12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
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食評 (4)
This restaurant is famous for its clay pot rice, and even though far from the downtown area it was not that difficult to find. The small restaurant has two floors, and we were seated on the ground level, with the overall decoration being no-frill style and down to earth.But we came here for the food, not decoration. So ordering the two signature clay pot rice, with me taking the eel and Ivy taking the frog. It took a while for the rice to cook, as it was prepared from scratch. But the wait was well worth in my opinion.My eel clay pot rice was very good, with the eel having a good fat and having a great complement from the soy beans. There is also a shiitake mushroom to add further aromas to the rice. Adding the specially prepared soy sauce brought the rice to the next level, with the layer of burnt rice at the bottom giving a crispy and tasty supplement to the rice.Ivy also had a good experience with her clay pot rice with frog. The meat was firm and there was a lot of ginger added too to give a nice smell, and again the soy sauce is a nice enhancer to the overall satisfaction of the rice.The service, however, was a bit lacking, and being in such restaurant one might argue you could not expect anything. But still in my opinion being friendly is something that everyone should be able to do. On that front this restaurant can have some improvements.With the two rices costing $105, it is really good value in terms of food quality. I would recommend this restaurant for the sake of the food, but not anything else.My overall rating is 53/100. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-12-22
1214 瀏覽
補之林是澳門本地一間擁有多年歷史的煲仔飯餐廳,有做午市,我看不少的點心都有好想吃到炸的奶皇卷不過那天晚上過來,店員說這時間不做了。只好乖乖吃煲仔飯郵政局都選它為代表澳門的地道美食,有為它發行郵票,在店面裡也看到一開蓋料不算很多,但來訪兩次水準都不一,但還是地道美味老店 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
(非會員) 2008-11-04
666 瀏覽
今晚已經唔係第一次去,但係每一次去親都係要受氣,好似俾錢買難受咁!雖然佢D食物係好好味,特別係D煲仔飯,但係D人 ge 服務態度非常差!係樓上ge係一個好似係內地黎ge女人,同你落單ge時候十問九唔應,個樣就好似你殺o左佢全家咁。而且樓上咩通風都冇,一有人食煙(經常發生)就會濃煙密佈。樓下個收銀仲難頂!問佢野佢罵返你轉頭!埋單個陣好似你欠佢錢咁,正常ge收銀你俾錢佢都會用手接,但係佢就係枱面彈兩下手指好冇禮貌咁叫你放低!真係俾錢買難受! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2006-01-24
517 瀏覽
之前都食過三、四次,都幾好食。個人覺得最驚喜的是泡菜生煎餃子,因為皮薄又唔會’穿’,比好多賣京滬菜的館子好得多。煲仔飯雖然不是用炭爐煮,但都好夠味道。小菜都幾好食,其實每次去都係為左飲燉湯。燉湯清甜滋補,最啱一些樣我一樣身體差但又少湯水的人(無味精)。南北杏元肉燉鱷魚湯好正,健肺鷓鴣湯都唔錯。不過,建議不要試蒸飯,因為d飯通常蒸到爛爛地不好吃。<br /><br />地方都幾迫,坐樓上會好d。<br /><br />題外話: 剛剛在新口岸開了分店,可以加進資料庫的嗎?<br /><br />平均每人消費約MOP60.00- 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)