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食評 (5)
等級4 2021-11-15
401 瀏覽
🍗 1/4 French Roasted Chicken Classic Set ~ $98💯 整體評分:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 (5/5)👉🏻 1/4 Chicken (Leg/Breast)💬 可以自行選擇要雞脾/胸,有作就揀咗雞胸~話就話係1/4隻雞,份量都好大件,佔咗半個餐盒!件雞胸燒得好香,入味得恰到好處~肉質鮮嫩唔會嚡口,啖啖都滴哂雞汁,有作更罕有地食咗少少雞皮~😆 (見圖一)👉🏻 1-3 Hot Side Dishes or Salad (Single Portion)💬 配菜有多種選擇供應,有啲款式未必次次去都有㗎!有作揀咗銅鑼灣店限定嘅Coleslaw Salad同Quinoa Salad,仲有私心推薦嘅Beetroot Salad~食材嘅配搭非常融洽,毫無違和感,清新健康又好味~😋 (見圖一配菜左至右)👉🏻 Homemade Soup (S) ~ Pumpkin and Cumin💬 自家製無味精濃湯,熱辣辣暖入心~南瓜味好濃郁,散發住淡淡嘅孜然香,飲落超足料!口感非常順滑,飲完有滋潤喉嚨嘅感覺~😌👉🏻 Iced Tea💬 有作叫咗無糖走冰,大大杯清爽又解膩!入面有塊幾香口嘅葉仔同2-3片新鮮檸檬,食落唔會太酸~整體同紅茶十分配合!😁 (見圖一紙杯)🥪 Chicken Toastie ~ $66💯 整體評分:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 (5/5)💬 即叫即製嘅芝士蘑菇烤雞吐司,新鮮出爐香噴噴!鬆脆嘅麵包鋪滿熱溶芝士碎,夾住滑嘟嘟嘅雞肉、香濃嘅蘑菇同軟滑到拉絲嘅芝士,幾個願望一次滿足~🤤 (見圖二左、圖三)🥧 Quiche (On the house)💯 整體評分:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 (5/5)💬 店家招待嘅法式鹹派~餡料有南瓜、蛋等等,入口即溶,老人家都食到~熱情店員嘅小小心意充滿濃濃嘅人情味呢!🤩 (見圖二右、圖四)🍀 期待有更加多人發掘到呢間咁高質素嘅隱世良心小店~😇👇🏻 圖一 (法式烤雞一人餐)👇🏻 圖二 (烤雞吐司、法式鹹派)👇🏻 圖三 (烤雞吐司特寫)👇🏻 圖四 (法式鹹派特寫) 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2021-08-09
963 瀏覽
“二人套餐:法式烤雞+法式烤鴨胸”($168)想食法式菜其實都有啲平價之選嘅好似主打外賣法式烤雞同烤鴨嘅La Rotisserie🐓🦆最近La Rotisserie喺銅鑼灣開咗新分店😍面積比其他分店大,想堂食都有唔少位置😝一場嚟到當然想試哂烤雞同鴨啦😛所以我地就叫咗要2人餐因為可以揀50%烤雞+50%烤鴨胸😙另外仲可以選擇冷/熱嘅配菜🤫不論烤雞定鴨胸,一食落去都有好香香草味☺而且啲肉都算嫩滑😋同埋一啲都唔油膩🤩配菜份量都畀得好夠多🤣係堆到成座山仔咁🤣啲沙律都食得出幾新鮮🥗呢道都有提供啲三文治,捲餅,鍋物等等🥖🥪🌯當然個餡都會有雞/鴨😆另外仲可以加配湯,甜品食物組合配搭十分自由🤗不過我地食哂個2人餐已經好飽食唔落甜品🤣唯有下次嚟再食過啦😝 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2021-07-22
796 瀏覽
一直想試呢間主打傳統法式烤肉 「La Rotisserie」。據我所知呢間連鎖店以做外賣為主,我屋企附近嗰間分店只有幾個個座位,又唔想買外賣返屋企食,所以一直都冇試到。直至最近銅鑼灣店開咗,係La Rotisserie目前最大間嘅分店,座位有大約30個,我終於有機會坐低食佢哋嘅名菜法式烤雞喇。銅鑼灣分店營業時間亦都比其他分店長,亦係第一間提供早餐的分店呢。餐廳選用直接從法國🇫🇷採購嘅原材料,加上店舖嘅秘製烹調方法,務求令食客可享用真正嘅法國佳餚。深受食客歡迎嘅「經典一人套餐」,用來做法式烤肉嘅家禽係選用法國A級雞同埋法國獨有嘅巴巴拉鴨,選用材料方面真係好講究。套餐包括1/4法式烤雞或烤鴨+ 單份時日熱菜或沙津+自家製餐湯或茶,咁嘅組合價錢一啲都唔貴,$100內就可以享受法國美食。銅鑼灣分店設有沙律吧,更因慶祝新店開張而推出三款新口味:「藜麥豌豆沙律]、「菜絲沙律」、「粟米牛油果沙律]。去開銅鑼灣分店嘅朋友不妨試吓。前菜主菜做得出色,甜品亦一樣!自家製朱古力蛋糕,配法國海鹽味道唔會太甜之餘仲有少少鹹味。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2021-07-17
573 瀏覽
I love La Rotisserie. Serving take away French style roast chicken, you can smell them from afar. But the closest location to me is Wanchai and by the time I go home, it's a little cold. But now they have a new location! In Causeway Bay's Lee Garden area. It was right in front of the mini bus home!The restaurant is larger than their other shops and has a decent size seating area making dining in more possible. The sides are more neatly displayed and labeled in English.Menu is in English only. There is no 10% service charge. They have sets that include sides and a drink or soup.I decided on the Classic Set to take away with me. As there was a opening promotion, the classic set only cost $68 instead of the usual $88. The classic set for one includes a quarter chicken, 1 - 3 sides and a daily soup or ice tea. I decided on the ice tea. Everything was neatly packed away in a sturdy cardboard box.I decided on the French bean salad, potato salad and carrot salad as my sides. The sides were delicious. The potatos were soft with a nice hint of mustard. The beans had a good dose of herbs. And the carrot salad was very fresh tasting.  For the chicken you can choose the breast area or the thigh area. I decided on the thigh area. The chicken was wonderful. Very moist and tender. It was packed with flavor. Though I remember  a long time ago, this came with a side of gravy. I suppose they dropped that.The tea was ok. Not too sweet even though I asked for sweet. It was a fairly large cup.A great addition to the area so now I can easily do take away at this place on my way home. 繼續閱讀
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