港鐵土瓜灣站D1出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
09:30 - 20:30
09:30 - 20:30
10:30 - 20:30
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食評 (18)
等級1 2024-04-21
19 瀏覽
外賣見到$14有齋啡,就買咗個牛角包同2杯齋啡,坦白講係貪佢比較平,但係真係唔會有下次。牛角包同網上相片差異較遠,但係呢個價錢明嘅。但佢杯齋啡係即溶咖啡粉,好難飲。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
To Kwa Wan being one of Hong Kong's restaurant hotspots, its old but gold streets and narrow but homey alleys houses many small businesses, varying from hole-in-the-wall restaurants and stores selling miscellaneous items. Just Fit is the one of many amongst the small restaurants in this district. Tucked away from the bustling roads, its humble exterior does not show the restaurant's warm hospitality and fresh food justice. Walking in the miniature sized shop, it feels cramped, but the warm welcome and unique interior was one of many memorable elements from my visit. The diverse mix of decor such as bird lamps, paired with faux grass on the wall and a small orange bunny sculpture, was truly an unforgettable stylistic choice. The orange and white colour scheme of the interior further enhanced the restaurant's refreshing atmosphere. Upon placing my order of soba noodles with Thai shrimp and a cold milk tea for takeaway, I waited around 15 minutes for my food. Admittedly, it was a relatively longer waiting time than anticipated for a simple cafe like this, but it was worth while as I witnessed the preparation process of the food thanks to the open kitchen concept of the restaurant. I could tell the food was made with care and caution as they take out fresh ingredients and cut them up right in front of me. After taking the food, I decided to sit in the free seats opposite of the restaurant due to its rather small size and lack of seating options. As I was taking the food out of the bag, one of the cooks took out a wooden table and a seat and placed it in front of the restaurant. They then told me to come sit there instead. Although I did not mind sitting someplace else, I could not decline their kind offer. The unexpected but absolutely welcomed hospitality deserves more praise. Onto the food, it was nothing short of delicious. The interwoven elements of flavour and texture collaborated well to make a simple, healthy and remarkable dish. The perfectly boiled soba noodles were laid atop a bed of crisp lettuce, dressed with plump shrimp and imitation crab meat, topped with crisp cucumber slices and a sprinkling of black and white sesame seeds that provided tiny bursts of flavour. The sauce was a combination of sesame and sweet & spicy chili. Flavour wise, it had a sweet and salty profile, with its forefront flavour as sesame. The vegetables were a refreshing component of the dish, as it is complemented with the taste of meaty shrimp and crab. Texture wise, the noodles were executed flawlessly, not too soft but still had its distinctive chew. The crispy lettuce and cucumbers paired with the noodles diversified the dish's texture, enhancing the overall mouth feel. What truly made the dish shine though, was its nutritionally balanced ingredients. Carbs from the noodles, protein from the shrimp and crab, dietary fibre from the vegetables and essential fats from the sauce made the eating experience enjoyable as I felt like I was properly fueling my body the nutrition it needs. The milk tea was quite nice, its silky smooth milk was paired well with the bittersweet tea. Overall, the food I ordered was perfectly executed from simple but healthy ingredients. The pricing for such a dish was absolutely justified. For the both nutritious and delicious meal I bought, it was only around $50. The other menu items such as the paninis, sandwiches and salads were all reasonably priced, for only around $30 each. Compared to its nearby restaurants, the food from this place is relatively cheaper, but its food quality is definitely not sacrificed for its affordable prices. In my personal opinion, the hospitality of this restaurant was the most memorable part. The friendliness and warmth from the entire place really shone through during my visit, from the immediate smile that I was greeted by while checking out their menu, the unexpected gesture of taking a table and chair out, to the cute packaging of daisies on the takeaway bag, they all conveyed the warm-hearted and comforting nature of the restaurant. If you are near this area of town and looking for affordable but high quality food that is healthy, paired with great service, a warm environment and uniquely decorated interior, Just Fit is one great option you can choose from. If you can, remember to support small businesses. You never know, a little exploring could land you a hidden gem restaurant, and you can lend a helping hand to restaurant owners trying to survive in an industry driven by large chains and competitive rivals.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-02-20
151 瀏覽
外賣返到屋企,一打開份量勁細…完全唔係食評的咁大份咁靚菜低得一層,加錢買泥球同蛋沙律球,結果成個乒乓波咁大….真係呃錢😕份量少都算,水果仲要唔新鮮!啲水果可以硬晒,乾晒水都比人食…呢個真係好黑心!牛油果🥑又就快爛,已經黑色一點點,而且個頭又唔切走佢,好dirty..反正提提大家小心喇!食完個肚仲怪怪地…. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-02-17
111 瀏覽
覺得個餐 味道有d淡 可能我個人重口味同埋牛油果唔係咁熟差dd希望店家可以未來擇返d新鮮d 的水果🤔🤔如果唔係好影響口感 同埋會覺得唔名juicy因為想平時食多d 減肥 所以如果味道淡就好難堅持落去一直支持 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-08-28
479 瀏覽
上週末和朋友們來到just fit用餐,整體體驗超級棒,超出預期太多啦,屬於閉眼睛點餐都好吃的那種,一點都不誇張!香港no.1輕食~首先,這家輕食店的裝飾風格非常簡約復古,還有個非常可愛的小露台,給人一種很溫馨的感覺,為整個用餐環境增添了一份浪漫和愜意!關於菜品,just fit的輕食量超足的,友爆炸好吃!而且符合亞洲人的口味!我們把招牌菜都點了個遍!無論是沙拉,還是三明治、帕尼尼的口味都很出色!我們點了洋蔥牛肉飛碟、牛油果碎蛋帕尼尼、還有雞絲蕎麥面飲品牛油果奶昔超級新鮮又juice!新鮮的食材和精心的烹飪讓我們大飽口福!特別是椰汁紫薯芋泥雞絲沙拉,雞胸肉肉質鮮嫩多汁,配上店家自己的特調醬汁,簡直是絕配。如果不是住得遠一定天天都要來食,瘦得快又好吃! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)