Restaurant: | Capital Café (Heard Street) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
The restaurant owners most likely are the practitioner in the music industry. One of the owners is EO2 member and actor, Eddie Pang. Filled with nostalgic images of old Hong Kong, Capital Café has very unique decorations with music star accessories and collections. The signature dish here is their fried egg toast with soup noodles.
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Awards and Titles
Best Restaurant in Wan Chai (2011-15), Best Hong Kong Style Tea Restaurant (2014-15)
Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
07:00 - 22:00
07:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
星期日5點多餐廳空位有很多餐廳座位排得很密座位與枱之間的距離有點太近坐卡位基乎碰到對面位的腳這個時間可以點下午茶餐但我們比較肚餓,所以點了常餐常餐$49🍝可以選叉燒通粉或意粉我們揀了通粉叉燒切得好薄,份量好少幸好湯底味道ok,通粉有咬口🍳雞蛋多士可以選煎蛋或炒蛋我們揀了炒蛋,炒蛋好滑多士是厚多士,已塗了牛油多士很厚有質感☕️ 飲品可選咖啡或茶我點了奶茶奶茶夠熱,如果花奶多一點更加好整體來說,味道不錯,就是叉燒的份量差了一點點
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閒日嚟食個早餐,店員黑口黑面,落單嗰個眼鏡口罩佬自己講嘢細聲,問多句就畀佢喝🤷🏻♀️!真係畀錢買難受!除咗佢我見其他伙記對其他食客態度都係唔好。嘢食普通到唔普通,炒蛋碎濕濕 ,早餐選擇又少,好多唔跟嘢飲。總結係要食佢,不如食間態度好啲嘅都冇咁嬲😃,大把茶餐廳好食過佢。遊客嚟要接受咁嘅服務態度真係慘,簡直影衰香港,嘢食好唔好食都係其次(重點係又唔係好食過人),想開心嚟食個早餐都要畀佢破壞晒成日嘅心情。
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令我大失所望。滿心歡喜嘗試呢一間港式茶餐廳,睇吓有冇影衰香港人。我叫咗一個鹹牛肉炒蛋,出前一丁底,凍鴦走甜。1. 先上咗杯凍鴦走甜,我當堂嚇一跳,原來凍鴦走甜喺佢哋舖頭嘅意思係鴛鴦加兩粒冰,都多謝舖頭俾我呢個初體驗,第一次飲到如此特別嘅凍鴦,顛覆咗我咁多年以來對凍央嘅認知。2. 再上咗出前一丁,冇問題。3. 最後就嚟個鹹牛肉炒蛋。首先鹹牛肉部份,個樣係鹹牛肉嚟嘅,不過冇咗個鹹字,牛肉味都冇埋,色香味得個色係啱嘅。至於個炒蛋,可能大家對炒嘅定義都有少少唔同,不過小弟嘅愚見就認為,嗰隻係煎蛋。如果要評蛋味係10分滿分嘅話,我會比杯凍鴦2.7分,唔好問我隻蛋幾分,會燥底。全碟嘢剩係得油味,啲油仲多過我因為憤怒而留下嘅汗水。我建議貴店可以為呢碟嘢改過一個更好更貼切嘅名,叫做牛肉煎蛋伴油,咁成件事就貼住好多啦fyi. 杯凍鴦盛惠$27,俾多2.7粒冰我洗死嘅?
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香港人鍾意食嘅經典常餐🫶🏻炒蛋好滑👍🏻加入咗北海道3.6牛奶嘅蛋去炒 有蛋香同奶香 正❗️多士好香好脆 搽咗牛油之後烘過 好香口 意粉有口感 唔會好腍 叉燒之前試過麻麻地 所以轉咗火腿凍飲+$3 嗌咗杯凍檸茶正正常常 冇苦澀味一個lunch嚟講都相當夠飽~
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