著名的米芝蓮星級法國餐廳à nu retrouvez-vous,於2017年設立首間海外分店,位於海港城延伸位置,臨海向西,可飽覽270度兩岸維港醉人景色。餐廳堅持嚴選來自日本的各地時令食材,每天早上新鮮由日本直接空運抵港。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:00
Visa Master 支付寶 現金 AE 銀聯 微信支付
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (39)
等級4 2019-10-01
6863 瀏覽
最近整理電話入邊嘅相,見到好耐之前去過尖沙咀海港城A NU食飯慶祝生日既相,環境靚,食物賣相精緻,補番個遲來的食評。由於太耐之前食,只能憑記憶寫番出嚟。每個course嘅名都已經忘記,只係記得放低食物之後都會有專人為你介紹(但其實我都唔係好聽得入耳)。店入面係昏暗嘅燈光,經過一條走廊,轉彎就會入到大廳,廳面唔盤好大,只足夠擺幾圍枱,但就有好大嘅落地玻璃海景,睇吓幾靚?!一開始嘅時候侍應會捧住三小杯前菜俾客人自己隨意插喺碟上,造成自己鍾意嘅擺盤。咁多款菜式我印象最深刻嘅就係有一款蠔肉沙律,將蠔肉,沙律菜,同埋食用花瓣排成一條直線放左係碟嘅側邊,就好似呈現一幅藝術品一樣,蠔肉味道好出,擺盤亦細緻,絕對係味覺同視覺嘅享受!另外有一款海膽泡沫,入口都非常滑溜同埋鮮甜。仲有一款炸魚,難得既係連魚鱗都可以炸到好香脆入口,但魚肉仍然保持嫩滑唔乾身!!不得不提最後有一款白子燉飯,呢樣唔係成日會食得到,經烹調後,白子味道非常濃郁香口,係我最鍾意嘅一道菜!雖然每款食物份量唔多,但款式真係唔少,我食到最後兩道菜已經好飽。最後唔少得嘅當然係SINGATURE甜品,聽講係日本傳來香港嘅芒果玫瑰花瓣手工蛋糕,將芒果切片砌成玫瑰花瓣,再用玻璃罩蓋着上台,望落感覺份外高貴! 但可能造型太靚令我期望過高,食落去反而覺得冇咩特別。仲有一樣我好欣賞嘅就係餐後個杯茶,印象中侍應用咗一個好靚嘅盒裝住唔同種類嘅茶葉比客人選擇,除咗覺得杯茶好飲之外,最重要我覺得個杯保溫能力非常之好,keep到茶嘅溫度。服務方面,都係預期之內,大部份侍應都好留意度到客人嘅需要另外呢度每款餐具都好別緻,細心欣賞可見餐廳落咗唔少心思。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2019-09-29
2725 瀏覽
The food is much more delicious and presentable than their simplest menu, full of surprise. The ingredients mainly from Japan,even veg and fruits. French Japanese kaiseki style. What I like most is the different set menu has totally different courses as well, so we could taste a bit more varieties. The cutlery are delicate and some are custom made,go well with the dishes. The weather is a bit foggy,a shame with such a harber view. There are only 2 table of guests, I really wonder how they survive even with not cheap menu, consider the rental,labor and imported ingredients⋯⋯ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2019-09-27
1856 瀏覽
一間位於尖沙咀海港城日法餐廳,仲有一個玻璃可以欣賞香港海港,有個咁靚環境一齊欣賞香港一齊細心品嚐。間餐廳仲連拿左幾年米芝連一星榮譽。所以值得來一試。午餐set約$880一位。價錢係比較貴的,但有咁環境同榮譽。所以都非常值的。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Good place for client lunch with excellent view. Interesting food although the peach with spice is kinda strange. Service will need some improvement. Firstly - The lady took us to a wrong table. When a group of 3 came after we sat down. They realised I was sitting at the wrong one cos we share the same last name. I immediately accept switching to a 2 ppl table. Buy the she kept coming to me and said I didn't pick up the phone for confirmation. What am I supposed to say? Yes I didn't pick up cos I hv back to back meeting the whole morning. But what's the correlation between not picking up the phone and sitting at the wrong table? I just don't get it. She kept trying to explain that I didn't pick up the phone and I booked via OpenRice. Still don't understand. May be openrice can explain. Secondly - when the waiter explain the menu. We asked what's the difference between hkd 280 vs hkd 580. I'm expecting he will mention the specific dish that is missing. Instead he said if we are in a rush. Go for the business lunch. Even I asked about the dish specifically, he couldnt tell what exactly it is. Just say we might hv sea urchin 😅 there were only 5 tables during lunch, knowing the menu and what are the dish is expected esp in this kind of restaurant. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2019-09-17
1716 瀏覽
今日嚟呢間一位日本朋友介紹我食嘅餐廳,而呢一間係一間日法餐廳,喺日本係榮獲多年米芝蓮一星嘅殊榮,先講講餐廳環境,入到去大大塊落地玻璃對住個海,視覺享受一流餐廳有三個午餐Menu,最平嘅商務套餐都唔使$300,未計加一,非常抵食餐包,墨魚汁包好有特式,兩個包入邊都好鬆軟醃墨魚仔 食用花瓣 啫喱開胃前菜三文魚扒海鮮意大利飯,呢個飯我認為係必嗌,海鮮好多,意大利飯煮得岩岩好慢煮和牛面頰(supplement $150)可能我本身唔好慢煮,同醬汁有點咸啤酒mousse desserts 總結 環境一流,價錢都ok,食物不錯 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)