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食評 (8)
等級2 2022-10-08
300 瀏覽
If the title is what you want, then you won't be disappointed.Sake there is not pretentious.  Down to earth on sake that you like to drink rather than to boast about.People there are nice and friendly, especially the two fantastic sake sommeliers, they know what they are serving, from the sakes layers of taste to the history of the sake house that you're drinking, they know and can be your mental tour guide.no BS, they sell what they like and also hope you do too.  There are often 10 on the board that you can choose from, and also most off the list that you can ask for recommendations.  And there wasn't one that I don't like.The food is also nice, from grilled fish to chicken wing dumplings, high-quality food that you expected to get from a Japanese grill house.Working the next day is the only thing that keeps me from going there every day. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
第一次幫襯係去大角咀舊鋪 氣氛超 cozy 店鋪細細 bar 枱中央兩位店員超級忙但都盡力同時招呼所有客人 態度超親切 又會同客人傾下計 問下評價真係好有日本居酒屋 feel.新鋪環境比以前分店大好多 仲有露台望到夜晚街景多左新店員 感覺到佢地有盡力記資料不過都係某兩位指定店員會比較熟想揾到自己中意嘅清酒口味 依度係一個寶藏地方💎好啱 dating / 朋友聚會 趁住微醺靜靜地 chillax 傾下計.黑板上有十種時令清酒 menu即使你對清酒零認識 只要講得出自己偏好甜 / 辛口 / 果味 / 米味 / 生酒 etc呢度店員會細心介紹各類酒的特性.另一樣令我好深刻既係下酒菜 每道都各有特色 ✔✔ 紫蘇雞肉丸串 // $48超重紫蘇味 🤤 加上甜甜嘅燒汁 雞肉嫩滑鬆軟✔✔ 熒光魷魚沖漬 // $38入口冰涼 有嚼勁口感 + 鹹香醬油味 佐酒一流✨✔✔ 酒盜芝士 // $68酒盗係一種發酵食品用高濃度既鹽醃漬魚內臟配上軟綿綿有奶香既 cream cheese + 酥脆的餅乾一入口中就感受到濃烈咸鮮味越食越上癮 令人不自覺飲多兩杯清酒 所以叫酒盜 因為好岩送酒 快到令人以為酒被偷走左 😂✔✔ 燒薩摩芝士魚餅 // $58燒得啱啱好金黃色 一咬裏面會有芝士流出黎✔✔ 燒厚切鹿兒島豚肉眼 // $138燒得剛剛好熟 中間仲係淡粉紅色 超 juicy✔ 明太子雞翼 // $78✔✔ 燒味醂雞泡魚乾 // $78✔✔ 松葉蟹味噌甲羅盛 // $128.🍶 日高見 夏の純米吟醸 ▷生産者:宮城県 平孝酒株式会社▷原材料:山田錦▷精米歩合:50%▷ABV:15-16%透明樽貼有好靚既標籤貼紙 背面印有“江戶前壽司”的夏日插畫帶有清爽好聞既花果香 入口順滑 甜味唔會過分突出 同酸味平衡得好好後段微辛口 平衡得好好 係屬於夏日的清酒 (人*´∀`)。*゚+即使雪凍飲味道都好濃 但亦唔會蓋過食物既味道適合配刺身壽司特別係白身魚 .🍶 流輝 純米大吟醸 Morpho // $85▷生産者:群馬県 松屋酒造▷原料米:山田錦▷精米歩合:40%▷ABV:16%屢獲殊榮既清酒~ 標籤上既大藍閃蝶 🦋正正代表酒名 Morpho 希臘文既意思解美麗 比較溫和優雅既甜味 似菠蘿🍍+青蘋果🍏然後係輕微甘苦 入口順滑接近室溫時 甘苦味會變得更突出 酸度降低 .🍶 智惠美人 檸檬茶利口酒 夏季限定▷生産者:大分県 中野酒造▷ABV:9%酒體顏色係好靚既金黃色 視覺同味覺上都好清爽 🍃當地生產既新鮮檸檬汁 + 紅茶葉 + 白蘭地作為 base味道融合得好和諧 似日本“午後紅茶”既味道 茶香更濃加入埋果皮 所以好有真實感清香檸檬皮既澀味 同埋紅茶既單寧感 完美平衡甜度好低酒精度 所以唔係飲開酒都可以試官方教可以加汽泡水 & 新鮮薄荷葉整 summer cocktail 🍹🍶 上川大雪 純米大吟釀 彗星▷生産者:上川町 上川大雪酒造▷原料米 : 彗星▷精米步合 : 35%▷ABV : 16%- - - - - - - - - ‎- - - - - - - FOLLOW IG @ FISWEET FOR MORE 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-06-13
742 瀏覽
EAST 東 ⇨ feature:  a hidden sake bar to enjoy long chats with 🍶🥃 in East TST 🤫Price: $400ppQuality : 👩🏻‍🍳👩🏻‍🍳👩🏻‍🍳Recommend : 💖💖💖💖Service : 💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️(Ratings out of 5)OVERALL: hidden in a renovated high rise in Austin Ave, this sake bar is great for couples/small groups. Spacious counter seatings, with friendly staff who took time to explain the different types of sake & plum wine on offer 🍶 Altho we wish the menu has greater variety and no $20 extra charge on the appetiser 😜DISHES:🍗Gyoza chicken wings - comes in 3 pcs, grilled to perfection, tender meat. What’s not to like!☄️Chicken meatball with shiso - this was alright but nothing special. More sauce would be better to compliment the meatball.🐟Spring onion minced maguro with seaweed - not on the regular menu, flavour as expected and enough for 5 pieces of seaweed. Got that “homakase” feel since you need to DIY 🤭🍚Sakura shrimp tea rice - generous amount of sakura shrimp on top of the warm tea rice which intensifies the flavour. A bit on the salty side but worth a try! 😬🍘Grilled cheese fish cake - served hot, this sizeable piece of chewy & hearty fish cake can satisfy your cravings. recommended! 💯🥃Drinks - tried both types of plum wine (sweet/sour), the sour one gives a stronger plum flavour 👍🏼 also tried a strawberry sake 🍓on their blackboard menu (change regularly) - perfect to satisfy a sweet tooth (pretty strong sake too)! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2021-10-30
819 瀏覽
讚1.環境比大角咀時代大左好多,同埋有埋景咁,係舒服左2.清酒選擇仍然有以往既數量,有唔同類嘜,呢排仲有秋天清酒揀,保存得幾好,之前去同區另一間清酒吧,就有啲擺到變左味3.前菜既櫻花蝦蒟蒻幾好味彈1.點左少少嘢食,關東煮同餃子既味道都偏淡,枝豆用既貨亦唔靚,好乾身 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2021-08-26
675 瀏覽
有酒有野食又唔怕逼人小食質素唔錯,紫薯係至愛。支豆配清酒都係好好既小食雞肉丸串滋味,好似去左日本既居酒屋咁而呢度更多一份現代化既風味呢度仲有靚靚夜景,係度飲翻杯係身心舒暢呢度係好好既聚腳點服務親切,無論識唔識清酒既朋友都可以來試下呢度員工會細心解析各類酒的特性清酒飲完唔會頭痛、唔會濟住係適合把酒談心既飲品 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)