港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 21:00
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食評 (13)
等級4 2018-06-27
1247 瀏覽
放工跟男朋友在中環食晚餐,隨心入左呢間環境好靚的餐廳。可能係商業大廈的一樓,所以我們8點到,全場得我們一台客人。AHA 好似主打veggie ,不過佢都有肉同意粉的主食,只要主打有較多的沙律去選擇的西餐廳。我們兩個人叫3樣美食,普遍個portion 係比較少。1.紅酒燴牛面肉配蘑菇燩飯 $125 好味指數:8/10雖然分量比較少,但牛面肉超級入味,好軟,應該煮左好耐。不過飯就較硬,本人比較不喜歡超硬的飯2.墨汁墨魚意大利粉 $108好味指數:6/10呢道意大利粉有點失望,因為真係好普通。只有黑色,墨汁味好少,而且墨魚只有2-3塊,好少。 意大利粉煮得太少時間,有點硬,所以很普通,不值$108這個價錢。3.南瓜忌廉湯(一杯) $35好味指數:5/10忌廉湯的分量更小,只有一個小咖啡杯的分量。真心,味道有點像普通罐頭忌廉湯的味道,而且沒有仼何材料在湯,好失望。總結,性價比很低的一間餐廳。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2018-06-10
947 瀏覽
A spacious self-serving cafe in central. cozy with cushions and fresh with salad. Theres a great variety of food to choose from. I ordered salad with two choice. Kale and beetroot. ($48) it is quite a decent portion. sauce is quite refreshing. I also ordered potato 千層 ($30). it's much smaller than I thought but the taste is not bad. I will likely order salad with 4 choice or maybe try their pasta during the next visit. All in all, quite a nice place for quick lunch chats 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2018-05-02
1384 瀏覽
Aha is  a new restaurant serving casual healthy meals. It takes the place of Home, a restaurant that served vegan meals.  Aha has the same concept but the difference is, this place serves some meat dishes. The restaurant is actually pretty big and has an upstairs area. Oddly, you pay on the bottom floor and pick up your food on the top floor. I guess a bit of exercise before your meal.Menu is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge. Like I said previously, you pay and order at the cashier on the bottom floor and they will provide you with a pager. If you are dining in, they will have you pick up your meal on the second floor. They have build your own salads and other mains.They also have create your own bento boxes for $88.As it was lunch, I wanted a small salad  and a drink. For a small salad, you can choose two different kinds for $48. I chose roasted vegetables and spinach with orzo. The salad was pretty good though it could use a bit more seasoning. The spinach and orzo came with a bit of feta on top. I added a golden veggie juice for $48.  A cold pressed juice that had carrot, orange, apple, tumeric and ginger. It was not too gingery  and a bit more on the sweet side. Probably from the addition of apple. The juice was really good. Actually, I liked the juice a lot more than the salad!Pretty good for a light lunch. Prices not overly expensive.  Seating was comfortable enough though staff wasn't verhy enthusiastic about their job. I might try the bento box next time. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2018-04-03
1570 瀏覽
是咁的,lunch剛吃完快餐店之後,想吸收點食物纖維,讓自己安心一些。所以,走進了這一家,點了他們的烤蔬菜配羅勒香草醬,外賣回去。 一盒份量非常感人,只要48蚊,超!讚!的!裏面的蔬菜種類也很多,有茄子,南瓜,黃椒,紅椒,青瓜,黃瓜,毛茄。我想說,每一款的蔬菜也烤得剛剛好,不會太熟,仍然保持蔬菜的新鮮和爽脆,也是超!讚!的! 我也想說,羅勒香草醬也是很香口清純,感覺所用的橄欖油是高級的。 我是真心欣賞的。只是… 只是… 太!油!了! 就是油浸蔬菜那種口感! 吃完一盒覺得好油膩! 真是每100克只有48大卡嗎??? 你看吃完之後盒裏邊所剩下的油有多少!你們看!你們看!吃完之後,超有罪惡感!我的天! 抱歉了,近排都是碎碎念念的!只是,我希望店舖的負責人,可以看一看有所改善。也希望你們看了之後,再點這個沙律的時候,可以請他們少油,或者走醬。 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2018-03-11
1943 瀏覽
之前好似聽過話呢間餐廳都係sell健康,今日有時間又去開附近,所有一心諗住試下!平時都好鍾意食沙律,所以當然要試下佢啲沙津啦($48 2choices, $68 4 choices)我揀咗2choices, pan fried tofu 和 quinoa&kale. 一打開試下我最鍾意嘅豆腐先啦,細細塊薄薄的,係幾好食, 諗住食多塊,但原來得一塊! 真係有啲失望😭明明見到其他人post嗰啲相都唔係咁😢😢😢 另外嗰款沙律都係幾好味嘅, 調味幾特別… 但係份量就真係少咗啲啦。。。味道雖好,但份量…得一塊又細又 又薄嘅豆腐嘅豆腐沙律… 下次我可能情願行遠少少上mana/nood food了ρ(・・、) 繼續閱讀
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