there were quite a bit of newspaper/magazine cuttings about the restaurant, but it seems that not many openrice members have tried it.  Upon getting in, we noticed a smell. It smelt like a place that has been closed up for a while and the air was not circulated. Although my eyes would say that the restaurant was clean, I'm not sure my nose would due to that smell that lasted throughout our meal. We got to sit at a big table and it was pretty comfortable. There were quite a few tables in there already, but it wasn't packed even though it was dinner hours. I thought maybe the smell would go away as people started to barbeque their meats, but it didn't. This is my only complaint about the environment. Service:Service was slow, but the staff were friendly and helpful in general. One staff even apologized for taking so long to take our order and always made sure that our cups were full. Tastene of the reasons why I like going to Korean restaurants is because of the free appetizers you get.   The taste of these side dishes are pretty standard everywhere. Out of the 8 we got, the cold japchae and kimchi were my favourite so we asked for more when we finished them.  One of the many things that we always order is the Seafood Pancake($120). It looked promising when it arrived, then it passed the texture test too as it was fried crisply.  However, where was the seafood?? There was more flour than anything with barely any seafood, which was a bit disappointing and it was quite greasy and heavy to eat. Another dish that I enjoy ordering at Korean restaurants is the Tofu stew Pot ($110). This one had seafood in it and as usual, it came with a bowl of rice so that you could eat it with the stew. There was a lot of tofu in it and it probably had a tad more seafood in it than the pancake. The broth was the best part although it was a bit spicy.  I don't think I've had such a good tofu stew before!  It was a bit thick, but it was rich and full of flavours. I couldn't stop eating it. This was the best dish of the night and I highly recommend it! Moving on to the last and worse dish of the night, is the Korean sushi ($100). We saw that many people had ordered it and my sister was craving sushi so we fell into this trap. Although it had a variety of ingredients inside, all I could taste was sesame oil.  Afterwards, we both wondered why we would order this dish of sushi that cost us $100.  Value:For $180, we were way too full and had leftovers so two dishes would have been plenty. I think some dishes were worth my $$, but some weren't. However, I guess it was a reasonable priced meal. Final Verdict:I really did like the tofu stew and would like to go back for it, but that smell really is a turnoff. I might try other Tofu stews at other places and hope that they are just as good. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-05
這個也要推介一下。 在銅鑼灣不乏可供宵夜的地方, 不過甚少有營業至凌晨的韓國菜;從來都只得「莊園」一家, 但「莊園」其實不特別出色。年多前, 行經那裡「莊園」忽然消失, 換來了一家叫「泡菜園韓國料理」, 我這些以名取人的一看名字不對胃, 便沒有嘗試的意欲,直至前星期忽然在夜深想起韓國菜, 自不然想起昔日的「莊園」, 隨之想到這家“Kimchi Garden”。 找來電話問問營業時間, 接電話的男子以非常自豪的語氣回答:「我哋開到好夜。」好, 便即管一試。 這裡的裝修沒有變過, 和以前「莊園」一樣, 可能換過枱櫈吧;晚上十時多也坐滿了一半, 不乏韓日籍顧客。 我們只得3人, 所以隨便點了3款燒烤食物和一個鍋。牛肋骨、大蝦、牛舌。牛肋骨基本上可以告訴你他們的食物質素如何, 不好吃的會肉質會太腍, 味道會太甜, 因為已醃了很久;這裡的肉質還很結實, 有嚼頭, 醃過了還有牛味, 份量也不欺場, 兩件大大的。蝦, 新鮮, 大隻;牛舌正常。 鍋的選擇也不少, 點了一個較少見的牛肉八爪魚鍋, 想不到湯底十分鮮甜點, 應該是八爪魚的鮮味, 配有很多蔬菜也很新鮮, 我們把湯都喝光了。 老闆應該是一對韓籍夫婦,很友善的樣子, 侍應也勤快;這個時候發現了這裡, 正好填補了正在褪色的「韓嘉嵐」的位置, 他們更營業到夜深呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)