
Clipper Lounge
Exit F, Central MTR Station/ Exit A2, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
With a casual yet elegant atmosphere, the Clipper Lounge inside the Mandarin Oriental hotel offers all day dining. The restaurant has popular breakfast and dinner buffets as well as a Sunday champagne brunch. They also have a traditional afternoon tea set available everyday. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Clipper Lounge
Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong proudly announces the relaunch of Clipper Lounge, a timeless icon within the hotel, following a renovation that brings a fresh perspective to its historic charm.
Diners can enjoy a taste of a range of dishes from the hotel’s celebrated restaurants, including curries from The Chinnery, roasts from Mandarin Grill + Bar, signature creations from Café Causette and more, providing an eclectic mix of flavours from across the hotel’s award-winning restaurants.

Clipper Lounge has been at the heart of timeless tastes, offering a buffet that brings together the best of Hong Kong’s culinary legacy with a touch of modern flair. Guests can indulge in iconic dishes that have stood the test of time, such as the beloved Hainanese Chicken Rice and the legendary 1963 Mandarin Cheesecake - whose recipe has remained unchanged since the hotel's opening. These time-tested treasures, crafted by a dedicated team of culinary professionals, offer a nostalgic journey through the flavours that have delighted generations of guests.

Beyond the iconic dishes, the Clipper Lounge buffet also celebrates Hong Kong’s broader culinary excellence with a selection of local favourites. From the richly flavoured Hong Kong Sausage and BBQ Pork Fried Rice to the delicately steamed Xiao Long Bao, many dishes are crafted with the finest locally sourced ingredients, including garden greens from Yuen Long farms and honey from local suppliers. These offerings, beloved by locals and visitors alike, provide an authentic taste of Hong Kong’s vibrant food culture.

Adding to the excitement, the buffet introduces a new highlight: the cheese wheel station. This interactive feature allows guests to enjoy pasta tossed inside a giant wheel of cheese, combining rich, creamy flavours with an element of culinary theatre that promises to be a memorable experience.
About Reward Scheme
Review (696)
Level4 2024-08-23
文華東方酒店Clipper Lounge的自助餐,一向質素高,近日經翻新後重新開業,以全新面貌示人。傳奇回歸,作為老饕既我自然急不及待要去一試。提早來個總結,確是令人有煥然一新的感覺。嘢食太多,我唔打算逐一描述,重點介紹些招牌/ 我認為值得推介的項目便是。凍海鮮是香港人最關注的項目之一,波士頓龍蝦與本地鮑魚肉爽而不韌,還有法國藍青口、紐西蘭綠唇青口、凍蝦及翡翠螺等都好新鮮。餐廳重開的首個月,還會有法國生蠔供應,大家應該會好開心。另一款經典美食,莫過於廣受好評的海南雞飯,肉嫩而油飯濕潤甘香,席上有朋友更加要添食。還記得以前每次到來,定必要吃其燒牛肉,嫩滑又有肉香,配埋家陣愈來愈少遇到的Yorkshire Pudding,是我的至愛。幸好佢可以保持呢個經典,同埋最緊要係保持水準。熱食選擇不弱,吃些蜆肉、咖喱、帶子炒粉絲及虎蝦後,查實已經飽了大半。忽然想來些刺身間一間埸,或者是天氣太熱的緣故吧!拿一碗喇沙回來跟大家分甘同味,淺嚐幾口後,我的目標已投放在各式的甜品之上。甜品款式繁多,尤其是我喜歡的蛋糕,既有招牌的文華芝士蛋糕,亦有重口味的特濃朱古力蛋糕,仲有大家爭相搶吃的提拉米蘇,同埋布朗尼及朱古力紙杯蛋糕等等,實在令過氣甜魔的我愛不釋手。雪糕也是不可錯失的項目,特別推薦英式奶茶雪糕,記緊配埋雪糕筒來吃,擔保你一球係唔會夠喉的。一口松露朱古力,一粒香甜馬卡龍,配上我手中的咖啡,非常的圓滿! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-28
香港文華東方酒店閣樓嘅 Clipper Lounge話咁快就裝修完成😍「快船廊」以全新面貌示人,座位而家更加舒適modern更有活力!一餐自助餐可以食齊曬文華各間餐廳嘅特式菜,真係要留定個肚先好去啊😋海鮮區所有嘅海鮮都十分新鮮,而且refill得十分快! 生蠔特別受歡迎,肥美又大隻🦪😍重點係冇限拎取次數,想食幾多就可以食幾多!😍 麵包蟹都係十分受歡迎,蟹膏多到可以放滿成個口🙌🏼熟食方面同樣應有盡有,必食佢地嘅海南雞飯,Prime Rib! 海南雞肉質十分滑,而牛扒邊邊燒得好香脆又大塊!仲係超重芝士味嘅芝士輪卡邦尼意粉,差d以為食緊一大舊芝士落肚,絕對係cheese crazy lover No.1!🤣最後一定要留肚食甜品!勁多款式樣樣都想試,必食Signature Cheesecake & Chocolate Mousses! 新增嘅自家製雪糕 counter可以試埋奶茶味同朱古力味,超級濃嘅感覺!🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-27
最近去左食buffet,想搵間高級d,就揀左文華。咁岩原來佢岩岩裝修完relaunch左,setting 同座位都唔同曬,感覺比以前更加有活力,但仍然不失傳統嘅氛圍。而呢度嘅buffet係齊集左所有餐廳嘅signature dish,可以話係一次過就試到曬MO餐廳最出名既菜式有幾樣野特別impressed 👉🏻 麵包蟹,蟹膏多到可以放滿成個口👉🏻 生蠔,每隻都大大隻,而且keep住refill保持新鮮度,絕對高質👉🏻 Prime rib ,文華扒房signature dish之一,點都要試👉🏻 Cheesecake ,應該係我暫時食過最好味嘅cheesecake👉🏻 Chocolate mousses ,第一啖放入口有被驚艷嘅感覺,你試過就知😎冷熱盤都好豐富,不過甜品絕對出色要留肚食多啲🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
快船廊自助餐重開啦😆重新裝修之後坐得更舒適✨30秒帶大家睇晒有咩食🔥海鮮區有帶子、麵包蟹、鮑魚、龍蝦、蟹鉗、長腳蟹、青口、凍蝦、螺同埋超肥美生蠔🦪生蠔完全冇限每次拎幾隻,而且refill得好快,絕對可以食個夠🙌🏼熟食區嘅款式唔算好多,但係全部都好食🥰尤其是海南雞飯、牛扒同羊架,牛扒超級大塊,連啲邊邊都好鮮嫩,加埋燒汁之後惹味非常!連配菜都好有誠意用上約克郡布丁。即整即叫嘅有芝士輪卡邦尼意粉,芝士味濃到好似成嚿芝士食緊咁😂另外麵食就有喇沙,湯底唔算超重口味,所以其他嘢都仲食得落🫡甜品有兩大張枱擺放,份量之多真係試唔晒咁多款😂其中我最鍾意嘅係榛子提拉米蘇、文華芝士蛋糕同埋雪糕!! 奶茶味同朱古力味都好好食🙂‍↕️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-21
在Art Basel期间来文华东方体验了艺术主题联名下午茶:<Forgive you and forget you>:文华东方经典芝士蛋糕重新加了个和作品同款的巧克力牌做装饰<Which is Earth No. C> 杏仁挞底一般般但上面的香草馅料很好吃<Honesty>:普通慕斯<Nicholas Party and Rosalba Carreria>:好吃但是超级甜,巧克力坚果外壳很不错<Siren’s Daughter II> :芒果+香草 和朋友一致认为这个是最好吃的三层下午茶很普通,尤其是咸点非常干。果酱是玫瑰味比较有特色。+1 后933HKD continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)