港鐵銅鑼灣站 C 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
10:00 - 22:00
現金 八達通
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (12)
等級3 2016-11-16
593 瀏覽
食完百幾蚊的午飯卻沒有餐飲,,,,,唯有跟飯友到附近走走看~~~~ 這間開了一段日子,, 位於銅鑼灣廣場二期黃金地鋪的coffee shop,,常常路經但又撞唔岩coffee time 無機會試,, 今日終於一嚐滋味~~~~餐牌註明了中和大杯裝都有3 shot 啡,, regular (細杯)則只有2shot,, 我和飯友呢種咖啡控都揀了3shot 嚕~它這樣清楚的presentation 也不錯!!啡味香濃得來沒有over roast,, 對我來說又不至太淡,, 我揀了cappuccino 奶的portion 剛好~品質不錯的一間咖啡店~~ 如果它在我公司附近必會常來幫襯~~~  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2016-10-09
366 瀏覽
This is my second time to this coffee shop. Delighted to say that I really enjoyed both times at this coffee shop! I ordered a red cup Hazelnut Latte for $37. It was a winner for me - not too sweet, yet there was still a strong hint of hazelnut flavour. The shop is really small, but the environment is chill and pleasant. The staff were friendly. The background music is nice, and I definitely would have stayed longer if I wasn't in a hurry. Seriously planning to come back in the future! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2016-09-25
303 瀏覽
雖時只得二開份店,呢間有誠意的咖啡店一定大受歡迎Latte 是必飲的飲過Signature latte 是不可返轉頭的咖啡香味,有層次,有記憶的層次,每一早都要買一杯店員也親切 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2016-08-06
414 瀏覽
y Not Coffee Engineer was originally in Sheung Wan. But most recently, they opened up a branch in Causeway Bay. A small little corner shop, serving coffee and sandwiches. They also have non coffee drinks such as smoothies and tea for those that don't want coffee.I read about y Not as they offer nitro press coffee on tap. Apparently, what they were known for. As it was super hot, I decided to give them a try.Price of the nitro press coffee was $48. Actually, not as expensive as other places that offer this. The coffee was ice cold. Smooth with a touch of acidity that wasn't too strong. Not as crisp as I would have preferred but it was good on a hot summer day.Will return again to try their other drinks next time. I noticed they mainlyl focused on lattes of a multitude of flavors. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2016-04-17
628 瀏覽
最近在網上見到不少人推介ynot cafe,有日同朋友行CWB時候順便去下ynot光顧 ,YNOT而家好紅咖啡店,它的價錢和星爸爸差不多啦,我叫咗抹茶鮮奶(38元),朋友十分推介ynot,每個人的口味不同 ,抹茶鮮奶的抺茶味較淡 ,它勝在不是太甜,味道整體就一般,服務都OK啦 ,價錢貴咗些小,CWB分店地方不是太大 ,有座位給客人坐係度休息,慢慢品嘗它的飲品味道抹茶鮮奶,抹茶味較淡,相對鮮奶好重,我覺得都OK服務:我覺得都幾好環境:地方不是太大 ,亦有座位給客人坐下休息價錢:稍為貴咗些小 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)