港鐵灣仔站 A1 出口, 步行約9分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 01:00
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食評 (83)
等級4 2019-08-09
923 瀏覽
前排...(都已經係6月既事)...有同事生日所以約埋幾個出去食生日飯因為O個排天氣麻麻, 麻日落雨我地最後揀左間近公司既餐廳食我地一坐底仲見到原來有人生日有折2個人生日有85折無啦啦賺左個加一LOL其實MENU選擇唔多最後我地6個人有5個揀左steak主要係因為佢個薯格佢d steak $150有找其實好平可能咁, 一分鐘一分貨所以都覺得okay既另外一個同事唔係牛揀左個勁cheese既pasta一上台望上去好plain但係食落好cheese好正我地反而覺得呢個好(仲平d添)我地有人生日最搞笑係個waitress喺我地面前準備蛋糕同行出黎所以生日兩位都見到曬成個process我地笑到呢lol短期內未必會再去食~但係都還可以既... 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-01-31
2708 瀏覽
As I was shopping at Uselect downstairs for TESCOs stuff went here for dinner.The hotpot got me curious as it Western style.There is a meat and vegetarian set which is enough for two and you can always order more ingredients a la carte if it is not enough.When you order the hotpot, two drinks are included.I chose the vegetarian one because it had spinach ravioli and for the soup I chose the onion soup.Before it came, I was wondering what sort of onion soup it would be and it turned out to be French Onion soup without the cheese.As the pot is quite small, you have to think carefully which ingredients and in what order to put in.I chose the ravioli first because I just love ravioli and then I put the tomatoes in to give the soup some tomato flavour.The ravioli tasted good so the sauces were not really needed.The sweetcorn takes a while to cook so patience is needed but otherwise all tasty.Overall it was a fun hotpot experience with a Western soup and without chopsticks as well!This place is pet friendly so you can bring your pets. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2018-08-20
2862 瀏覽
今日滿心歡喜請好耐冇見幾朋友食生日lunch,有一日經過Brim 28附近, 見到有好多間睇落都唔錯嘅餐廳,所以喺OpenRice search 呢個地方,然後揀咗呢間,點知食個午餐嘅時候, medium嘅牛扒,切嘅時候已經心知不妙,好"銀“,一啲肉味都冇,又唔喊,中間啲肉生得黎,好似未煮過咁,蝦蟹肉蕃茄天使麵,又係冇味嘅,啲蝦又昧昩地,唔怪之得成間餐廳,成個lunch Time得幾台客!雖然服務好賣相靚,但係最緊要係食物,而且隔離啲餐廳,全部都差唔多價錢一個set lunch,以後都唔會幫襯!唔明點解有咁多個笑笑! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2018-08-05
4606 瀏覽
世途險惡,生活迫人,晚上放工後最幸福就是能夠吃一餐安樂茶飯。在繁忙的灣仔吃個晚飯,喝杯紅酒,鬆弛鬆弛,而灣景中心實在是一個旺中帶靜,非常不錯的地方。走上天橋風也特別大,上到平台不難找到這個大大的招牌Trafalgar!餐廳的大門用了半落地玻璃,讓自然光滲入,令客人感覺舒服。店內面積也頗大,大約有廿張四人枱,全店用了木色做主色,木色的餐枱配合黑皮椅子,這裡的裝修典雅;牆上還掛住螢幕,播著不同的體育賽事;服務員態度親切有禮,值得一讚!看着琳琅滿目的餐牌,今天晚上只想好好享受一份簡單的晚餐,我們點了一份晚餐炭燒紐西蘭肉眼扒,配薯格,時菜及燒汁$188和一個homemade Margherita Pizza $148。不久是日餐湯蘑菇湯先上枱,忌廉味不太重,有着濃郁的新鮮蘑菇味道,粒粒囗感吸引着我,香滑好味;在上面有一條脆卜卜的法式餅乾,搽上蒜蓉牛油份外滋味。至於朋友的三文魚雞蛋沙律相當吸引,嫩綠的羅文生菜和車厘茄新鮮爽口,一片煙三文魚和半隻蛋簡單好味,鋪上巴馬臣芝士和麵包粒,再配上凱撒沙律醬為這頓晚餐展開完美的序幕。終於等到這份肉眼扒上枱,遠遠也聞到炭燒的香氣,肉眼扒是七成熟的,入口十分Juicy,肉質鮮嫩,這份扒不需鋪上燒汁味道已經很不錯;薯格炸得香脆,時菜新鮮爽口,整道菜的配搭均很好,這個套餐$188有質素真是物有所值的! 我一向喜歡homemade Margherita Pizza,可惜家中一直不能擁有一個焗爐,所以差不多每次也會到餐廳點一個。其實Pizza Margherita用料非常簡單,只有新鮮羅勒和蕃茄,Mozzarella芝士,顏色象徵義大利國旗,據說義大利皇后Margherita吃過Pizza之後,深得女皇喜歡,因而命名為 Pizza Margherita。而我的Margherita終於上枱,遠遠也聞到香濃的Mozzarella芝士,一片片的新鮮大蕃茄,放在薄薄的香脆餅底。廚師掌握焗爐的溫度及烘焙時間恰到好處,做出餅底煙韌富嚼勁的效果。就這樣,簡單渡過了一個愉快的晚上。 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2018-07-08
2187 瀏覽
Booked a table for 16 people, when we arrived the staff were not friendly at all, all the drinks I order were not               in   stock so I drank coke all night, when we ordered the food it  come out warm and the  chicken was uncooked,        when I said about this to  the staff cloud not understand me, and to finish the night, at 9 pm the manger come to us    and asked us to pay our bill as the table was booked for another group , so rude when u just spent over 5500 HKD    (355)  per head 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)