餐廳: Blue Supreme



2020-09-17 354 瀏覽
Blue supreme is first and foremost a bar. It serves a wide variety of alcohol with a beautiful open area for you to watch the bartender. It also have a brunch and dinner menu for the times before peak bar hours. This restaurant is located up in sheung wan which could take a little time to get to from the MTR station. But given how far away it was and there was still a line to get in, I think you know Blue Supreme means business. We couldn’t help ourselves so we got two brunch sets valued at 258
Blue supreme is first and foremost a bar. It serves a wide variety of alcohol with a beautiful open area for you to watch the bartender. It also have a brunch and dinner menu for the times before peak bar hours. This restaurant is located up in sheung wan which could take a little time to get to from the MTR station. But given how far away it was and there was still a line to get in, I think you know Blue Supreme means business.

We couldn’t help ourselves so we got two brunch sets valued at 258 per person (there’s still service charge) just to try as much as we can off the menu.


Tater tots is amazing. I don’t know how to explain their genius of how they made a dish so simple taste so good. It was a mixture of the perfect size of the tater tots with a good nacho cheese base. The cheese itself was also worthy of praise since it wasn’t those cheap nacho cheeses that get thick and gooey fast. This is my recommendation for the starter if you decide to get the brunch set

The cauliflower hummus was also an equally amazing choice. This is one of the smoothest hummus I have had in ever. I’m not even sure how they managed to get the hummus tastes so good and so smooth. There is a caveat. The tortilla chips that came with it was not good. It was bland and too hard to be a good compliment to the hummus dish. It just wasn’t my cup of tea. So we did what every sane person would do and ate all the hummus without the tortilla chips.


The kimchi shashuka. You could tell that it’s a staple dish at blue supreme given that the amount of people that have ordered this dish. You have got to admit it looks absolutely gorgeous and I can confirm it tastes just as it looks. I loved the bread that came with shashuka quite simply because I like good bread. The kimchi flavour was not obvious but I do like the dish overall. I’m not sure what their secrets are for this dish but this is something I don’t think I could ever replicate at home.

The herby mushroom toast. Did I like it? Eh. Was it good? It was alright. Was there anything mind blowing about this dish? Not really. Would I pay 138 HKD to get this dish a la carte? Most likely not. It was a mushroom toast and that was it. There wasn’t anything special to it nor was the bread toasted properly. The eggs were eggs, also nothing special to it. This is a dish that I think most of us can make and of a similar quality.

The dessert

Honestly the highlight of the meal. This was the best thing that came to our table. The cookie was absolutely amazing and melted right in our hands. The chocolate was still melting and it just smelled gorgeous. The milk was also mint infused so you get this hint of mint when you dip your cookie into the cup. Makes for a perfect meal. This dessert right here is worth visiting for. You have to get this if you’re lucky enough.

Overall experience.

I can only say that perhaps 258 per person for brunch is slightly over the top. Given that tater tots was 72 and the herby mushroom toast was 138, it is reasonably priced for what you get. However the amount of food that came is beyond the portions of two people. I suggest you get two mains and a starter with dessert instead of two of each.
Tater  tots  and  cauliflower  hummus
30 瀏覽
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Kimchi  shashuka
30 瀏覽
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Herby  mushroom  toast
27 瀏覽
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Cookie  with  mint  infused  milk
22 瀏覽
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1131 瀏覽
1 讚好
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1463 瀏覽
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178 瀏覽
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Earl  grey  tea
64 瀏覽
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
40 分鐘 (堂食)
$300 (午餐)
Tater  tots  and  cauliflower  hummus
Kimchi  shashuka
Cookie  with  mint  infused  milk
Earl  grey  tea