港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
用街道地址為招牌名,包保您不會忘記此店!舖子細細,大部份椅桌都置於門外,恰似露天茶座,份外寫意! 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
19:00 - 23:00
19:00 - 23:00
19:00 - 23:00
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美國燒牛肉 魚湯煮蜆 蜆肉意粉 龍蝦沙律 蟹汁煮意粉
食評 (41)
等級1 2018-01-19
1473 瀏覽
I ordered the pork chop for lunch and Caesar salad . The portion was very small and I started to feel hungry again after lunch . There were about 10 pieces of romaine lettuce for the ceasae salad . The pork taste like cha Siu pork with only 2 small pieces of potatoes . The set lunch was 168 plus service charge and I don’t think it’s worth the money . 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-08-18
2057 瀏覽
頭盤揀咗個西瓜沙律西瓜唔係好甜,但個質地我唔識形容,有啲膠菜葉正常啦,反而幾欣賞個醋主菜我揀羊,要求盡量生啲先睇表面,煎面一啲都唔靚,最靚係個肥邊再切,一啲都唔生,只少六成熟,無羊味,肉質仲合格唔係有個汁應該都好淡口試一試朋友個fish fillet, 價位嚟講叫可以,就接觸到嫩滑嘅邊緣我想最後先食個蒜蓉包,佢又好趕時間一收就收哂,無得食個價錢對哩個質素,lunch time 仲要唔多客㗎,爭少少咁 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2016-08-14
3813 瀏覽
朋友是老客戶,這次第一趟帶我去^^晚餐点了鹅肝,兩款意粉,燒雞,紅酒服務一流,特意按我們要求減少意粉份量,很貼心!燒雞外香內軟,我吃了雞腿,肉汁很多很嫩!很用心,有水準的料理!必試 ^^ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-02-22
5836 瀏覽
Gough 40 is one of the most long standing and famous restaurants on Gough Street. The recognisable open french doors, white interior and exterior bring you a small beautiful restaurant. Small in size, with about 20 seats. This intimate eatery is perfect for date night, business meetings or to rent out and host a private party.Simple foods beautifully executed! Price is a bit high... but a splurge once in a while- aint so bad! ;)Homemade toasty garlic bread...LOVED this. These babies came out first and were quickly devoured.Beef Carpaccio & Beef Tartare $180. Very small portion, but of great quality. The beef carpaccio was thinly sliced raw beef tenderloin that was so meaty and satisfying with a hint of vinegar, pinch of salt and pieces of parmesan chunks made it absolutely delicious. The beef tartare was nicely seasoned- but I loveeeed the carpaccio.Some arugula salad to mix in with the above beef carpaccio and tartare!Warm Crab Meat Salad with Uni $240. This was another small portion, but soooo darn good. The creamy uni blended delightfully with the juicy crabmeat. The Japanese mushrooms was a nice addition with the light creamy sauce. Perfection.After a glass of white wine...my cravings went to what else? A Bloody Mary. They made it especially for me.Fresh U.S. Little Neck Clams in Fish Broth $90. Oh wow. So far every dish has been great. And, this was the same. The clams were plentiful, juicy and meaty and in the most savoury and fragrant fish soup broth. YES. Wanted even more....Until I had this. Traditional Seafood Soup $180. Again, a very small portion- but its just too well executed. The seafood soup was full of fresh king prawn, scallops, mussels and clams. The soup was a delicious bisque. I loved the strong seafood taste that made it so savoury.Linguini w/ Porcini mushrooms and spanish ham $280. The spanish ham was sharp and salty which had a nice balance to the fragrant and bouncy linguini pasta. It was nice but my least favourite of the bunch.I'll definitely be back! The food was soooo good, its definitely very expensive. The portions are quite small- but its great for a nice intimate and delicious dinner (but afterwards, we did go for a second dinner....guess we were still hungry!) :/ 繼續閱讀
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法國菜風情~Gough 40~一試難忘的燒雞與咖啡~託某人的福,今日可以和同事們來個小小的法式浪漫,行過歌賦街,方知它隱藏不少特色美食,由地道大排檔到馳名九記牛腩再到法式小餐館,包羅萬有。店舖雖小,大約有3,4張枱,但水晶吊燈,牆上掛著的大油畫及牆身用作增加空間感的鏡子,均展現法式裝橫。向來對西餐的烤雞無甚好感,因為怕雞味欠奉兼「鞋」口,不過在同事大力推介下,就放膽嘗試吧!不過由是一個午餐優惠套餐,故當然要由沙律開始~凱撒沙律一向很怕千島醬的味道和肥膩感,但用油醋汁的Caesar Salad就感覺清新,和方間不同,這個沙律加入了生蒜頭,微辣為味蕾帶來一點衝擊,脆口的羅馬生菜和芝士煙肉碎這對老拍檔合拍非常。蒜蓉多士熱辣辣、脆卜卜、超鬆化的蒜香多士就此為您送上。不論淨食或者蘸上雜菜湯同吃也一樣樂趣無窮,記得不要吃到成枱多士碎啊!法式燒雞外表看似無甚特別,但廚師把雞皮煎得金黃香脆,雞肉鮮甜,一陣油香的雞味配合極為綿軟嫩滑的雞胸雞脾肉,這是一般冰鮮雞無可媲美的人間美味。如此鮮嫩口感加上肉香於口腔內四濺的關係,直教人難忘,對燒雞的印象改觀。特濃咖啡滿口油香雞味加上血糖作怪,真心怕睡魔會影響下午的工作效率,以此作藉口,給心魔點了一杯熱咖啡。因為收到急CALL工作關係而來不及替其拍照留念,特此道歉。呷一啖,睡魔完蛋了!一股苦中帶甘的咖啡豆香味已直衝上大腦中樞神經,雖然搞不清到底喜歡帶苦還是帶酸的咖啡,但這杯入口先香濃甘苦,繼而一陣果味獲利回吐似的湧現,才令人想ENCORE~ 繼續閱讀
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