港鐵金鐘站 F 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:00
Visa Master 現金
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食評 (5)
呢間餐廳我經常都會中午去食,食物質素好好,冇失過水準,服務都好好。惟獨有個上咗年紀嘅女侍應,唔知乜原因見親佢都係黑口黑面。話說今日帶同事去想介紹佢去食,同同事傾傾下偈,突然聽見佢大叫,佢好大聲係度鬧廚房入面嘅人!聲浪仲大過我同同事傾偈嘅聲,仲要夾雜埋粗口!佢嘅聲浪令我覺得自己去咗茶餐廳。🙄其實都唔止一次見佢咁嘅情況....跟住佢就對住我地黑口黑面...趕客咁樣。其實我知餐廳重點應該係食物,但如果遇到呢啲人招呼,都食得幾唔開心😫總括嚟講,呢間餐廳野食真係好味,環境都好好,服務都到位(除左個女人),值得一試。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-10-21
3080 瀏覽
Arrived in a bad mood, so was unfairly short with the waiter. They were going to put us on a bad table so I turned to walk away, but they immediately offered us a much better table with the understanding that we need to hand it back in an hour and a half. Fine. From then onwards the night got better and better. As we ordered the waiter warned us that it might be too much food, so we a dish off. Very rare to find that sort of honest service nowadays! The food they suggested was extremely delicious, albeit the curry chicken had way too much bones. But the highlight to us was the great al fresco ambience. The restaurant is on a quite laneway, so very few cars pass by. So long as the weather is good, it's totally worth giving it a go. We will certainly go back. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
We went there as the restaurant we planned to go was full on a Saturday nite. This restaurant had quite a few tables so we decided to give this restaurant a try.What a dissapointment. Dining out is an experience. It is more than a means to fill one's stomach. My experience is described below:Horrible experience 1: Abrupt impatient waitressMy friend and I were chatting and a woman with no smile to us asked abruptly "Are you ready to order?" in an impatient tone. We answered we are not ready, she dashed off. p.s. The restaurant was not busy at the time with 70% of the restaurant being empty!Horrible experience 2: No body caresWhen we were finally ready to order, no waiting staff were at sight. As I could see the kitchen staff from where I was sitting, I indicated to one kitchen staff who happened to be looking at my direction and pointed at the menu indicating I am ready to order, she looked back at me with a blank face, giving me a 'Don't bother me look". The kitchen had 3 staff. They were not busy and were all just standing there.Horrible experience 3: No lemon wedges for you'We ordered grilled sardines and as they only provided 2 tiny lemon wedges ( I believe they were a 1/8 of a lemon and then cut half again so imagine the wedge was 1/16 of a small lemon). So I asked if I could have some extra lemon wedges. The same impatient waitress came back with 2 lemon slices. I said can I have wedges. She said 'No, this is all we have". So I squeezed the juice out of the lemon slice for my sardines and had juice all over my hand.The Food Verdict:Starter 1: Grilled sardinesTasteless, better to do it at home yourself. You would probably do a better job. I asked for extra lemon to give it a bit more taste.Starter 2: Grilled chorizoNo wow factor. Again save your money and grilled it yourself at home.Main 1: spaghetti with chili and garlic:No bad. Pasta was al dente. Had a good amount of garlic. Main 2: Cabbage with salted cod fish.Best dish of all. Very tasty with the right amount of cod fish to enhance this essentially a vegetable dish. Good !Overall verdict combining food & restaurant experience : 1 out of 5I will never go back. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2016-11-06
3418 瀏覽
This is one of HK's few remaining family restaurants with history and character. Please support these guys because their food is absolutely superb. They used to be in the QRE building after having to move out of Ship St. location due to skyrocketing rents all over the city. Do the HK community a favor and support these guys. For decades they've been serving up fine Portuguese fare in Macau and HK. Bacahlau is amazing and the ox tail stew and its sauce to die for! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Another big meeting is coming up this afternoon. As always, I tried to take some pressure off and what a better way to do so than getting myself stuffed with good food? And just when we were checking out Star Street and Moon Street one after another, we ran into Nino's Cozinha, a Portuguese restaurant that we've yet to try before and judging from the flower baskets in front, it's probably a new kid on the block.The moment we started flipping through the lunch menu (OK, there's only one A4 page), we began questioning ourselves this. Is this truly a restaurant serving Portuguese food?Both the soup of the day (tomato soup) and salad of the day (garden green) suggested that this is simply a Hong Kong style western restaurant. And the main dishes of char-grilled rib eye, pork sirloin, pan roasted salmon fillet and spaghetti with scallops confirmed that suspicion.But we were not keen about Portuguese food anyways so we decided to give it a go.I had the garden green to start my meal. This was pretty decent, at least for the price I was paying. The acidity from the vinegar dressing was spot on and not overpowering like most local western restaurants.As much as I love to pepper myself with meat, I ended up picking seafood this afternoon. I guess having too much beef and chicken in Seoul played a huge part in that decision.Quite honestly, I had very low expectation for this spaghetti with scallops ($118) which was served with a creamy asparagus sauce and parmesan cheese. How could I have high expectations for a pasta at a place touted itself as a Portuguese restaurant? But this turned out to be quite decent.Both pieces of scallops, I thought, were probably from Hokkaido as they were really big in size and they were nicely seared and properly seasoned to go with the pasta. If they can improve a bit on the spaghetti and sauce, it's actually not a bad choice at all.Hopefully there will be a bit more Portuguese dishes going into their food menu real soon coz I do like Portuguese cuisine. 繼續閱讀
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