4-min walk from Exit D1, Central MTR Station; entrance from Duddell Street continue reading
Beefbar is a one-Michelin-star international chain that offers beef from the US, Japan, Australia and Europe. Apart from their delicious steaks, Beefbar also has beef tartare, mini Kobe burgers and Kobe tostadas. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2017-24)
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (148)
Level4 2024-05-30
之前見Restaurant Week有間多年米芝蓮一星全牛宴,秒速Book檯🤣我地揀左要Medium Rare,出到黎每一道都幾穩陣,但差咁啲好Wow既元素🫢不吐不快既係,碟底搞到張墊勁多水氣,侍應收野唔抹之餘,仲要擺下一輪餐具落攤水度,難怪咁多人話服務有待加強🥲▪️ Hong Kong Restaurant Week Spring 2024 Winners' Edition Elite Signature Dinner💲1180 Per Person1️⃣ Complimentary Glass of Bubbles先來一杯Prosecco🥂麵包鬆軟輕盈,單配橄欖油🥖2️⃣ 🌟Scallop Ceviche帶子嫩滑鮮甜,配上柚子醋同埋微辣醬,感覺幾開胃🌶️3️⃣ 🌟Wagyu Tataki, Yuzu Ponzu Sauce牛肉他他片口感柔嫩,同樣配上柚子醋,但酸度高一點4️⃣ Kobe Ravioli in Consomme迷你雲吞個皮略硬,個餡係牛肉蓉,倒入既高湯暖身清澈順口,仲有少少菇菌味,飲完個人幾舒服🫣5️⃣ 🌟American Prime "Black Angus" French Bavette係比較瘦既部位,帶點嚼勁,肉味香濃,可惜朋友話佢嗰舊會有啲韌,薯蓉口感幼滑🥔6️⃣ 🌟Miyazaki Striploin呢舊油脂豐盛,近乎入口即溶,配上唔會辛辣到攻鼻既Wasabi,又無咩違和感,仲可以降低油膩感,底下就墊左舊乾身少少既香菇🍄7️⃣ Tiramisu以拆件形式呈現,Mascarpone Cheese上面有浸咗咖啡嘅蛋糕粒、朱古力曲奇、脆豆,感覺新奇但唔夠滿足🍫最尾既Petit Four係雲呢拿泡芙,外皮鋪滿糖霜都幾脆口,裏面係冰凍幼滑既吉士😛🔎 整體評分(8/10) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-22
生日嘅時候過咗嚟呢間餐廳慶祝基本上每位侍應固定負責某幾枱客所以服務都十分周到👍🏻我哋叫咗set dinner個前菜嚟到見到擺盤好精緻我本身有啲驚生牛肉但食落個味道好開胃,酸酸甜甜咁真係有衝動想叫多啲🙈跟住個生牛肉他他就出場呢個真係不得了啲牛肉真係好高質完全冇諗過個口感同味道係咁夾如果下次嚟食必定會再叫呢個我哋仲叫咗個mini burger中間舊像好juicy完全燒到啱啱好唔會有乾柴嘅感覺至於牛扒真係隨便簡都好食口感嫩滑,一啲筋都冇仲要好有牛味就算舊牛吞咗落肚都好個口腔依然都仲會有牛肉嘅香味存在佢呢個米芝連完全係實至名歸去到甜品我地叫咗soufflé 同tiramisu 兩者比較之下我鍾意soufflé 多啲Tiramisu 就較普通下次都係試番其他甜品 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I had the unfortunate experience of dining at Beef Bar, and I must say it was one of the worst dining experiences I've had in Hong Kong. While the host staff was quite nice, the actual wait staff was absolutely terrible. They were slow, disinterested, and seemed like they couldn’t care less about providing decent service.I ordered the set menu, which included the Prawn Appetizer and the Burger Bomb. When they brought out the prawn, I was shocked to find that it was literally raw prawns! This isn’t a sushi restaurant—it's a steakhouse, and I would have expected the prawns to be cooked. They didn't even bother to clarify when I ordered, which is incredibly misleading and downright unacceptable.The bread was equally horrendous. Both the bun for the burger and the bread they brought to the table were revolting. I’ve had better bread from a convenience store.As for the burger, it was atrocious. The patty was far smaller than the bun, unseasoned, and utterly tasteless. To make matters worse, it was bizarrely covered in what I think was pulled beef—though it was so unappetizing I can’t be sure. The service was incredibly slow and lackadaisical, as if the staff had no interest in actually doing their jobs. It felt like they were just phoning it in, without a care in the world for the diners.Finally, the price was absurd. My burger set, which included only the appetizer and burger, cost a whopping $420 HKD. My friend's steak was $650 HKD. I have no idea where this restaurant gets off charging so much for such mediocre food and abysmal service. Avoid this place at all costs. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-23
Tiramisu:                        Presented elegantly in a glass, each layer was meticulously crafted, boasting a perfect balance of creamy mascarpone cheese, rich espresso-soaked ladyfingers, and a hint of cocoa dusting on top.     Beef Tartare                         Served with crispy toast points and a tangy mustard dressing, the tartare was a true revelation. Australian Wagyu Hanging Tender                           The marbling of the Wagyu provides a melt-in-your-mouth experience, while the charred exterior added a delightful crunch.  Soufflé                      No meal would be complete without a sweet finale, and the Soufflé at R-Beefbar certainly did not disappoint. Light, airy, and decadently rich, the soufflé was a masterpiece of culinary craftsmanship. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Beefbar_hk was one of my lists when restaurants week released the list! The experience was exquisite😋😋 We loved the quality of the beef from US Angus beef to Japanese Wagyu. From tartare to steak, every dishes were amazing. Come and try it out using the restaurant week offer, you will be surprised. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)