1-min walk from Exit N2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Reminiscent of a 1920 Chinese tea house, The Chinese Restaurant offers delicious dim sum and authentic Cantonese delights, including many must-try dishes for guests in town for the first time. While the a la carte menu serves a range of Cantonese culinary traditions, the restaurant’s seasonal menus will tempt any devoted fan of excellent Chinese fare. In the summer, dishes are light and feature fresh, robust flavours; while rich, warming dishes dominate the winter menu. The main dining hall of the restaurant is filled with natural sunlight coming in through floor-to-ceiling windows, while two private rooms with eight and 12 seaters are also available, with the former housing a private bar. continue reading
Good For
Business Dining
Group Dining
Additional Information
Lunch Available Time: 1st round: 10:00 – 12:00 2nd round: 12:30 – 14:30 Dinner Available Time: 18:00 – 22:00
Opening Hours
10:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
10:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Double-boiled Crab Meat Soup & Bamboo Pith in Young Papaya Stuffed sea cucumber shrimp, shrimp roe sauce Fried Prawns in Clay Pot with Vermicelli and Ginge Wok-fried shrimp, chilli, fried garlic, breadcrumbs Crispy smoked chicken, jasmine tea,
Review (229)
Level4 2024-02-17
尖沙咀的凱悅酒店, 比較想去的餐廳是Hugo, 就是因為其燒牛肉和古典的裝修, 反而凱悅軒比較少接觸, 本以為只是一般而收費昂貴粵菜餐廳, 一吃之下有驚喜, 特別是其北京烤鴨, 是我在香港吃過之中, 皮肉都最為出色的其中一家, 甚至比同系列酒店的沙田18來得更好.上枱夠熱, 有這樣已經不會不合格, 皮連肉夾起來不油膩, 但肉汁豐富, 皮脆而帶炭香, 赤紅色夠火候, 肉甘而甜, 帶微微粟子香, 沒有太多的Gimmick, 但每塊皮肉的大小厚度一, 刀功掌握得很好. 鴨醬甘香味道自然, 配搭爽脆的蔥段和濕潤但完整的麵包, 就是小時候最純粹的烤鴨食法. 生菜鴨肉鬆配以松子, 除了更為乾爽酥脆, 鴨肉本身的栗子味也得以突出起來.其他小菜如蝦球玉簪給梅膏骨也做得相當不錯, 味道條配剛剛好, 烤鴨真的是我的最愛, 單車是這一道已經值得Must Eat的推介. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-17
如果你係愛蠔之人,一定要呢排去下凱悦軒。生蠔絕對係冬季的當造季節,主廚黃師傅設計左幾個特別菜式,絕對可以來一場「蠔」門盛宴。一坐低就己經係好精彩嘅蜜香柚子蠔,大隻到一個點,朋友仲以為係蜜香骨之類,外層個皮做得好,炸完隻蠔加上清新的柚子汁,勁清新,而用上嘅係美國蠔嘅size嘅大蠔,口感一流,剩係呢個感覺,應該未有地方可以做過。沙薑乾煏鴛鴦蠔煲係我另一個最愛,中國來的金蠔與肥美嫩滑的美國生蠔crossover,配上新鮮沙薑、蒜頭、蔥及少許指天椒爆香左個汁,個煲上嘅時候勁有大排檔嘅風味。同一種做法,兩隻蠔各有自己風格,我個人喜歡美國生蠔多啲。小炒王你一定食過,但黃師傅靈機一觸,創作出「蠔」為主角的小炒王,X.O.醬蝦乾小炒蠔將蠔仔、蝦乾、磨菇、炸芋絲等不同材料粉勻,加入凱悅軒招牌 X.O. 辣椒醬提升香味,用重要係個啲蠔仔好大粒好肥,對比平時食小炒王個口感好得多。朋友話想吃個肉,選了祖籍潮州的黃師傅的梅欖骨,將排骨蒸三小時至軟淋淋,之後用大火炸到鬆化,加上自家製梅膏醬及潮州嘅欖角,完全唔似食緊肉,因為好開胃而且個肉感覺一點也不油膩。本來想食埋香芋臘味蠔仔煲仔飯,朋友話加上臘腸和膶腸的油香後,個蠔仔一定更出色,不過因為唔想全部都食蠔,結果食左瑤柱海皇魚湯泡飯,清新得來,有魚湯creamy嘅香,泡飯加上脆米更加精彩。菜方面就無配蠔了,方魚炒芥蘭有清味蕾嘅感覺,芥蘭夠甜夠爽,簡單又易令人愛上。蠔個menu去到2月9日,有興趣就快手。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
來到這家餐廳,第一口就驚為天人!椒香汁花螺夠晒鮮美,啖啖肉滑到擺烏龍。花椒油的微微麻,與鹽湯底搞到你話唔出係辣定係麻,絕對係夠晒驚喜!食個筍殼魚,好似捧住一隻小小的香脆寶盒,裡面藏住細膩的煙燻氣息,脆口中帶點淡淡煙燻鮮味,正到冇朋友啦!湛江雞滑嫩多汁,汁醬豐富得黎又唔膩口,再埋住遼參一齊入口,係咁滴汁都惦記!再講下鹽燒羊排🍖,戥手指嘅好滋味!孜然辣粉輕輕撤上去,微辣而惹味,食到唔自覺狂點頭。唔少得芥蘭,爽口清甜,為呢頓大餐加分唔少。蟹粉搭拌淮山麵,平平無奇嘅麵條瞬間提升到另一層次,撈勻個汁,食落去絲絲滑溜,每啖都有蟹粉嘅鮮味,正!至於甜品喇,流心盞🍮嘅奶皇流到心都融晒,芝麻糕濃郁香甜,餐尾一杯清新的楊枝甘露🍹,完美Ending!食到盡,大飽口福,而且唔洗擔心食得太貴!下次再黎試,記住預埋位啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-04
退休後的生活比想像中更多彩多姿,每隔一段時間又會同朋友聚下,早排就去了尖沙咀 Hyatt Regency 的凱悅軒。其實凱悅軒真係好就腳,樓下就係尖沙咀地鐵站,就算打10號風球都可以無有怕,超方便。來了多次,依然很喜歡這裡的蜜汁叉燒,簡單直接,沒過多蜜汁,邊位焦香而有嚼口,吃得痛快,尤其是加碗白飯更是美味。可能近月蠔類肥美,凱悅軒推出以蠔作主題的[蠔門盛宴]。蜜香柚子蠔以薄脆漿包裹生蠔炸得香口,外層是黃色脆漿,內裡是軟熟多汁的生蠔,再澆上一層柚子汁,清香怡人,可以的話,佐酒更一流。X.O.醬蝦乾小炒蠔其實感覺似係小炒皇,但以爽蠔作主調,加上大大隻蝦乾,伴以蒜心同芋絲,非常香口,同柚子蠔一樣,送酒好啱。沙薑乾煏鴛鴦蠔煲好特別的處理手法,以沙薑去焗生蠔同金蠔,兩者吸收了沙薑汁,變得好惹味,食之前再淋上威士忌酒,然後點火,令蠔肉多了一份酒香,兩種蠔又各自有不同質感,好正。瑤柱海皇魚湯泡飯作為澱粉質怪,個人實在好喜歡單尾,在家中都經常自製泡飯,今次瑤柱海皇魚湯泡飯湯底已經好鮮甜,仲要加埋帶子肉、菜粒、瑤柱同蝦仁,食之前灑上脆米來增添口感,比起單純的炒粉麵飯更吸引我。甜品每次都會必點酥皮流沙盞,無他,因為係即叫即焗,上層酥香,下層鬆化,內裡煙韌又有流沙,變化多端,好味。再來是香滑芝麻凍糕及家鄉茶粿,賣相毫不花巧,吃得出兒時的味道。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-23
Throwback to quality Chinese food by 凱悅軒 (The Chinese Restaurant) at Hyatt Regency TST! Would definitely recommend if you are on the hunt for a decent Chinese restaurant👍🏻.Basically 90% of what we ordered were my favourites 🤣 Here are the most memorable and recommended items!.🥢脆皮茶香雞🐔 (Crispy smoke chicken, Jasmine tea)🥢豉汁蘆筍炒帶子 (Pan-fried scallop, asparagus, black bean sauce)🥢山椒汁野菌炒牛肋骨肉 (Stir-fried sliced prime beef short ribs, fresh green pepper sauce, assorted mushrooms) 🥢碧綠炒斑球 🐟 (Stir fry fillet of groups, vegetables)🥢紅炆斑頭腩 🐟 (Braised groupa belly).I would say their dessert weren’t as remarkable compared to their main dishes and were priced a bit too aggressively for what were offered. .😋Recommend? ✅ 👩🏻‍🍳Food rating: 4.5/5👩🏻‍⚖️Overall experience rating: 4/5 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)