3-min walk from Exit B2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
08:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus Apple Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (88)
🔸Napoleon TartSecond time of trying their signatory tart and I strongly recommend you to try it while it is still hot 🔥 The star-shaped tart is not only photo friendly but also confectionery🌟. The custard is creamy and the crunchy pastry layered with caramel further elevates the texture of the dessert. 😋🔸Chocolate Flat CroissantOne of the secret behind the hype is that the bakery continued to unleash new products and catching up the trend🏃🏻‍♀️💨. The croissant is crumbly, coated with rich chocolate and sprinkled with hazelnut. An irresistible way to start your day.🍫💓🔸 Early Grey Pineapple Bun with ButterButter overloaded 🧈Unique flavoured pineapple butter is another signatory bun 🍍The earl grey is very savoury and with the butter slice, its richness resembles milk tea ☕🔸Taro Mochi BunThe pretty bun in sakura shape 🌸 Taiwan taro is used and the mochi is chewy. Definitely something you cannot miss❣️🍭Hashtag B🍭Shop F, G/F, Po Wing Building, 73 Lee Garden Road Causeway Bay continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
. 📍#Hashtag B @hashtagbhk🔥拿破崙焦糖千層撻久仰大名嘅拿破崙焦糖千層撻, 比平時既蛋撻大隻小小, 望落勁多層酥皮, 一食非常脆口, 層次分明,有蛋香味而且啲蛋幾嫩滑, 重點一啲都唔乾, 因為撻底係有焦糖漿, 帶點小小甘甜味, 經典焦糖嘅味道, 令到口感比較濕潤, 外脆內軟, 好好食, 係我係香港食過最好食既!⭐️大家一定要時間, 愈早愈好, 好快賣哂架啦!**出爐時間**📍CWB銅鑼灣店: 9:30am 📍TST尖沙咀店: 10:30am🔥炭燒咖啡菠蘿包相對新出既款式, 仲有伯爵茶味, 今次試左咖啡菠蘿包, 佢唔同港式菠蘿包用厚厚既豬油做成既脆面, 呢個係比較薄身, 似雪山叉燒包果種, 成個包整得好軟熟, 咖啡味濃, 咖啡愛好者真係要試下!🔥明太子熱狗帶點咸味既明太子令熱狗味道豐富D, 包唔會太硬, 偏向日式, 呢個都唔錯架!🔥芋泥麻糬麵包好多芋泥, 而已係新鮮芋頭製造, 唔會太甜, 食完好有飽肚感, 夾麻糬係絕配, 麻糬好Q彈!——————————————- 📍 Hashtag B🏠 尖沙咀加拿芬道49號夏蕙樓地下C號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-21
今日同朋友去咗尖沙咀嘅 Hashtag B 買麵包,聽聞呢間麵包店經常大排長龍,我就係想試吓點解咁人氣。我哋大約下午兩點幾去到,已經排咗條長長嘅隊。好在店員手腳都好快,排咗廿幾分鐘就買到喇。明太子酥 :呢款酥皮好鬆脆,裏面嘅明太子餡料好足料,啖啖都係鮮味,配上酸瓜,惹味得黎帶點清新。蘋果金寶酥:酥皮焗到金黃酥脆,裏面嘅蘋果餡料甜而不膩,非常清香。腸仔竹炭包 :呢款包用咗竹炭粉整成,食落鬆軟。裏面嘅法蘭克福好juicy,配埋芝士,好惹味。柚子千層撻 :柚子餡料酸甜得宜,好清新,酥皮夠香脆,無論口感或味道都非常出色,令人食到唔停口。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-20
呢間人氣爆曬燈既Hashtag B 真係每次經過都好多人排隊,之前食過佢既葡撻 , 蛋香味重又滑溜,面層仲有少少焦糖味,好鬆脆,好好味今次買左佢既柚子千層酥,口感豐富,餡料除左有軟滑蛋漿,仲有淡淡香氣既柚子味,酥皮層次分明,口感鬆脆另一重點推介 一定係佢既牛角包🥐及朱古力酥,我女最鍾意牛角包配朱古奶🥐我就鍾意朱古力酥配咖啡,兩款一樣好鬆脆芋泥麻薯包一樣有驚喜,滿滿芋泥和麻薯,口感煙韌,足料又好味😋值得一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
//17 05 24 晴天🌞15:30 尖沙咀@hashtagbhk無盡可能的𝕄𝕣.𝔹 ☺︎𝘏𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘵𝘢𝘨 𝘉 ——— 近期大熱嘅港式麵包店,主打少糖少鹽兼無人造色素及防腐劑,以嶄新口味同方式,重新演繹出多款港式烘焙。當中招牌「拿破崙焦糖千層撻」,更吸引大批食客每日排隊幫襯,成為香港新一個朝聖嘅好地方啊!🔻柚子千層撻 HKD$24ꕀ期間限定之柚子味千層撻入口鬆脆 每一層都好薄身 蛋漿做得夠嫩滑 呢點超讚當混合埋柚子忌廉芝士 每啖更帶淡淡嘅柚子清香 食起嚟唔會太膩 味道酸酸甜甜、超𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 🔻明太子酥 HKD$21酥皮入口酥脆 明太子遇上酸瓜 嗰種微酸微鹹好夾之餘 仲有一股清新嘅感覺 🔻芋泥麻糬包 HKD$18ꕀ裏面勁多芋泥內餡 加埋煙韌拉絲麻糬食嗰陣軟糯香甜 令人齒頰留香 🔻焦糖牛油軟包 HKD$16ꕀ類似焦糖版嘅排包 包底鬆軟 自帶牛油香氣表面仲有用火槍燒成嘅焦糖脆面 整體味道同口感 都合晒我心意ꕀ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)