1-min walk from Exit B, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
午市套餐$58起免加一 晚市私房菜(需提前一天預訂)$268另加一服務費
Opening Hours
Mon-Sat: 12:00-14:30, 19:00-22:00 Close on Sunday, Reservation needed for Dinner
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (13)
Level2 2015-07-23
上環食飯,中西意法日韓台都不泛,但總是多肉少菜…..今天經同事介紹一嘗這上環的素食樓上店。中午12時半前到訪,還未到午餐高峰時間,很容易就找到座位,這間店面積不算大,有兩張大圓枱(約坐12人),其餘的都是四人枱。一入門口就見到收銀處,貼了餐牌,就在這兒用點餐紙寫下食物並付款,之後便可在隔離的廚房窗口取餐。午市最方便就是吃午餐,58蚊:1湯3餸 (6選3)+ 紅米飯/菜飯(另加2蚊),廚房收到點餐紙就會立刻從櫃中拿出一碟碟已預先盛好的湯/餸,再盛飯,在不用排隊的情況下基本上由點餐付款到開餐只是6-7 分鐘內的事。說回食物,感覺是住家飯的味道,沒有很多味精,份量對女生來說是頗適合,飯量不會太多,每碟餸雖然看似少量,但其實吃完三碟餸 + 一碗飯也有點飽;對男生來說,可以嘗試請廚房多飯。飯後,用餐者需自行將餐盤放回收餐處,以便下一位用餐者。離開時還見到一個晚市私房菜餐牌……總括來說,這兒是一個不貴又算健康的午餐選擇,上環之友不妨一試﹗ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-01-29
素食真係越開越多,中午又去試新店(其實也不新,只是自己第一次去呢^^)中午是三餸一湯套餐,有六選三餸,如果兩人就六種餸都試曬 最好味三色水蛋,蛋滑味香,上面加了香口的味菜👍南瓜什菌豆卜,送飯一流👍炒菜心,ok👍青瓜雪菜素珍是青瓜炒素麺筋,有雪菜惹味👍豆醬紅燒豆腐,有煱氣👍欖菜煸四季豆,可以送多碗飯,但事實一大碗紅糙米飯已經夠了^^加碗番茄薯仔粟米湯,飽飽了😊試下也不錯^^ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-09-22
Rarely failed by the restaurant that I picked, this happened to be one of them.Went there for dinner, also for the so-called private kitchens.The menu on our table is a 1 Sep one, so I don't really know the name of each dishes that actually served. Have to refer to the earlier review and do some guess work.The 1st dish is 四喜拼盤, among which the tomato is quite good, with its sweetness and sourness balanced quite well. The okra is fair, simply some sesame sauce on steamed okra. So as the seaweed, nothing special to talk about. The worst is Chinese yam. It is with some blueberry sauce which does not taste blueberry at all. The flavor is artificial.The 2nd dish is soup. The taste is quite rich considering it is without meat. Credit probably goes to the 猴頭菇s and 冬菇 that was in the soup.The 3rd dish is 鳯梨糖醋咕嚕, it is again made of 猴頭菇but this time coated with a sweat and sour layer and deep fried. The coating is not crispy enough, though the flavor is just right.The 4th dish is 經典白玉珍藏. Its appearance is really nice and full of artistic sense. However, the whole dish is lack of flavor, totally bland. Can’t think of other phrases to describe it except 金玉其外…The 5th dish is 翠玉銀湖時蔬 which is even more disappointing. It is a whole bunch of sweet potatoes leaves covered by a 玻璃茨 and topped with some deep-fried mushrooms. Again, I have to emphasize, it is tasteless. So bland such that one may wonder whether the chef has forgotten to add salt and sugar into the vegetable-boiling water.The 6th dish is 日式海苔酥卷. Deep-fried maki roll. Quite good, when compared with the 2 earlier dishes. But still, can offer no surprise.The 7th dish is 釀茄子 (don’t have the exact name). It is grilled eggplant with some paste on it. The paste is sticky. It seemingly tried to mimic the 鯪魚肉, but obviously failed. Overall speaking, not bad though.The 8th dish is 健康薏仁麵. The manager claimed that it is good. So I taste it with hope. It turns out to be disappointing again however, because the noodle is too tender and taste just like the ordinary instant noodles (overcooked one).The last one is 瓊枝玉液, an almond dessert. Not bad, can tell it is freshly made from almond, but not the instant one.Overall, the portion is big, the atmosphere is good, the service is okay, but the food still have lots of room for improvement. Maybe the dishes on the day I went just happened to be less tasty, maybe I am just unlucky, maybe… I don’t know.Minded to give it a mediocre originally. However, considering the price, considering the earlier one-sided reviews, I minded to give it a cry, just to strike a balance and give a fuller picture to the netizens. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-07-28
友人推介來吃素,滿心期待,因大夥兒吃飯,一般都大魚大肉,難得一餐吃得健康一點。原來是像私房菜般,$238餐加一,有九款食品。打頭陣的夏日四喜拼盤,賣相精緻,有小蕃茄、豆腐加花生、麻醬秋葵、崧子雲耳。清新開胃。御品養心燉湯,湯清香,內有猴頭菇、栗子等。玉露五彩銀杏,看似沙律,但原來是熱食。蔬菜ok,但熱的火龍果有點怪怪的,面頭還灑了一些野生藍莓乾,不太夾。朋友建議加炸腰果會更好味。鳯梨糖醋咕嚕,賣相ok,但炸的猴頭菇不夠鬆化,口感不佳。金枝玉葉靈芝菇,餸名極靚,吃時有點落差。靈芝茹炸得不夠脆,下面的菜又不夠味。羅馬生菜腐皮卷有創意,有點像吃越式春卷,但我會喜歡越南蔡的多一點。田樂町粟米燒超讚,融合了三様我至愛的食材,粟米段上面釀了茄子茸,再灑上烤香的芝麻,又甜又香又脆!皇室野米燉飯,吃至此已超飽,只能淺嚐一口。賣相有點像蛋糕,但黃薑粉味太搶,水準一般而巳。生磨腰果露,上面的腰果'林'的,一點不脆,腰果露不夠香滑。誠意可嘉,但有改善空間。當天在旁的一枱大枱音亮頗高,頗滋擾啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
跟男友一週年紀念加上友人將到生日,特意到位於上環的素藝舍私房菜慶祝,這裡是在座眾客人一起起菜, 所以可不要遲到啊.而私房菜特別之處,就是意想不到的味道, 也不容易分別得出來,提提大家, 素藝舍是不含蛋奶及味精, 吃得安心吧.(左) 日式涼拌秋葵平時吃秋葵都是點芥辣鼓油, 或是做沙律,今次第一次食日式芝麻醬拌秋葵, 不知大廚弄了什麼, 黏液比平常的少這個簡單易做, 不錯, 回家又可以試做啦.(右) 涼拌什錦有素雞, 青瓜,紅椒及花生沒有什麼特別松子涼拌海帶這個說不出的味道, 就是好吃.涼拌車厘茄酸酸甜甜的, 味道偏酸一點.鮮猴頭菇, 先處理6小時,加入印度頂級大白腰果及香菇然後分2次燉1.5 小時, 營養不會因此而流失,湯味亦很濃郁,而坊間老火湯則是不斷的翻燉,營養因此而受到破壞.巧手菜之一, 賣相很精緻清新的一道菜, 味道清淡,把銀杏及鮮准山切碎, 再釀入冬瓜內小喵比較喜歡她的配菜是以新鮮的菠蘿,菠蘿的酵素能解抑鬱, 小喵還是吃多一點.咕嚕肉是以冰鮮猴頭菇製成, 醃料全是自家製, 沒有味精,而質感跟肉塊無別, 小喵跟男友可吃得安心上湯浸莧菜, 面上是炸金菇, 而精粹就在於底下的銀耳茨很有嚼頭乃大廚心機手工菜之一,經理跟小喵說"意"乃意景, 非意大利式小喵倒覺得是"意猶未盡", 總想來多一客將嫩豆腐切片, 中間夾以薯蓉,混和湘蓮及粟子蓉,帶出天然的甜味, 配以鮮橙色的橙甜椒茨汁,全場100分.黃色的是用鮮芒果製成的沙律醬,沙津醬多一點就好啦!!而荔茸盒內的切粒的香菇粒,猴頭菇粒,菜鋪,鮮淮山,紅蘿蔔粒,香酥而不油膩吃到了這道菜, 小喵已經完全吃不下,或許前面的7道菜實在太驚喜了,相反主食變得沒有多麼的吸引, 儘管試一試吧, 麵身挺彈牙的,但略為寡了一點.素燕窩是以珊瑚草燉製而成, 反而欣賞她的杏汁,很香及清甜, 養顏一流.同行的友人還以為是真正的燕窩呢.既然是一週年及友人的生日,怎會沒有驚喜,最後給大家估下這個無蛋無奶無糕的素蛋糕,到底是用什麼材料弄成呢?答案是: 南瓜加入薯蓉,內裡配以檸檬汁及黑椒, 再配以鮮果,面上的小老鼠據同行的友人說是龍島出品呢,用心製作兼有質素,素蛋糕內可享有甜, 酸, 苦, 辣的味道,人生可尚不是呢, 總有高底吧,溫馨提示:此蛋糕只此一家, 不作外賣,記得留肚吃啊一日前預訂, $250/LB總括而言, 同行朋友對素藝舍也讚口不絕,將藝術融入食物內, 以心製作,色香味俱全, 每道菜總會有驚喜, 服務也很周到,很喜歡經理Edmond 定時來跟我們介紹菜色,我地準備7月再試新菜,期望下次見到大家啦!!記得一日前預訂啊. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)