港鐵中環站 K 出口, 港鐵香港站 A2 出口 繼續閱讀
DotCod最近成為第一家在香港以促進可持續發展和環保意識的菜單。這一創舉,包括新鮮的海鮮來自世界各地,例如:澳大利亞,阿拉斯加,葡萄牙和英國。 繼續閱讀
07:30 - 23:30
07:30 - 23:30
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炸雲吞 炸龍脷魚柳
食評 (93)
等級3 2023-12-25
2176 瀏覽
今次我去咗 Dot Cod Seafood Restaurant & Oyster Bar 嘗呢幾款經典美食,簡直係咁好食,食過垂涎欲滴!👍🍴先講下佢哋嗰款麵包籃,麵包熱辣辣,外皮脆卜卜,沾上啲黑醋橄欖油,味道好夠晒唔同層次感!接住上場嘅Charred Salmon with Spanner Crab小食,外表靚絕媽媽,三文魚肉質又滑又嫩,夠晒入口即溶,啲魚籽又爆漿,蟹肉加上甜姜子醋,一啖心清神怡!😋Oyster Kilpatrick大晒show!焗生蠔配煙肉,嘩!簡直係爆款,蠔肉彈牙啫喱,煙肉嗲咁香,那汁液,又酸又甜,味道經典!呢個Tuna主菜搞得我心癢癢,澳洲黃鰭吞拿魚外皮香脆,裡面保留晒啲生意,切一刀,流出微微血汁,真係肉質鮮美到極致。最後,個Black Truffle and Celeriac Soup前菜,有片薄脆嘅雜菌麵包配,個湯麻麻哋,真係夠晒惹味。🥣總括嚟講,Dot Cod 呢個晚上做到我食指大動,料理忠實傳遞出食材鮮味,又有創意新穎之處,絕對係值得再去轉!下次有興趣搵真材實料嘅舊愛新歡,記得一定要去試吓! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-09-19
2705 瀏覽
呢間好出名老字號,朋友想食就去gathering但係覺得性價比低又唔覺得特別好味,可能食魚就啱價錢偏貴,所以令到選擇有限制加咗個洋蔥湯,朋友好鍾意飲,我就鍾意清少少主菜揀咗豬柳,好受,上枱好靚,但係味道好普通😛健康嘅包,但係有啲硬整體感覺呢度環境好高級好靚,服務都OK唔算話好友善,但係有應有嘅本分食物不過不失,平一半都仲得!個人認為中環同類型有好多選擇,呢度性價比爭少少啫🫣唔知係咪夜晚食魚會滿足好多呢? 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-07-05
2780 瀏覽
Dot Cod是一家提供英式美食的餐廳,而他們的炸魚薯條是他們的招牌菜之一。我們點了一份炸魚薯條,等待的時間非常短,大概只有十分鐘左右,而上桌時,那金黃酥脆的魚肉和薯條讓我們的食慾大開。魚肉非常鮮嫩,外皮炸得酥脆,而薯條則是外酥內軟,味道非常棒。此外,他們的自製塔塔醬也非常美味,配上炸魚薯條更是絕配。除了炸魚薯條外,Dot Cod的環境也非常舒適,服務非常出色,而他們的菜單也非常豐富,包括肉派、燉牛肉、羊肉咖哩等等,口感美味,價格實惠。如果您喜歡經典英式美食,那麼Dot Cod是一個非常值得一試的餐廳。總之,我非常推薦大家嚐嚐他們的炸魚薯條,相信您一定會喜歡上他們的美食! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
有些餐廳,名氣未必大到人人都識,但若能夠在其地區䇄立不倒,貴客不斷,總有其獨特吸引的地方。我對這類餐廳特別鍾情,不一定是因為他們的出品或服務冠絕群倫,更甚的是他們多年來建立和累積的那一道光和氣,有一種無形的吸引力。中環太子大廈地庫的Dot Cod就有這一份氣度。當然,話說在前頭,這裡的出品真是只有贊沒有彈。中環黃金地段,空間感依然十足,我認為媲美米芝蓮星級餐廳水平的出品,以一種很casual dining的氣氛呈上,用餐過程不會被某一種凝重的氣氛所僵化,非常暢往舒適。餐廳取名Dot Cod,不吃牛肉的我當然正中下懷。食物我便不介紹了,信我,這裡不會讓你失望。反而值得一提的是,當晚用餐,比較熱鬧的是酒吧範圍,應該是在做一些白酒+生蠔的combo promotion。這裡的蠔我試了,非常非常不錯,有得飲有得食, Happy Hour 佳選吧! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
[ Dot Cod Seafood Restaurant and Oyster Bar| 中環 ]An unassuming seafood restaurant is hidden in plain sight in the basement of the Prince building in Central. The restaurant is very spacious and elegant and they are open throughout the day so you can enjoy happy hour here with a few drinks and snacks. I booked via Eatigo for dinner which has 50% discount on a la carte menu. They have various discount ranging from 10%-50% so I highly recommend you book during this period. The service here is very amicable and attentive. They offered warm water for me on this cold day and refilled it attentively throughout the night. —— —— Bread basket We are served a small selection of bread after ordering. Which includes a baguette and a brioche, both nice and warm. We also have a more generous selection of accompaniments such as the classic butter, olive oil and balsamic, and also a rare sighting of olives. The baguette is crispy and crusty and great with any of the dips but it does get hard when it cools down so best eat it when warm. The brioche is so soft and buttery, I personally liked it better with the olives but at least it stays soft even when cooled down. The server was very nice and offered to refill the bread basket throughout the meal and only gave us one each time to ensure it stays hot. —— —— Maryland crab cakes $228 One of the starters we got was this crab cake because my friend got it before and said it is really good. The crab cakes themselves are very fluffy with ample amount of crab meat and only very little potato was used to make it fluffier and help bind the crab meat together. The outside has a very slight crisp whereas the inside is extremely warm and soft. I really enjoyed this with their version of a Marie Rose sauce which is basically mayonnaise, ketchup and Worcestershire sauce and commonly eaten with seafood, but they added some chipotle which gave it a mild spice that was very pleasant and gave another layer of flavour. The side spring salad is pretty mundane but the avocado is very fresh. Portion-wise, it is crazy that they only give 2 pieces of (small) crab cakes for this price, I mean, even the salad took more space than the crab cakes. But at least I have the discount and the taste is good. —— —— Timbale of snow crab $198 This second starter is a much better value than the crab cakes despite both being crab dishes. Timbale is a dish of finely minced meat which is pressed into a mould. In this case, the crab is pressed into a mould with some avocado. The crab mixture itself is really delicious, fresh and refreshing. The mayonnaise is light and not too heavy on the mouth thus you can taste the freshness of the crab. The mixture is 100% crab meat and they give quite a generous amount of it, each super tender and flavourful. Eating with the soft avocado underneath is perfection itself but having it with the trout roe just enhances every taste and texture by adding its distinct flavour and the way it just bursts and released its oil is sensational. The vinaigrette on the side is a must to add tartness and acidity to each bite. I personally recommend eating this with some warm baguette or brioche for the best bite. The portion of this may surprise you as they stuff the mould quite generously and eating this with bread will definitely be satisfactory whilst still leaving space for the main course. —— —— Black cod bouillabaisse $338The selling point of this dish is 1) the bouillabaisse which takes a lot of time, effort and seafood to get it right and 2) the cod. Firstly, the bouillabaisse may taste salty at first but after a way, you realise it is the salt from the seafood and you feel as though you are drinking the ocean, in a good way. The broth is light but immensely flavourful and aromatic and I highly advise you to let the bread soak up all that deliciousness as it is the perfect vessel for this stock. The cod is also magnificent. A thick piece of extremely tender and soft fish, but not the flaky kind, this cod is still firm (supposed to be) but soft enough to be eaten with a spoon. The skin could have been crispier but its slight crispiness actually works well after it has absorbed some of the broth. This fish was also very well seasoned whilst still maintaining its freshness. An honourable mention to the mussels on this dish which are all so plump and juicy and perfectly cooked. No sand nor dryness here. I highly recommend eating the mussel meat on some bread that has been soaked in the broth along with some crunchy fennel and juicy tomatoes. It is the bite you will be dreaming about for days. There are also some saffron-infused potatoes which are nice and tender but could use more flavour. Portion-wise it is quite reasonable for this price but I expected some clams as well as mussels which is what it said on the menu—— —— Lobster risotto $378 Our second main course was this lobster risotto which my friend also said is really good. But I personally think it can be much improved. The presentation itself has so much potential. Firstly, the rice itself is nice and tender but a few are still starchy. The flavour is quite minimal and I kinda expected them to use lobster stock instead of regular stock due to the price charged. They also didn’t use cream which meant it lacked the creaminess and silkiness of a risotto. The peas were a bit mushy and weren’t very fresh but added a nice contrast in colour I guess.I would have preferred the lobster to be cut into pieces and scattered around the dish instead of being served as one big piece in the middle (although I do see the appeal). The meat is nice and tender and well seasoned but they don’t offer you a knife to cut it so you just have to chew on it. Portion-wise, a very filling dish but not too heavy. —— —— Banoffee pie $128 We ended with the dessert that my friend said is really good and I have to agree. The biscuit crust is so good and malty because the graham cracker used makes it not overly sweet or buttery with some savory notes too. The texture is also crumbly but still holds it shape and it is tender enough that it doesn’t shatter in your mouth. Above the crust is a thick layer of caramel toffee that is surprisingly the perfect level of sweetness. The caramelized flavor of it is delicious and the texture is also top notch. Doesn’t stick to your teeth like toffee nor is it hard and dense like nougat. The soft and tender texture is just sublime with the crust. After this caramel layer are a few banana segments and I love that they place it so you can see the ring of banana. A small detail but highly appreciated. The bananas are chilled and thus the texture is akin to ice cream, the mild and plain nature of bananas means it is a great canvas for the caramelized toffee and the malty crust. Also offers a smooth and velvety texture. And finally on top is a thick layer of whipped cream. Because they didn’t let the pie come to room temperatures before serving, the cream is even more light and airy and even a bit icy, which is surprisingly not a bad thing. And makes the cream less heavy and rich. Speaking of the temperature, this pie is supposed to be eaten at room temperature but they served it straightaway which made it hard to cut but the texture and taste is better in my opinion. On the side is a vanilla ice cream that’s too icy but not too sweet. I did enjoy the sweet strawberries on the side too. —— —— 推介 🙆🏻‍♀️💬 Overall, not a bad restaurant with very friendly staff. Remember to book via booking app to have discounts from 10% to 50% off!!! 🗓 Revisit? ✅ ⭕️/ ❎ 繼續閱讀
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