以航海設計為題的澳洲特色海鮮餐廳,主打海鮮,扒類及意粉。有素菜、兒童餐、下午茶餐、酒吧小食及飲品。餐廳設有1個100吋屏幕以及3個設於酒吧的細屏幕,以供欣賞體育賽事。 繼續閱讀
10:00 - 00:00
Visa Master 現金 AE
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泊車 詳細介紹
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大蒜蝦伴凱撒汁 自家製龍蝦湯 明蝦串燒 帶子蜆肉意粉 燒烤雞肉和排骨組合
食評 (90)
等級3 2011-03-07
614 瀏覽
農曆大除夕,難得有一日假,阿b又有人幫手湊,同老婆兩個拍拖仔出尖咀行街食晏。蕩到入kidx,blt同quarterdeck又係做semi-buffet,見quarterdeck平少少包兩杯飲品,門口又見到佢個buffet部份,好似都仲可以,又即刻有位,就入咗呢個局…buffet部份個三幾款壽司同卷物,以鬼佬餐廳黎講,我唔會有要求。沙律都係得個幾隻菜,比較特別係有燒茄爪同翠肉瓜,都幾平淡下。甜品就差少少,個唔記得乜鬼pudding真係食咗都唔會記得係乜味,蛋糕又雞。不過總括而言係收貨嘅。飲品,都係咖啡、茶、汽水個幾款,無野特別。不過杯咖啡用嘅豆都幾好、幾新鮮。到個自選主菜,我要龍蝦,老婆應該係食牛扒(主觀咁清洗咗呢段記憶),但係好記得有兩樣:1. 上得好慢 - 差不多全餐廳其他客都食緊/食咗主菜之下,我地都等咗差不多成個鐘2. 個味道好似食緊菲律賓菜!一d都唔似係食緊鬼佬餐!我唔想歧視,但係點解個兩碟野嘅汁,杰撻撻,gravy唔似gravy,只係食到豆粉味。龍蝦都仲叫個頭有味,個牛扒就乜味都無。加埋一埋單一人兩舊咁上下,但係如果只係得杯咖啡得,點會有人再去? 繼續閱讀
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(非會員) 2011-02-20
213 瀏覽
Been meaning to try Quarterdeck for a while. Went to the Kowloon one last night and was very disappointed.Ordered the black mussels to start, which was quite nice.The main meal ordered was the reef and turf. The prawn was ok, but the steak was terrible. I ordered for rare, and it came out medium, with the outside of the steak very overcooked and dry, and only a touch of light pink in the middle. (Coincidentally my wife ordered blue and got rare).Asked a waiter to come over and have a look and she basically ran away and asked the manager to come over. I explained the problem again when the manager came over and his response is that that the steak is cooked properly and it is how it is supposed to be cooked as rare, and it's not supposed to have blood oozing out. I said this is clearly not rare, but if you think this is cooked properly then there is nothing more to say. He then reluctantly offered to cook one more rare which I declined.The waiters and manager then basically avoided our table, and didn't even bother to say thank you when I paid. I signed the bill (with no tip on top of the 10% service, which is a very rare thing for me to do), and the waiter basically had a disgusted look, shoved me my credit card and receipt without saying anything, turned around and walked away.For the price range ($350 or so for a surf and turf) and a total bill over over $1000 for 2 people, the food and service was simply unacceptable. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2011-01-31
87 瀏覽
Very bad experience indeed. Went to dine in this poor restaurant with my parents and 2 young kids. Before we started the order, I naively asked for waters for the family member, esp. the kids. The waitress gave me a funny look and asked if i want 'still or sparking'. Given my parents who are over 70s and wanted simply a glass of water, i mentioned to her that we need just a few glasses of water before ordering beer for me and juice for the kids, but she asked $20/person charge for water!!!! Even after explaining it was NOT what we want, the waitress simply said that it is the company policy and i can speak to the management (Paul Buxton). While $$$ is not a problem, esp for over $800 dinner, this is simply difficult to understand why the restaurant charging such high price for foods can be so unreasonable and does not how to serve. I WILL NEVER GO TO THIS POOR SERVICE PLACE!PS. I could not reach Paul during the dinner but he returned my call late at night and promised to investigate. Now after over 2 weeks, still No answer.... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2011-01-16
64 瀏覽
My family had a dinner in this restaurant. The services were bad since we ordered our food. The waiter did not say any words or repeat your orders or dropped any notes. We had no idea if he remembered our orders or not. We ordered the black mussels. This dish is about $175. However, half of the mussels were closed whilst serving. I had watched a food cooking TV program before and it was mentioned that if the clams or mussels did not open after cooking, those stuff could not eat because they were not fresh and had actually turned bad before the clams or mussels were cooked. I told the waiter about this. To my surprise, the waiter refused to accept the mussels were not fresh and told me he could make them open after sending them back to the kitchen, and cooked once again. How can a restaurant serve bad quality food to customers, in particular seafood ? The customers could get sick after eating the food. I don't think this restaurant deserves to fetch such a high price given the food quality and services are so bad. Most of the dishes were relatively small and a bit salty. I will not recommend it to anyone and I don't think I will go there again.I think I should share this with the others who plan to go there ! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2011-01-05
71 瀏覽
1個月前BOOK定,所以CHOOSE左海景位!好靚,同埋因為我地係卡位,所以好正!哈哈哈哈!因為BOOK個陣要比full payment, 所以就2位$10XX(唔記得幾多,因為係BF請!)但係去到又特然唔想食set dinner wor,想a la carte,問waitress, 又可以WOR!只要食番10XX甘多就得啦~我地食左1. fried calamari: 呢個好味!especially 個garlic sauce!2. half dozen oysters kilpatrick: 普普通通,隻蠔細左D。。。3. grilled whole australian lobster: 原隻龍蝦,我同BF一人半隻!好香炭燒味4. seafood pasta marinara: 海鮮意粉入面有1隻大虎蝦,2隻大CLAMS(好大),青口同埋calamari!個spaghetti sauce 正!服務好有禮貌~最唔好淨係連水都要比錢,20蚊1位=。=|||| 繼續閱讀
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