2-min walk from Exit A1, North Point MTR Station continue reading
Cruise is a rooftop restaurant & bar with an outdoor oasis, a terrace overlooking Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour, serving modern Asian food. “expect the unexpected” The ambiance. It is a place for social connections and sharable moments. The destination is fun, modern and lighthearted, maintaining a freestanding feel. By day Cruise is laidback and casual, while in the evening it has an independent attitude. Locals & travelers alike sip cocktails, enjoy quality sound and soak up Victoria Harbour Views. In response to COVID-19, our teams are implementing enhanced measures for food preparation, set-up and service, so that you and your loved ones can dine with confidence and peace of mind. These are in addition to the internationally certified standards of kitchen hygiene and food safety we already maintain. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 01:00
Mon - Thu
15:00 - 00:00
15:00 - 01:00
12:00 - 01:00
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Live Music
Outdoor Seating
Live Sports Broadcast
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Chicken Satay Sweet Corn Salad Changs Pork Belly Ssam RANGERS VALLEY WAGYU RIBEYE, M5 AUSTRALIA Cheeky Massaman Banana Roti
Review (263)
𓐛 𓐛 𓐛Cruise 空中餐廳及酒吧推出全新Weekend Brunch menu,$548/位竟然可以90分鐘無限暢享刺身及沙嗲串燒!還包每人一款主菜、菠蘿炒飯配飛天通菜和甜品,豐富奢華享受!𓂄 刺身及沙嗲串燒刺身有好幾款,三文魚、吞拿魚、墨魚等等全部非常新鮮。還有長腳蟹,也是free flow的!沙嗲串燒香口惹味,其實吃一輪刺身和串燒已經飽了一大半呢。𓂄 烤澳洲M6和牛西冷 +$100西冷肉厚有牛味,肉質實在但不靭,澆上燒汁更滋味。還附上大量薯菜,份量足料。𓂄 蒸椰子鱸魚必點推介!鱸魚肉嫩彈牙,椰子湯帶點泰式冬陰功的香辣,再加上紫羽衣甘藍,開胃又健康!𓂄 菠蘿炒飯配飛天通菜因為每人一個主菜已經份量十足,菠蘿炒飯配飛天通菜就是錦上添花。但加入炒飯和蔬菜的確令成個Brunch更完整。𓂄 班蘭椰子泡芙用上椰子奶油、班蘭攪打甘納許、焦糖醬和椰子片,椰香清甜不膩,好吃。附加$158還可free flow飲品,邊喝酒邊觀賞海景,還有Live Music。整個環境氛圍無可挑剔!極度推薦大家週末一試~𓐛 𓐛 𓐛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於Hyatt Centric頂層的Cruise Restaurant & Bar 推出了九款以北角地標及標誌性icon為主題的特色cocktails,創新同時很好喝呢!.Little Fujian 小福建 $118.North Point Negroni 北角尼格羅尼 $128Little Fujian和North Point Negroni 都用上立山小種這款經松木熏製而成的茶葉,喝起來帶濃烈松煙香🪵💨 Little Fujian同時用上Gin和Aperol,味道比較輕鬆帶微酸✨ 而Negroni 作為重酒感系調酒,先苦後甘甜的味道加上立山小種的smoky,是一款充滿層次和餘韻的cocktail🍊 個人認為女生的話會比較喜歡Little Fujian,但North Point Negroni 那種像極人生的感覺我也很喜歡啦🍸💭.Chicken Satay $148.Wagyu Short Rib “Taco” $188餐廳的snacks menu非常有誠意,有別於平時的fish and chips,他們的小食都充滿特色和風味!Chicken Satay雞肉滑嫩帶濃郁沙嗲香,Wagyu Short Rib “Taco” 份量十足,滿瀉的手撕牛小排上放上牛油果蓉、墨西哥辣椒和酸洋蔥,惹味又開胃🌮✨ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
這次來吃這個$688/2位的三層架下午茶是可享用三層架下午茶及3小時泳池通行証的。雖然泳池及餐廳都是在23樓,但留意泳池是在東座23樓,而餐廳則在西座23樓;12:00-15:00在泳池東座23樓玩水玩累後,就可西座23樓即時有地方一邊吃一邊休息了。三層下午茶:鹹點方面有蟹肉卷、龍蝦包、芒果牛油果米卷、煙三文魚三文治及伊比利牙豬多士,個人最喜歡龍蝦包,因為食落啖啖龍蝦肉,包的外皮都烘得香脆,配上芥末蛋黃醬更是惹味。甜點方面有蜜瓜撻、黑糖豆腐、Pinacolada慕絲蛋糕及荔枝青檸海線蛋糕,個人最喜歡黑糖豆腐,因為豆腐質感creamy又濃郁,配上黑糖醬甜而不膩。除此之外還有任食的即製紫薯cream牛角窩夫、抹茶scone及6款雪糕,套餐還包每人一杯Prosecco或Rose Wine,和朋友來輕鬆過渡半天也不錯的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-09
餐廳位於酒店嘅頂樓可以飽䌫無敵大海景,一入門口已經聽到live演唱嘅歌聲,可以一邊聽住歌一邊食野感覺好chill😌。佢哋嘅Weekend Brunch 都幾豐富,刺身拼盤同串燒都可以無限任食,主菜方面五選一,試左鱸魚同M6西冷,鱸魚魚肉相當嫩滑,泰式嘅煮法酸酸地帶點椰奶香氣都幾惹味,厚切嘅西冷配埋大量薯條很有份量,另外炒通菜同菠蘿炒飯味道都唔錯,甜品班蘭椰子泡芙很有泰式風味,班蘭椰子忌廉香味十足唔會好甜膩。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-08
嘆住海景任食生蠔🦪.北角呢間酒店,推出生蠔狂歡夜套餐,逢星期一晚每位$428 (兩位起)包3款以蠔入饌嘅前菜同主食~仲可以90分鐘任食即開生蠔!大大隻生蠔無限refill,鮮甜肥美得嚟帶少少海水味,唔覺唔覺就食咗好多隻😝.前菜🥗全部都係以蠔入饌,有香脆炸蠔餅、韓式蠔湯、辣煮生蠔沙拉主食🥘揀咗烤伊比利亞黑毛豬頸肉,肉質爽彈,好juicy~香辣炒M6牛柳粒(+$38),比較重口味,食食下都幾辣😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)