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食評 (4)
等級4 2011-06-20
295 瀏覽
媽咪平時沒什麼愛好,唯獨喜歡煮食,及近幾年愛上飲咖啡,不過飲得並不考究,只要聞到咖啡香就好滿足了.見到團購有優惠而且是間新店,反正差不多一半價錢就可以飲到人手親自調較的咖啡,媽咪每次去街聞到咖啡香,不其然流露出喜悅的神色,每次想請她飲,她都推搪話貴,她說一樣都是那些咖啡,不如回家飲即溶沖包劑,哈哈我媽咪就是如此了媽咪因為不太喜歡太重奶味飲品,那位年輕小伙子聽到我同媽咪的對話,於是主動提議介紹美式咖啡,他說這款奶是分開上,客人可自己調較份量,見他年紀輕輕可能是個學徒吧!今日就是他為我們沖咖啡,不過都有位大姐姐從傍指點,我想她應該是位咖啡師吧!棒子咖啡~~今日我嚐試用心去欣賞吓這杯咖啡,說真一句聞唔到濃烈的咖啡香,入口有少少苦但唔澀,好淳好滑,我都是那種不懂辨別咖啡好與懷的人,不過我蠻喜歡這杯咖啡的口感美式咖啡~~同樣咖啡的香味唔夠,我飲了一兩口,無棒子咖啡那麼滑,唔知是否同媽咪無落太多奶有關,但論味道我還是喜歡自己那杯飲完問媽咪意見,她話唔好飲,無咖啡味而且還差過家中自己沖的那種,可能今日她飲的這款唔太適合她口味,而且咖啡味唔夠濃郁,不過覺得店員對客人,招待親切有禮,亦感到他們對沖咖啡的熱,店面細細但裝修精緻,設備好骨子,希望他們的努力,能碰上更多懂得欣賞的人 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2011-03-30
126 瀏覽
禮拜日時專登走去試杯咖啡,之前其實都搵過朋友探聽,知道呢道一杯Syphon要$36,講真,都真係幾貴,不過都覺得要支持下,同試下。去到,專登叫左杯耶加雪夫,因為自己屋企都有豆,想試試自己沖成點。Barista姐姐都好Nice,最緊要係問佢嘅嘢都識答,証明唔係求其請個人返黎沖。沖嘅時候我全程都留意住每個細節,同我沖開嘅時間,溫度都好唔同。一飲之下,有啲驚喜,入口不會有強烈嘅苦或酸味,好溫和,入口舒服。而家香港識飲咖啡嘅人實在唔多,識欣賞精品咖啡嘅人更少,再加上見佢係公平貿易,雖然啲豆真係貴幾多下,都要支持支持,所以買左包豆。返屋企調整左自己沖Syphon嘅方法,實在好左好多,$36學到嘢,值得~ 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2011-03-08
74 瀏覽
時間係下晝2點幾,係團購網買左$50蚊現金劵,所以走左去試!因為飲咖啡的口味好個人的,所以寫評前我都係寫一寫我本人對咖啡的偏好先。我鍾意中至深度烘焙的咖啡豆,酸味適中,甘味重,苦味少,意式沖泡的咖啡!間舖仔係吉XX超市收銀處對出,只有兩張椅,無食物供應的,我買的現金劵亦不能買店內售賣的公平貿易朱古力!我叫左一杯Espresso(DOUBLE)$18堂食,一杯凍Mocha拎走!剛剛$50收錢個男仔攪左幾次都計錯數,最後要個咖啡師過嚟攪!因為店內唯二果兩張椅都有人坐,所以我站在則邊飲!杯Espresso個樣唔錯,但飲左一啖我只可以講句: It's not my cup of coffee!味道:香味不濃,酸味重,甘味少,苦味都幾強,我落左一包糖唔得,要落等二包先中和到D苦味!飲完拎杯Mocha走,好多冰,唔知係咪因為咁,好淡,唔甜,雖然用同一隻咖啡,但呢個就無乜苦味!我諗呢隻咖啡豆烘焙應該比較低,如果用虹管沖可能會好飲d,意式機沖就好似唔係咁合我口味!返到屋企上OPEN RICE先知原來佢可以加錢揀用其他咖啡豆,下次我會試下叫咖啡豆沖的,睇下會唔會好D! 繼續閱讀
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Aptly named Coffee Lab for its exploratory approach to experimenting with the world of coffee, they are the latest arm of the well known Xen Coffee, well known for their exceptional Siphon Coffees and specialty imports of ethically sourced Coffee Bean batches from around the globe. This cafe brand is housed by both coffee lover Dixon, as well as Helen, the Runner Up in the World Siphonist Championship 2010 in Japan last year. I have already tried her coffee before at Xen, but I came past here just to take a peek and there she was, so I know I was in for a treat!There are only 2 seats here however, reminding me of Kitamura Coffee and Wah Sing Coffee in Sai Wan, so you're literally sitting and watching over every move by the Siphonist/Barista up close and personal, it nearly makes you embarrassed to be watching up so close as you might disrupt their work!Coffee Lab's House Blend Espresso - Brazil, Yirgacheffe & Indonesian:- 1st of all, the beans look fairly light roasted for an Espresso extraction, it was still dark green to light brown at most. Very surprising.- The extracted Espresso had a Light Beige colour, medium-level crema and underneath a low-mid body.- This shot was surprisingly VERY balanced, no annoying jagged edges and very fragrant from the low level roasted beans' natural flavours, not from a toasty roasting. This was followed in the mouth with a balanced sweetness that is belied by its light roasting appearance.- And from what is predominantly unwashed processed beans, there was surprisingly very little earthiness present, it was almost like a honey-processed cup. The beans might have been self washed and cleaned in small batches before roasting? - This was an abnormality, a misnomer of a cup VS the visual que and expectations! Yet it was AMAZINGLY well structured and very daily drinkable, with a clean and middle lasting finish! FROM A BLEND USING WHAT IS A FAIRLY RECOGNISABLE BLEND AND AIMED AT THE MASS MARKET, EXCEPT THE INCLUSION OF A G-2 YIRGACHEFFE, THIS OUTCOME WAS UNEXPECTEDLY, HIGHLY ENJOYABLE. 5/5Siphon Brewed by Helen: Papua New Guinea AA:- The Siphoning Beam heater set up here is different from Xen's Coffee, with a much smaller footprint. But surprisingly it didn't take long until the cup arrived, may be Helen is too swift from her championship training!- Cup was quite scorching hot when it arrived, and upon the 1st sip, there was that distinctive Papua New Guinea wildness & dark liquorice like coating at the back of the mouth, which doesn't really leave until it cools right down, so it exists separately from the almost floral and acidic main frame. I've always found PNG 'different' in this aspect, so I guess that's why I wanted to re-try some as cafes in HK are importing more of it when it was largely ignored before. Halfway down it developed the promised ripe lemon citrusy tone, with a slight pluckering of the mouth lining from that and slightly gritty mouth feel, probably because its still fairly fresh beans. - When cooler, the cup settled down to tasting somewhere between Grapefruit (Helen's words) to a Sour Orange Marmalade with a zestiness, adjusted so that it never really drops off the cliff sharply in acidity, yet continuously playing with your mind as it oscillates back and forth between sanity and being too adventurous. Utterly well balanced! THE BEANS WERE ROASTED PERFECTLY AND MADE TO THE SAME HIGH STANDARDS BY HELEN. AMAZING WHAT SHE HAS COAXED OUT OF SOME BEANS NOT NECESSARILY BEST KNOWN FOR ITS CUPPING QUALITY AS A SINGLE ORIGIN. 5/5 繼續閱讀
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