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食評 (11)
等級3 2014-10-08
1101 瀏覽
近幾次來澳門,大多數都是入住君悅酒店。每次離開前,總會在大堂買葡撻及canelé 回港慢慢嘆。這裡的葡撻,撻皮酥油香,又鬆化,蛋漿部分盡是蛋香兼帶焦糖香,質感又滑溜。canelé 外脆內香軟,外層的焦糖脆到不得了,切開後,內裡呈蜂巢狀。整體不會太甜,是相當合格的可露麗。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-03-30
1608 瀏覽
Before leaving the Macau, I wanted to get something from Grand Hyatt Macau Patisserie, so that I could have a treat on the ride home. Environment & Hygiene:This place is in the open area at the lobby of Grand Hyatt. It has cool live music at night. Hygiene appears to be okay. Service:Service was okay. My friends and I went in the morning and asked if we could come back in the afternoon to pick the cakes up, but since their machines were down, we had to put down $100 as a deposit, and that they'd give us back whatever change they owed us. Taste & Value:With cakes lining up neatly underneath the glass, I could easily see the different cakes available.  I saw the only one that I wanted- the Chocolate Brownie Cake ($33). In this gambling city, of course everything is related to $$. This wonderful piece of cake had a ruby on top.  Okay, so it wasn't a real one; it was actually white chocolate. The bottom of the cake was a chocolate brownie with walnuts, which was probably one of the best brownie I have had not including my mom's. The texture was perfect.  The layer on top was chocolate and hazelnut mousse that also had a nice smooth texture. Together, this was a very good dessert.  I recommend it. This fancy piece of cake would probably cost at least $42 in Hong Kong, so I think it was a pretty good deal since it was only thirty something. However, although I ordered to go, there was some kind of service charge. Final Verdict:Stop by if you're ever at the City of Dreams. Next time, I think I will actually go at night so that I can enjoy the live music.  繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-06-27
416 瀏覽
最後一層是四件蛋糕,它們分別是Matcha Cassis, Pear Caramel & Chocolate Cake, Raspberry Napoleon Cake 及 Chocolate Orange Cake。Matcha CassisMatcha mousse, matcha pudding, black currant layer & matcha almond genoise.酸甜的黑加侖子和甘香的抹茶這個組合創新也好吃,比紅豆和抹茶這個沉悶得配搭有趣得多了。抹茶強烈但又不會蓋過黑加侖子的味道;蛋糕每一層質感相近,特顯了味道的融合。我最喜歡就是這件。Pear Caramel & Chocolate cakeChocolate ganache, caramel mousse, pear pudding, pear puree & chocolate sponge雖然說是有caramel,可是我卻不太能嚐得出來。啤梨布丁和puree清甜,中和了甜膩的朱古力ganache,唯獨是最底的朱古力sponge朱古力味比較弱,拉低了整件蛋糕的分數。Chocolate Orange cakeChocolate ganache, chocolate mousse, orange marmalade, orange pudding, praline, poppy seed sponge朱古力mousse香醇和橙果醬及布丁配搭得很;焦糖果仁層是個驚喜,令口感變得更豐富。Raspberry Napoleon Cake這件可以說得上是難吃,中間白色的"cream"質地詭異,如下了過多魚膠粉的忌廉。酥皮沒有牛油香,也不鬆脆。整體食物質素一般,以蛋糕較為出色,不過逛得累時來坐坐、吃件cake也不錯! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2012-10-28
252 瀏覽
行到累,想HEA下,來呢度不錯.MACAROON係raspberry.外脆內軟,入面D醬酸香突出,中和成件既甜度,仲要係20蚊,好過香港3X蚊O個D質素芝士餅就無咩特別之處,叫左杯whiskey sour,酸味中和whiskey既濃烈,好清新.連隨酒送既snacks都好好食,係D花生呀,果仁O個D,但係個調味係香辣蜜糖.好到停唔到口,仲好鬼多,有沖動想問係整定係入貨先係120蚊,爽 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2012-01-24
218 瀏覽
既然升幅咁勁,點解仲俾個笑佢呢!原因是原價太平喇,上年只賣$188,所以見到好多人食。五星酒店的食物質素始終較有保証其實加價以後食物款式改變不多。當中有我最喜愛的葡tart,仲有…macaroon外表香脆,內裡煙煙煒煒的,口感一流。清甜的綠茶味加上內裡酸酸的梅醬,味道很夾!點解可以整得咁好食嘅呢?! 繼續閱讀
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