港鐵銅鑼灣站 F1 出口 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (7)
11:00 - 22:30
11:00 - 22:30
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 22:30
*星期日至四最後落單時間: 22:00 星期五至六最後落單時間: 22:30
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食評 (191)
等級2 2024-05-10
32 瀏覽
喺銅鑼灣想食韓國嘢但冇idea,就試下呢一間hungry korean。聽講主打平民韓國美食,係打工仔嘅至愛。雞肉石鍋拌飯味道不覺不失,但相比起係昂貴嘅food court,呢一度食到味道唔錯而性價比高嘅韓國美食。有機會可以一試。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-04-22
46 瀏覽
Save the money to eat other restaurants,you can have the other better choose . Don’t go in to eat, order the normal food is too salt is not the original taste ant that not Korean food .叫個正常餐飯(つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ鹹到死,同個職員講佢立即黑晒面俾我睇ლಠ益ಠ)ლ本身嗌咗杯飲品有甜到死!(⋋▂⋌)根本上就唔係平時其他分店飲到嗰個味 哇呢間千祈唔去,浪費金錢浪費時間,呢個價錢可以食更加好嘅嘢唔好入去食。其他分店都冇咁難食,呢間真係好難食,鹹到死水都要俾錢!救命呀,仲叫人點食落去啊?叫咗又唔食,又嘥浪費食物完全唔想做大嘥鬼囉,不如索性下次都唔好入去! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-04-17
61 瀏覽
Hungry Korean Causeway Bay branch has been here for years with queues all the time. Famous for its efficiency and Korean fast food. Was looking for a late filling lunch, I just went in seeing there were plenty of seats.It already fell into afternoon tea time which deals were good! Economical and covers variety options. We ordered spicy pork and soft tofu soup. Soft tofu soup was unexpectedly serving in a big sizzling pot. Broth was more on a runny side instead of some serving in thick. A mild spiciness came through with the kimchi flavour. Love that they also served pork slices for meaty flavour. Love the generous amount of silky soft tofu. Egg was still soft poached even sitting there for long. I might ask to omit the seafood given next time which tasted tough that I didn't finish it. Squash pieces were well cooked that soft and melt in mouth. Perfect to serve with rice. Spicy pork was again serving on a large sizzling rectangular hot plate. Piled up serving size. Pork was juicy and flavourful. Quite a 'wok' flavour because of the sizzling hot plate. Love that they also stir frying with tones amount of cabbages and carrots. Perfect to serve with rice once again. Korean fried dumplings were nothing special. Stuffed with shredded vegetables and vermicelli. Quite bland eating itself while serving with the dumpling sauce was a bit odd. It was on a greasy side but crispy. Slight tangy but spicy. I ended up dipping with my spicy tofu soup. Both me and my friend finished all without a doubt. Great that their air con was strong otherwise eating that hot food under the heat outside would be draining. The meal included a list of drink which we picked ice sweet barley malt tea. It was pretty sweet that couldnt taste much malt or barley flavour. All in all, definitely coming back for another Korean fast food. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
今日途經銅鑼灣諗起好耐冇嚟幫襯😜叫咗圖中呢個牛仔骨配年糕鐵板餐跟白飯$ 96另加可樂$12⋯⋯牛仔骨煎到啱啱好唔會太過熟,一個order都有10件😉味道啱啱好又惹味😋年糕煙煙韌韌..我慢慢食慢慢享受😂因為我至❤️牛仔骨🤭好耐冇食咁好味嘅快餐,下次要帶埋我老公嚟食先得,因為佢最鍾意食石頭鍋飯😊😊😊廚房、樓面好勤奮出餐又快,平日12點後好多學生幫襯好熱鬧!🤭嚟開銅鑼灣都會首先諗起呢一間韓式快餐店..見到咁多人嚟幫襯就知道佢嘅味道唔錯..豐儉由人..所以呢間舖頭可以喺呢處開咁多年都係有佢嘅原因㗎😉 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2023-12-30
234 瀏覽
晚餐有啲趕,又唔想食得太過飽?韓式紫菜卷會幫到你!選擇咗辣豬肉紫菜卷,真係有少少辣🔥當中有醃蘿蔔、蛋,同加州卷嘅分別係韓式會有蘿蔔絲同菠菜,味道都帶有少少麻油味。雖然兩者有八成相似,但我依然都係覺得韓式紫菜卷唔係壽司類😆 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)