食評 (6)
等級2 2012-04-08
100 瀏覽
我每次嚟親都會食楊枝金撈,上次食我已想寫,因自由行人仕太多,兩個工作人員根本唔夠,堂食人仕幾枱起碼等十幾分鐘先落到單,有堂食人仕投訴都無用,因佢哋都無能為力,我都凳佢哋辛苦!今次無人買外賣,所以我買返屋企食,點知返屋企食完發現隻手好多紅色,原來係隻杯甩色,抺極都唔甩,呢樣嘢我完全接受唔到,希望許留山唔好再用呢隻外賣杯! 繼續閱讀
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Their nice poster attracted us to try:Very Disappointed!!!! From their images, the dessert appears to be pretty big or at least decent size. However, when it arrived .... you can see that it's only cos of the angle that the photo was taken to make it look big. Their bowl was quite shallow, so don't consider sharing this dessert. (Just for one person is barely enough.) After the dessert arrived, you will need to wait another 3 - 5 mins for it to really heat up. We were soooooooo impatient with our second bowl that we even took the candle from the first bowl and add to the second one to make it heat up faster. We even overheard the table behind ours asked the waitress to bring back to the kitchen cos it's not hot enough .... and they were so disappointed that the kitchen staff just threw their dessert into the microwave for reheat. ....... Ummm, what's the purpose of eating out if the dessert is reheat in the microwave???? As for the taste, their 紫米露 was a bit too sweet and milky, but it's still acceptable. However, the 杏仁糊 and 合桃糊 both tasted fake (not those made from scratch), and their dumplings were too thick. I really wouldn't recommend anyone trying 許留山's 火鍋 desserts, unless they are my enemies lor! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2009-04-01
21 瀏覽
經過上次既教訓後,冇再去旺角個間許留山食野~改去呢間係北角新開既許留山食~呢間許留山人流比較少,環境算係唔錯!未食過許留山既糕點,所以今次點左個綠茶紅豆糕+金粉撈晶晶。綠茶糕好好食!第一層係綠茶糕,有茶香味,正!中間個層係椰汁紅豆糕,唔太甜,唔錯!底層就唔知係咩野,,食落味道似桂花糕,,ok~3樣夾埋一齊食好配合!糕點唔錯外,,個金粉撈晶晶都好正!份量好多,,芒果好甜,但士多啤利就酸左d~個特製芒果雪糕球好正!口感清新,好似食緊芒果咁 XD!食完兩個甜品後,,肚子好滿足呢~! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2008-10-23
16 瀏覽
4-10-08 (六)十月份仍驕陽似火,環保救地球,刻不容媛。新開的許留山,企企理理。外賣化算些,$32兩杯燕窩蜂蜜爽。選了木瓜燕窩蜂蜜爽和芒椰燕窩蜂蜜爽。兩者皆用料豐富,清涼味美。 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2008-10-01
13 瀏覽
今天,本與友人約好12點半去唱k, 但因為遲到1時多才去唱 竟加價變為$75元 還要等到2時45分才有房 最後放棄, 去了這間新開的許留山 之前也想來試試 可惜沒有時間所以今天和朋友二個滿懷希望和新鮮感 去試試 一坐下 就點了燕窩蘆薈爽(椰子汁)朋友點了芒椰奶西,還有 餃子,XO蘿蔔糕 先說環境方面, 沒有問題...挺舒適的 食物方面, 我和友人的飲品裏都有芒果 但非常酸. 友人問不是應該甜的嗎餃子, 還不錯 但皮跟肉是分開的... 問waiter有沒有醬汁 她先問要不要酸甜汁 但竟給了兩包李錦記 甜醬和辣椒醬我們. 那個xo蘿蔔糕 差得很 入口沒有甚麼味道 一堆野在那個類似是形狀是酒杯 的東西 裏面還有好像是瑤砫碎的東西, 後來我加了辣椒醬一起吃怎料味道更差 朋友說要吃咸的東西 才感覺那杯飲品是甜的......--服務態度 不太好... 吃完後 和朋友立刻走... 因為我遲大到 是次由我請...只此一次 以後都不會再去 除非有人請吧 繼續閱讀
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