11:45 - 23:00
11:45 - 23:00
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推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥🔥這間比利時餐廳,於香港有不少分店,每一間裝修都充滿著古典氣息。除此之外,食物的選擇亦非常多,品質有十分高,而且每晚都有不同的特色主題。值得一題的是,餐廳有多種不同的啤酒提供,絕對是熱愛啤酒人士值得一去的地方。This Belgian restaurant, with numerous branches in Hong Kong, exudes a classical ambiance in each of its uniquely decorated settings. The extensive menu offers high-quality food with different special themes every evening. Notably, the restaurant boasts a variety of beer selections, making it a must-visit for beer enthusiasts.午市套餐 Set Lunch ($225)周打蜆湯Cream Chowder周打蜆湯看起來雖然不像太濃,但味道非常香,而且蜆肉增加了湯的鮮味The clam chowder, though appearing light, delights with its flavorful essence enhanced by tender clam meat.招牌忌廉青口House Mussels這個忌廉味的青口,是店內的招牌菜式之一,青口肉非常鮮嫩,又不會住得太過堅硬,份量十分多A signature dish, the creamy mussels, impress with their tender and abundant portion without being overly firm.Frites 可麗餅Frites Crepes甜品是香橙班戟,香橙味非常濃尬,餅皮浸了汁之後,亦不會變得太軟,值得一讚是味道不會太甜The dessert, an orange soufflé, presents a rich orange flavor complemented by a moist pastry that retains the right texture and sweetness balanc青口任食 ($255)Mussels Madness Monday餐廳逢星期一的主題是任食青口,絕對是喜愛青口人士的一大喜訊。除了招牌的忌廉青口,還有五款其他選擇,可以一次過品嚐到不同的口味,有喇沙味,蕃茄味,地中海風味,白酒青口,以及啤酒青口。個人認為啤酒青口及喇沙青口比較特別。此外,還附上一份香脆的薯條及麵包,份量的確非常充足Mondays feature an all-you-can-eat mussels theme, a delight for mussel aficionados. Apart from the renowned creamy mussels, five other options include laksa, tomato, Mediterranean, white wine, and beer mussels. The beer and laksa mussels stand out as unique choices. Accompanied by crispy fries and bread, the portions are generous.Lucky Peach & Tropical Mojito ($ 55 / $55 Happy Hour)這兩款雞尾酒都非常特別,個人教喜歡熱帶風味的mojito,因為酸酸甜甜而且充滿熱情果的香氣The two cocktails are uniquely crafted; the tropical-flavored mojito stands out with its sweet and tangy notes infused with the aroma of passion fruit.Waffle Bomb Alaska ($125)這個窩夫的忌廉非常澎湃,十分香滑,但卻不會太膩,朱古力窩夫亦很香脆,夾著雪糕,讓人感到有不同的層次,但又不會太甜The decadent cream in the waffles is rich and silky without being overly heavy, and the chocolate waffle adds a crunchy texture, layered with ice cream for a delightful contrast without excessive sweetness.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅食物的選擇非常充足,而且又不會過份油膩,而且份量也很合適The menu offers a diverse selection of food that is not excessively greasy, with satisfying portion sizes.❌無Nil🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅裝修非常古色古香,充滿了古代歐陸風情,而且座位也非常寬敞The decor radiates a nostalgic European charm, creating a spacious and elegant dining environment.❌餐廳的燈光比較暗,而且夾雜著音樂,所以繁忙時間會比較嘈吵The dim lighting and music ambiance during peak hours may contribute to a slightly noisy atmosphere.💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅侍應生的服務非常殷勤,還會為生日的顧客唱生日歌,營造非常高興的用餐氣氛The attentive service from the staff includes special gestures like birthday songs for patrons, enhancing the cheerful dining atmosphere.❌由於侍應生的數目不算太多,所以繁忙時間若然需要幫助的話,可能需要等待一些時間During busy times with limited servers, there may be a waiting period for assistance.💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅雖然價錢看似比較貴,但由於份量比較大,所以也十分合理,而且每天都有不同的特色優惠主題,所以十分抵食While the prices may seem higher, the generous portions justify the value, especially with daily special offers making it a worthwhile dining experience.❌無Nil
Happy Friday約左個朋友食飯,就近近地去中環間Frites試試佢,點知一試就有驚喜👍🏻👍🏻 一入到去環境挺不錯,暗暗地,都幾有feel, 我地一行三人叫左個caesar salad, beef tartar, house mussel, cheese pizza同seafood linguine,再加每人一杯啤酒啤啤佢😙 餐廳既送餐速度都算快,落左單大約15分鐘都陸續上菜,第一個黎既係caesar salad同beef tartar,因為我唔食牛既關係,所以就冇試到嘞,個caesar salad就正正常常,冇咩特別。之後個house mussel就好有驚喜,青口肉質好嫩滑,味道鮮甜,好好味👍🏻👍🏻再黎就係佢個seafood linguine, 海鮮料好多,個麵帶少少辣又好惹味,下次再黎都一定會再叫。最後佢個cheese pizza就中規中距,都好食既,芝士味好濃,只係之前果兩個菜太岀色搞到個pizza有少少比下去,但其實都係好食既。呢間餐廳既食物份量比一般既多,食到最後個個都好飽,pizza要打包拎走😂我地三個人叫左咁多野食又叫埋啤酒最後埋單都係$1500,人均$500,性價比頗高既一間餐廳,必定會回頭再試佢其他菜色,一句講晒,大推🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
特登揀星期一嚟食,因為佢有任食青口,平時叫半kg都要二百幾蚊,今日任食都係二百幾蚊,梗係揀今日喪叫唔同味青口嚟試吓。首先梗係叫個招牌忌廉青口先啦,忌廉味好夠香但又唔會覺得滯,可以繼續嗌其他味試。再叫咁hoegaarden 青口同laksa青口食。hoegaarden 嗰個竟然無咩特別,酒味唔重。返而laksa有驚喜,估唔到放落青口又幾夾,唔會覺得奇怪。其實食食吓都飽,因為仲有薯條,結果都係試唔哂咁多隻味🤣
朋友生日要求呢啲間餐廳食飯,今次係我第二次食呢間餐廳。餐廳環境氣氛好好,晚市全場滿座,如果嚟食最好就book定位先。 前菜我哋叫咗凍蟹肉千層 ,三文魚他他同埋燒雞沙律🥗三樣入面最鍾意係三文魚他他,配埋蛋黃口感滑滑哋,入面有啲青瓜、紅蔥頭等等,無咁單調,唔會好重調味幾開胃,麵包略嫌唔夠脆,少少煙韌。主食叫左龍蝦意大利飯🦞,香蒜橄欖油意大利麵,400g肉眼牛扒🥩同埋招牌忌廉青口。龍蝦意大利飯有成隻龍蝦喺面,肉質彈牙,唔係霉霉地嗰種,蕃茄底嘅意大利飯就正正常常,無咩特別,勝在有大大隻龍蝦肉。反而香蒜橄欖油意大利麵有驚喜,蒜蓉橄欖油味好香好掛汁,意大利麵質彈牙,唔會煮得過腍。呢間最好食係佢嘅招牌忌廉青口,青口新鮮,忌廉汁帶少少鹹味,有啲細粒洋蔥蘿蔔,好味到直頭當湯咁飲,每個人都食足10幾隻。朋友生日叫咗個窩夫🧇嚟食,會有職員一邊播生日歌一邊拎個蛋糕出嚟,一排職員為朋友唱生日歌,好有氣氛。全晚差唔多有六七台客人慶祝生日,睇嚟好多人都會揀呢間餐廳嚟慶生。整體嚟講食物都有質素,無一樣特別唔好食嘅食物,有機會會想再嚟食😋
Frites is a fantastic Belgian restaurant that specializes in traditional Belgian cuisine, as well as some international dishes. I tired the below mentioned cuisines: - **Steak Frites:** Classic Belgian-style steak frites, featuring a tender grilled steak cooked to a perfect medium rare, served with crispy hand-cut french fries- **Mushroom Risotto:** A rich and creamy mushroom risotto, made with a variety of locally sourced seasonal mushrooms- **Seafood Linguine:** A delectable seafood linguine dish, featuring a medley of fresh mussels, shrimp, and calamari in a white wine and garlic sauceOverall, Frities is a must-visit for anyone seeking an authentic and elevated dining experience, whether you're in the mood for classic Belgian fare or something more international. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a delicious and memorable meal.