港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
CVCHE offers a fresh, innovative and daring take on seafood cuisine from all over the world. We are a raw seafood, oyster and wine bar that offers a unique twist on ocean flavors. From our daily oyster selection to our fresh catches, come see what CVCHE is all about! 繼續閱讀
星期一至六: 12:00-15:00; 1800-23:00 星期日: 12:00-16:00; 18:00-22:00
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食評 (11)
等級3 2014-07-17
1913 瀏覽
很喜歡食魚的我,聽到朋友說這餐廳的魚不錯,已有好一段日子想來試試,偏偏每次來到都滿座。今次同事幫忙訂檯,終於可以來這裡午膳。Lunch menu在3個前菜,4個主菜的選擇,連甜品,只是$128。和同區的西餐廳比較,價錢相約。前菜選吞拿魚薯仔沙律,把薯仔沙律伴上生菜食,口感非常好。爆谷看上去好似不太配,但實際卻與薯仔配合得很好。主菜選了salmon and cod fillet和mushroom pasta,和同事分享。魚確實煮得剛剛好,十分香滑,配以少許薯仔和紅菜頭茸,帶出更多魚的甜味。Mushroom Pasta 好creamy,配以蒜蓉多士,可以將碟裡的汁清得一乾二淨。甜品german cheese cake不太吸引,可能個人不太喜歡食軟如慕絲的Cheese cake。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
原來很多高級食肆在晚飯時段都有offer free flow housewine. 但是這樣的offer不會在menu見到, 是要食客主動查詢才會得知。因為飯局又有超級酒鬼參予, 又是愉快的星期天晚上, 沒有不free flow的理由。這裡的free flow要$185 per head. 可以任飲酒牌上Sparking, White wine, Red wine 欄第一行的酒, 即是氣泡酒, 白酒, 紅酒各一款任飲。 這樣的酒單order要$80一杯。 我與同行的友人笑了。這是一個愉快的開始,愉快指數由六時三十分開始起跳... 先送上來的麵包都很脆,伴著橄欖油及Sparking wine一起吃。部長見我們吃光了頭一round麵包意猶未盡便立即送來第二輪的麵包。很週到的服務。 還是最近才認識西方Ceviche這種菜式。其實即是東方常見的漬魚生。店方標榜所有Ceviche都是新鮮即做。 有齊新鮮的三文,吞拿及紅鯛。 跟酸酸的醬汁及墨西哥薄片伴在一起吃, 很開胃的一道Starter.相比之下, 這道菜比Ceviche更似日式漬魚生。 原來這道是在夏威夷常見的菜式。 大大件的新鮮吞拿厚切伴海藻加一件小飯團,真的以為自己去了居酒屋一樣。 可見店方對海鮮食品的不同製法有很好的認識。 要極力推介這道蟹餅。表面煎得金黃香脆。 一口咬下去內裡釀了熱辣辣鮮味十足的蟹肉。 沾上香味獨特的龍蒿蛋黃醬一起吃, 是一道吃了半件嫌不夠想番兜的菜式。相比之下, 烤帶子這道菜便沒甚麼特別。 粟米醬汁味道不是很出, 帶不出帶子的鮮味。 帶子亦不夠大隻。 以$240三件的價錢, 有點不值。吃罷starter, 伴著過場的音樂,先換上白酒品味一番,再去迎接主菜的登場....之前單看餐牌的價錢會覺得這兒有點獅子開大口。 又不是甚麼名廚坐陣。 主菜的價錢卻媲美米芝蓮星級價。 但是當主菜上場時, 席客無不被其驚人的份量懾著。三文魚真是King size. 表皮煎得香口。 魚塊不會煎得過熟。底下伴著大量新鮮蔬菜。 其中的柿子是沒有想過會出現的伴菜。鱸魚亦是兩大塊大大的登場。鱸魚煎得剛剛好,魚味十足,亦是伴著大量的蔬菜。值得一提的是手造的義大利gnocchi做得煙煙靱靱很不錯。接下來的鱈魚亦沒有另人失望。魚肉很滑很有鮮味。 跟在一起的蜆亦是非常鮮甜。三道菜都看得出廚師從用料與賣相都是經過悉心安排的。最後來的龍蝦扁意粉便有點失準。 龍蝦肉本身亦很鮮甜, 但是整道意粉卻弄得過濕。吃下去時水汪汪的有點不似預期...到了甜品時間, 席上友人都很飽了, 只小試了兩道甜品。拿破崙做得不錯。餅皮是脆的。 不過士多啤梨很酸wor... 士多啤梨唔當造? 朱古力炸彈嗎? 其實即是朱古力心太軟罷?可惜心太軟做得完全沒流心性。失敗之作...結論是:這兒的甜品可以不試...(對女士來說有點失望嗎??)飲了太多杯的氣泡酒及白酒,最後怕亂性所以沒有再試紅酒了。 反正今餐吃的是全seafood宴, 伴白酒已是最好不過。CVCHE是一間主攻海鮮的食店。數道海鮮starter及主菜都做得很出色。 星期天光顧的食客卻少得出奇。 有點兒可惜。 希望它可以快點做起一個名堂出來吧! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2014-05-27
1182 瀏覽
 一早BOOK咗同同事去食, 去到唔使等位, 第二次嚟呢度, D SET LUNCH 唔錯, 簡咗BEEF 要MEDIUM WELL 煮得幾準,多數出面D會OVERCOOK, 但佢幾好.  同事簡咗三文魚, 好滑,唔覺DRY, DESSERT 係芝麻雪糕配 蛋白霜都好好食~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-03-07
2050 瀏覽
Date of visit : 26 February 2014 (Wed) 1:15pmNo. of diners : 2Average cost per head : $185Food quality : 7.5/10Environment : 8/10Service : 7.5/10Value-for-money : 8/10Overall rating : 7.7/10This is one of my reviews on meals booked in the Restaurant Week event.CVCHE is an oyster and seafood restaurant. From it’s name, it is also specialized in serving ceviche, cured fresh raw fish in citrus juices and spices. However, not many choices found in the lunch menu designed for the Restaurant Week. Instead of showcasing their signature dishes, they offer a wider choice of food. The overall food was average in particular the seafood which may give negative impression for first time visitors.a) Freshly Shucked Oysters (Entrée) – 7/102 pieces of oysters from Coffin Bay of Australia served fresh on shredded ice, one topped with cocktail sauce and the other with chives and cucumber. It’s fresh but why having Aussie oysters when they’re not in season?b) Soup of the Day (Optional Entrée)That’s my friends order and I didn’t taste it.c) Soft Boiled Egg (Optional Entrée) – 8/10The soft boiled egg was cooked to perfection with a golden yolk. The mashed potatoes were mixed with chives and sour cream. Topped with dehydrated Iberico ham. A decent dish with pleasant presentation.d) Sea Bass Confit (Optional Main) – 7.5/10Fillets of sea bass were slowly poached in oil. Sitting on a small patch of barley and hollandaise sauce. Both the texture and taste were not exciting.e) Stew of Pork Belly (Optional Main) – 8/10As recommended by the wait staff when I struggled between this and the deep fried mushroom risotto ball. The cube of pork belly was tender and evenly layered with fat and meat. Unlike the Portuguese or Chinese way of cooking, the skin was slightly seared with mild crispiness.f) Chef Dessert – 7.5/10Ice cream sundae with fresh honey dew melon and strawberry mousse. A classical dessert that could be more interesting and appealing.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
城中每個月都有不少新餐廳開業,而最近的都是一些比較新潮,有特色的食店。Cvche反而返撲歸真,主打生蠔及其他海鮮,不供應過於花巧的菜式。Cvche 的生蠔新鮮肥美,多款 ceviche (切粒魚生) 亦清新可口,鮮味無窮。價錢雖然每位大約$600-$700,但以海鮮餐來算還可以接受。Cvche不時會推出一些優惠,例如每位$450的晚市套餐,或逢星期五晚的生蠔夜,每隻生蠔只售$15,十分超值!Despite how crazily high rental prices have become, new eateries have still been popping up every week in Hong Kong this year. Unlike many other new restaurants which are hip, no-booking and have a novel dining concept, Cvche is a grounded seafood restaurant and bar that simply focuses on premium oysters, ceviches and other seafoods.Operated by the Plume Group (of 7Heaven and Bar 6ix), the restaurant takes over the second floor of Parekh House which used to be Hakka Yeye. The oceanic-themed decor of the restaurant is sleek, intimate and subtly luxurious, and the seafood bar which faces the open kitchen is a fantastic place for a post-work dinner.(1) We started off with some freshly shucked oysters (12 for $415), which are imported daily from three different regions. I thoroughly enjoyed the Normandy and Coffin Bay oysters, and found the cucumber-chive vinaigrette and the cocktail sauce very well adjusted.(2) As we were dining at a restaurant that is named after ceviches, the Mexican ceviche of salmon, tuna and red snapper ($138) certainly did not disappoint. The salmon, tuna and red snapper were excruciatingly fresh, and the sweet, fruity flavour of the pineapple juice transformed the dish. We could not stop munching on those thin, crispy corn tortillas either!(3) The sherry vinegar ceviche of tuna with iberico ham ($158) was delightful. The iberico ham offered an element of saltiness and crunch against the tuna ceviche, and some fresh orange juice added a bright, fruity note(4) The sea scallop carpaccio with truffle oil, lemon essence, lumpfish caviar ($170) was an explosion of sea-fresh flavours, and the lumpfish caviar provided a lovely counterpoint against the smooth, sensuous scallop carpaccio.(5) The hand cut steak tartare with shallots, gherkins, capers, egg yolk ($208) completely took us by surprise, as we did not expect to find one of the best steak tartares in Hong Kong at a seafood restaurant. The beef tasted pristine with a clean meaty flavour, and the amount of shallots, gherkins and capers was appropriate. The pomme frites, however, while beautifully soft and fluffy on the inside, were not crispy at all.(6) The kitchen certainly nailed its raw seafood dishes, but perhaps needs to work on its deep frying techniques. The crispy soft shell crabs with dressed vine ripened tomatoes ($145) had a decent taste, but were soft and soggy, probably because the oil was not hot enough. The sauce was a bacon emulsion mixed with sherry vinegar, which I found a tad too rich to accompany the deep fried food.(7) The Australian King salmon ($350) was an accomplished dish. The salmon was attractively crispy-skinned, and the pomegranate, organic faro and watercress added a range of vibrant textures and flavours. The persimmons were succulent and delicious, but my dining companion, a rather traditional Chinese man, pointed out that persimmons should not be eaten together with crabs (our previous dish) according to Chinese medicine theories, due to adverse interactions between the two.(8) The Boston lobster linguine with leeks, semi-dried cherry tomatoes, fresh tarragon ($370) was sheer bliss on a plate! Made from the chef's own family recipe, the sauce was buttery and completely flavour-packed. The lobster was also fresh, firm and juicy beyond reproach. I wouldn't mind a little bit more lobster meat though.(9) After having the lobster linguine, we decided to round up the meal with some desserts. I liked how the Lemon Tart Brûlée ($78) was brûléed on the surface, and the piece of biscuit that came with it somehow made me very happy! I wished, though, that the lemon tart was more acidic and creamy.(10) The Chocolate bomb ($90) had an enticing cocoa taste, but the texture could have been more moist and buttery.Dinner at Cvche costs around $600-$700 per head (including a glass of wine), which is reasonable given the seafood-heavy menu. As the restaurant is relatively new, they have some awesome promotions, such as set dinners that only cost $450 per head, or oyster Friday nights when oysters cost $15 each - do look out for these bargains! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)