08:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
今天心情差,面色黑黑的,所以来到這裏,希望收下人氣,不要呆在家。這裡氣場十分好, 這裡感覺很舒服。 樓上是販售高级名牌的兒童高衣服,和用品的。買完東西坐下喝咖啡也真心不错! 點了一杯藍莓茶,很有花香。 58加一小費,能坐上兩小時我覺得絕對值得。 面色也變好了,有時候坐在窗邊曬太陽休閒度過一兩小時。 人都精神一些。 午餐大概一百中 至二、三百,豐儉由人,覺得坐得舒服,不太吵,地方又靓,服务也好,在铜锣湾是十分不错!
Went for a quick lunch at this cafe branch in CWB. It’s conveniently located in Lee Garden Two. I was seated in one of the smaller tables facing the food/drinks counter. The tables were placed rather close to one another in a row. Unfortunately, neither the chair nor the seat leaning against the wall were particularly comfortable . I ordered a 4 sides Autumn/Winter Brunch Board under the Menu priced at $158+ 10% service charge. The selections were: Sourdough bread, Mushroom & Quinoa Salad, Pan Fried Chicken Thigh w/ Satay Sauce, Sous Vide Char Siu, Cherry Tomato & Mozzarella Cheese w/ Umeshu Sauce. When my brunch board arrived, one could see my choices were presented in little bowls and small Japanese look-alike round dishes. Oddly enough, I was only given knife and fork to consume my meal😂😬! The char siu and the chicken were in larger pieces and it was not possible to shuffle them in the mouth without cutting them in smaller pieces! I had to tilt the knife and fork somehow to cut the meat within the small confine of the bowl and round dish which was hard to do! The small bowl kind of wobbled whilst I was doing the cutting 😒 as it was not meant for the purpose. Trying hard to do so discreetly without spillage. The person who designed this brunch board obviously did not take into consideration how one would enjoy the food! Great idea but failed on execution……. The slowed cooked char siu was flavourful but was not as tender was one would have hoped. In comparison, the chicken meat was much juicier but the satay sauce lacked flavour and punch. The other salad dishes were okay. The sourdough bread looked as though it had been seared and was chewy. Finally, I ordered what I come for - a cappuccino ($45 plus 10% service charge). When it arrived, there was consolation. On first sip, the nuttiness and chocolatey crema coated my mouth then rounded up by the full bodied milky foam and milk. This choco blend coffee was delicious and well balanced! An exceptional good cup of coffee. I would definitely come back again for their coffee but as for food, I am not so sure.
今天午飯已飲Cappuccino, 黃昏前在想喝什麼,想找個地方歇一下,正好想起這個地方,也想有點甜,選了這個朱古力醬花紋的Mocha, fruity taste。對於生活中,有些時候想喝咖啡,但很多店都較早下班,這裏是個好地方,讓你滿足一下,營業時間到晚上九點🤩😚
呢間已去過幾次都ok的,今日試下午茶就嘛嘛地,我哋三個人坐長枱,周圍有位都要安排人來撘枱,雖然都理解,但其實可以做好啲,order 咗Brunch Board,最出色都係個叉燒,加咗48元和牛不是無咩特別可skip。再叫左個和牛漢堡都係ok,兩個人食都好飽。再叫杯長笛咖啡已可以唔使食晚餐!不過食物同服務都明顯差咗,希望可改善下!