登上新時代中心三十八樓,就是LaVilla 38.它擁有三面落地大玻璃,景色可遠眺跑馬地馬場。法國大廚曾在法國及英國的米芝蓮得獎餐廳任職,他對食物的要求相當有要求,不愛用雪藏貨,選的全是歐美入口食材。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
Visa Master 現金 AE
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
泊車 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
朱古力奶油凍 和牛 阿爾弗雷多香蒜雞肉直通粉 炸鱸魚 海鮮
食評 (16)
等級4 2010-12-22
392 瀏覽
兩口子偷閒溜出去靜靜撐一下枱腳,這機會現在已甚奢侈,時候一到當然要珍惜....專登選了一間環境較靜而又帶點romantic的地方,好讓我倆回味一下從前拍拖時的光景。身處在灣仔與銅記交界的新時代中心內的LaVilla,居高臨下,離遠邊用餐邊眺望着維港的夜景,是莫大的享受....很可惜的是,在如此的靚景底下,品嘗到的食物卻是不及水平的,實在令人太失望了....最像樣的竟是作為餐前小吃的蒜茸牛油法包切片 --- 烘得夠熱,包身脆卜卜尤如在吃薯片,邊位帶少許燶,對小弟來說是更香口的;牛油味極香濃,再塗上適量伴吃帶酸的tomato salsa醬,兩者甚見匹配....最後結果是,再來多一籃麵包底下,都全吃得乾乾淨淨....可惜好事只是僅此而已,再來的鮮蟹肉凱撒沙律,菜蔬部份只用了普通生菜,平常常遇到的如火箭菜等反而欠奉,吃落是較為單調了點;蟹肉份量頗足而且又真的是新鮮即拆的,味很鮮甜,削片巴馬臣芝士很多,也夠鹹香;同樣蟹籽亦下了不少的,那用口一咬底下即爆開的口感,甚過癮;Dressing方面竟用上普通白色卡夫沙律醬而捨棄沒那樣膩口的意大利黑醋,是不太合個人口味了...這兒做的菜是帶有少許西日fusion意味的。叫了一客吞拿魚腩海膽卷物,飯粒甚覺鬆散,uni的份量有點吝嗇;toro蓉亦只是些下欄貨色,入口毫無油潤甘香即溶之感。這樣的一碟東西竟要盛惠一百七十八大洋,實在太不值吃....主吃一人一個,先試太太的tomato seafood spaghetti,意粉一點咬口也沒有,已是死罪一條,縱使海鮮配料很多之餘也很新鮮(特別是帶子,是既肥大肉厚又鮮甜),但沒有出色的意粉伴吃,亦只是徒然;茄醬有一點過酸,同樣不合口味....再試試自己的U.S. Prime Beef Tenderloin配松茸菌汁。肉質雖甚軟熟,但很奇怪內裡肉汁卻沒甚,醬汁像普通芥茉醬多過用鮮菌做的,吃落完全沒有菌香,令人太失望....對食物已沒期望,故此寧願犧牲慣有的甜品時間,為荷包節省多一些,總是一件好事.... 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2010-11-07
162 瀏覽
Have checked the comments from the fellow people and really started to wonder the authenticity of them.... I mean, this restaurant is really not worth my time to even comment but anyway to prevent other fellow real food lover to go I'd just spend my 2 cents here...First of all, I have no idea why but WHAT A WASTE OF LOCATION!!! They could have a REALLY good view but interestingly when I walked in with my wife we didn't even see there's a view there.... not until we tried to look hard outside the window and then we saw the view. Like some of the other comments the glasses in the restaurant completely reflected around 80% of the inside ambient light so it's really hard to see the view outside. Also there're only 2 tables around on a Friday night.... I surely hope they have lot of traffic during lunch.... For the food... there's really nothing to say about... anyway maybe just a short comment on them:Spicy tuna tartar : not very fresh and with some strange unpleasent smell.... similar to the one in Tokyo Joe but Joe's maybe 700% better.Truffle Soup : actually not bad. Maybe the best we had that night.Minestrone : okay. really nothing to talk aboutToro and Uni roll : they said they have no stock of uni.... okay so I just ask them to change the uni part to hotate but again, the tune is not fresh so similar to the about comment to the spicy tune tartar.Australian M9 prime rib with 25 year balsamic sauce : actually I ordered the prime rib wrap with garlic but they say they have to stock of that so I was forced to order this that is 2x the price of the one I ordered. Anyway, it was really so-so and with a lot of tough tendon, oh, and by the I couldn't find the "25 year balsamic sauce" in the beginning... maybe it's those 4 1.5mm droplets on the side of the dish...Cod grilled with Miso : in a sense, it's their version of 銀鱈魚西京焼 wanna be... maybe 50% look alike and 50% of the taste of what it should be.P.S. Very interesting thing that I found out that in the men room's the seat cover (not the top cover) is gone!!! So much so for a restaurant charging $500+ a head... hahahaAfter all these I was not in a good mood and of course haven't ordered any dessert. The rest you can imagine. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-10-08
106 瀏覽
這餐廳在新時代中心,即銅鑼灣消防局過少少,him記火鍋對面,唔難揾.我哋訂咗窗口位,景觀很開揚,望到半山,會展,成個九龍至銅鑼灣, 整個維多利亞港盡在眼簾;我影了好幾張照片都不滿意,才發現玻璃窗窗很大塵和黑黝黝,真是大煞風景!我哋叫午市套餐:是日餐包是蒜蓉包配香草蕃茄橄欖油,十分好吃, 佢吃了三片!Caesar salad with Parma Ham: 凱撒沙律幾新鮮,但d巴馬火腿 比較乾身和咸. Mixed vegetable consomme雜菜清湯,上枱時一縷縷輕煙,湯料種類多,味道不俗.主菜Roasted dust breast spaghetti with tomato sauce我選擇了鴨胸茄汁意粉:鴨胸煮得有點韌, 加上比較大片和厚身(半個手機咁大),自己像史力加吃東西; 咀嚼時而低頭,時而望窗, 避免別人看到這難看的樣子.Grilled US Prime Beef Tenderloin topped with mustard seed 佢選擇了牛扒,說這有點韌, 有d渣,很懷念紀念日吃的一塊!Strawberry panna cotta with ice cream :賣相討好 =薄荷葉+士多啤梨粒+奶凍 & dreyers 雲妮拿雪糕. 我覺得奶凍奶味唔濃, ,但佢覺得幾好食.cappunccino  - ok咁多道菜,我哋差不多吃了兩小時.顧客吃完食物佢哋會第一時間收碟,但水杯沒有水就不會理會.服務員的素質偏差很大,有些滿面笑容,有些黑口黑面;有些自動自覺,有些少做少錯.如果你想在週末睇吓海景,吃個悠長午餐,可以試吓; 但如果你對食物有少少要求 (請閱餐廳概要內的開飯介紹), 這餐廳有點不對板. _ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2010-06-15
54 瀏覽
同事個朋友介紹,估不到又無介紹錯!先講環境,位於38樓,落地270度玻璃可以望到九龍半島,以及港島半山,光是景觀已經夠殺食。婁底很高,table setting 都很講究,坐下很舒服的感覺。是日頭盤是刺身沙律配芝麻汁 (同事們贊好,很可惜我不吃刺身,無法comment)。再來是餐湯,淡淡的雞肉雜菜清湯,配以暖暖的牛油法包,很窩心。我的主菜是肉眼扒配野菌汁,肉眼要了7成熟,肉汁和分量剛剛好,很有肉味。不過有同事也叫7成熟,一個勁多肉汁,一個就燒幹了。我另外有個同事要了是日的鮮蝦天使面,賣相也不錯。Dessert 是義大利奶凍伴雪糕(聽說很好吃)或是鮮果拼盤(有士多啤梨,黃綠奇異果,鳳梨,很fresh)。最後來杯咖啡作完美的結束。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2010-05-18
27 瀏覽
My boss treated me and my colleague here for lunch yesterday.About 12:30pm, we headed to there. Actually, it's my 3rd time to be here. But i dun feel bored of it. This time, they have changed the dining style into fusion of jpn & west. entree: Soft shell crab avocando roll salad (i'm crazy of avocado, n the shell crab is pretty gd and fresh)soup: Black truffle cream soup (quite creamy as pumpkin soup i've tried last time)main course: pan-fried sole filet w/ seafood sauce (light and fresh, coz i dun like meat, so i order this fish)My boss's grilled US prime rib-eye is great too, succulent and just $178. My colleague's sashimi is gd too, should order next time.dessert: this week special: mango pancake w/ vanilla dessert (my reason to come at all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)Nice lunch! it's really value for money. Just a bit cold there. Have to wear a cardigan next time~~~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)