港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約9分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 21:30
11:00 - 22:30
11:00 - 21:30
Visa Master 現金 AE
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食評 (7)
等級2 2015-01-22
1570 瀏覽
I was going to tsim sha tsui to meet my friend from Japan but she wasn't ready yet, so I ve decided to go somewhere to enjoy my dinner first. Then IPC came to my mind becoz of its fresh food and leisure environment.There was just a man and a gal in the restaurant as i arrived around 6.30pm , so I'm seated as soon as I entered the place.I ordered a drink from the menu, and the waitress (who looked and sounded like a mum) told me to pick one from the fridge (which made me felt as comfy and free as home). The waitress gave me two glasses, one for the drink and the other for warm water.Then i ordered the beetroot and fresh fruit salad(apple) which i love the most after their mixed veggie quinoa . I listened to the Hispanic music playing in the restaurant while I was waiting for the food and relaxed. Soon, there came my salad. It was big and attractive. The beetroot was cut into chunks, keeping the juuce inside, but the chunks were well cooked, so they were soft enough to be chewed.😋😋 The salad dressing was the best, it was sweet and refreshing, tasted like yuzu jam.After the salad, my taste buds were just triggered and wanted an encore lol. So I ordered a soup (pumpkin and tomato on that day). It was served with homemade bread (wine bread that day) which was fresh, moist and soft centered. The soup was surprisingly rich. A lot of pumpkins and tomatoes must had been added in to make it sooooo rich in sweet and slightly sour tomato flavor and with some tiny pumpkin fibre. yummy 😋😋😋😋👍👍P.S. as i entered the restaurant, the waitress asked me if i came for drinks or dinner. I saw they got wines in there and there was a high bar table. I think it could alternatively be a great place for drinks and chatting apart from a relaxing dinner.(*10%service charge) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2014-08-04
1907 瀏覽
Came here on a Friday with my mom after a massage. It was around 2pm and there were a lot of empty seats so we didn't have to wait for a table. The decor was simple and there was retail section where you could purchase organic goods. The menu was quite informative about where each food item came from and how it was harvested etc, placing an emphasis on educating the customer about how important it is that we know what we are putting into our bodies. We ordered from the set lunch menu. We both ordered a side of Salad of the Day (+$20 each) and it was huge! I was getting quite full after finishing the salad. I recommend ordering one side to share between 2 people. The salad was fresh and had a tangy dressing.This penne was light and refreshing. The carrot gave it a bit of sweetness while the fennel gave it a slight star-anise aroma that went well with the dish. The orange zest cut through the sweetness. "Toasted black sesame" was also included in the description of the dish, but I failed to taste any.The chicken (1/4) was well roasted. It had a crispy skin while retaining its succulent interior. The cherry tomatoes were juicy and sweet, but the potatoes did not impress. The chicken sat on top of caramelized onion relish, which was delicious. I would come again if I happened to be in the area and in the mood for a healthy lunch. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-07-30
1265 瀏覽
在中環上班,每天最頭痛的是要決定午餐去那裏吃,雖然中環食市多,但要找一間價錢合理,有質素,而且不要時常重複的餐廳是非常困難。今次為了找一間符合健康清淡的食店,我和同事踩着高跟鞋由山腳爬上到半山,汗流浹背,找到一間標榜用有機新鮮食材的餐廳。約12:45pm到達,店內座位不多,約8成滿位,我們2人沒有訂位,被按了坐大長枱。食店設有午餐$78,款式每個月轉一次,另加$20可選一款鮮榨果汁、餐湯、沙律、甜品、咖啡或茶。最後我們選擇了意粉和長粉,因為其他是沒有太多澱粉質的,怕不夠飽🙈雞肉意粉沙律 Chicken pasta Salad新鮮的生菜加上螺絲粉,雞肉,紅黃椒粒和紅蘿蔔片,配上沙律汁,味道清新可口。在炎炎夏日吃涼菜,倍感開胃。青醬蝦仁長通粉 Pesto Baby Shrimp Penne看似油油的長通粉,入口也不算油膩,有淡淡的香草味; 蝦仁份量不少,不算爽口彈牙,整體味道正常,沒有驚喜。鮮榨果汁 Fresh Fruit Juicy (240ml)我們加了$20要是日果汁-蘋果。其實$20一杯這麼細的蘋果汁是有點貴,勝在它是鮮榨,沒加糖加水加冰。整體食物質素是不錯,主打有機及多數少肉,十分適合一眾注意健康和體型的OL。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2014-05-14
1524 瀏覽
晚餐時段來唔多人. 有套餐或 a la carte. a la carte 的 pasta 接近 $200, 所以套餐較抵. 決定叫一個套餐另叫一碟千層麵. 有一杯蘋果汁, 有別於一般的蘋果汁, 這一杯是啡色, 好 fresh 好有果肉味的. 但好唔夠喉, 如大杯 d 就更好了.頭盤是煎豆腐, 感覺太多菜, 食落一般. 南瓜湯好夠味, 好濃好好味. 這個是小麥草意大利飯, 雖然面好似好多菜, 但食落好夾, d小麥草好fresh, 同熱騰騰的飯撈埋就好夾. 意大利飯的口感亦剛剛好, 好味道~我們吃的小麥草就是店舖中盤栽培的~夠晒新鮮~另一個主菜是焗千層麵, 好多 Cheese, 堂食真係唔同 d (因有得買 Take-away, 價錢平一半但無得加熱同才少 d Cheese). 切開千層麵, 入面好有層次感, 好正!跟餐有個址甜品, 是朱古力opera蛋糕~plating 做得幾精緻. 讚!很滿意很 relax 的一餐~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-03-02
2661 瀏覽
在粉嶺搞 "farm-to-table" (從農場到餐桌) 搞得有聲有色的 IPC++ Foodlab,總店由於地點偏遠所以一直未有機會到訪,直到最近發現它在半山堅道開了分店,便決定來朝聖一下。雖然粉嶺總店樓上的大廈便是店家培殖菇菌的場地,而且 farm-to-table 的概念是主張食物/食材運送的距離愈短愈好,粉嶺店無疑是很接近供應食材的本地農場,相對來說堅道店是遠了一些,千里迢迢由外國運來食材,怎麼說也沒有本地出品那麼新鮮啦。據說這裡的菜單跟總店是一樣的,連裝修好像也有點相似(我是看人家拍總店的照片覺得是這樣),不過這裡也分有餐廳、有機雜貨店和外賣食品部。外賣部這邊主要賣些即食的沙律和輕食,還有健康飲品和果汁,方便附近的上班族。餐廳的牆上的裝置說明了店家 farm-to-table 的理念,向著街外的落地大玻璃感覺很開揚。餐牌對食材的來源和綠色飲食的概念有詳細的解釋。不知是不是店家邀請了曾開設米芝蓮一星法國餐廳 Mirror Restaurant 的名廚 Jeremy Biasiol 來作顧問,所以連食物都帶點法式風格呢。來的那天剛好是星期一,IPC 跟 Green Monday 合作,在午市和晚市推出素食的套餐。兩者的內容差不多,所以午餐 ($158+10%) 來吃化算很多的啊。這天的熱身飲品是梨子汁,甜味感覺天然。沙律應該是每星期轉款的,今次吃到的是 Louis' Signature Salad 路易特色沙律,(這是店家的代表作喔)內有時令蔬菜+黃圓椒+無花果+紅菜頭+烤松子(給換成了花生啦)+黑芝麻,沙律汁好像是芒果蜂蜜汁之類。酸酸甜甜,各種蔬果也很鮮甜,整體的味道平衡不錯,就是那些花生搞得口感有點怪怪的。餐湯是南瓜湯,上面有忌廉,脆麵包粒另上。味道正常,加上麵包粒 croutons 感覺頓時高級不少。姬松茸是 IPC++ Foodlab 的名產,所以就出現了這一款豆腐藜麥配野菜椰菜花蓉作為主菜。近一兩年大熱的「超級食物」藜麥由於營養價值比白米高,所以有些人會用它來代替白米來煮飯類的菜式,我在其他地方都吃過幾次,但這裡的算是做得相當不錯的。用 risotto 意大利飯的做法來煮藜麥相對來說令它比較容易為一般人接受 (煮過的藜麥本身有點輕微的 QQ 口感,跟意大利米相似,加忌廣等調味來煮就可以蓋過藜麥有點獨特的味道...不知怎形容但如果你吃過沒加調味的藜麥你會明白我說什麼)。姬松茸原來可以生吃的,我在這道菜是第一次見識了,不過就不太習慣生菇類的質感的說。甜品是紅火龍果醬加雜莓。紅火龍果醬的味道酸了一點點,而且有點像吃雪葩的感覺,很醒神。不是說笑,吃完整個餐我真是捧著肚子離開的!百多元的價錢在中環 Soho 倒有其他不少選擇,但多花一點支持本地耕作的精美食物,也是一件美事。翻看餐牌發現有不少食物都頗吸引(不過就要晚市才有,也有不少素菜選擇),可以找一次晚餐再來。 繼續閱讀
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