餐廳: 紅雞冰廳



港鐵宋皇臺站B2出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
07:00 - 21:00
07:00 - 21:00
現金 八達通
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (89)
等級3 2024-04-16
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6pm 打完波,肚餓但冇食晚飯行嘅意欲。行過呢間茶餐廳,個名好得意,見啲座位設計幾舒服,最重要喺下午茶餐牌寫住去到6點30分,我地就入咗去試下啦。友人叫了一客公司三文治配薯條,我就要了一客炸雞肶沙律,加錢要了一杯奶茶紅豆冰。🥪公司三文治足料,而且薯條配黑松露醬,好惹味。我好滿意🍗雞脾炸得很脆,不過我唔食雞皮的,一起咗塊脆皮就給朋友當薯片咁食。我好鍾意杯奶茶紅豆冰,🍹紅豆份量頗多,奶茶味亦很滑很濃。整體好滿意,難得最係今時今日茶餐廳嘅女侍應係非常好禮貌,不斷同我地介紹食物,又話我知雞脾好食喺因為轉咗新大廚!以後去九龍城打波,知道邊度有好野食啦 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-04-12
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這間茶記平時間唔中都有去,以前就一般茶記野囉。今日伙記推介鐵板餐,於是就試咗什扒餐($110)(有雞扒、牛扒、煙肉、腸仔、蛋和薯角)一試之後真係好好食喎,一問之下,原來換咗個廚師,唔怪之得啦!感覺新廚師有用心煮,口感非常好。真心值得一讚,連例湯都唔同咗,唔係水水寥寥淡茂茂,大家試過就知我講乜。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
I recently had the pleasure of dining at a charming Cantonese Cha Chaan Teng, and I must say, it was a delightful experience from start to finish. From the moment I stepped in, the warm atmosphere and inviting aromas set the stage for a memorable culinary adventure.First of all, the staff were very hospitable. We chatted a bit and it felt like as if I were a patreon already.One of the highlights of my meal was the noodle soup with satay beef in borscht. The combination of tender beef, rich satay flavors, and the unique twist of borscht created a harmonious blend of tastes that was both comforting and exciting. I added some salt as I would like my soup more savory, although the borscht was already flavorful. The noodles were perfectly cooked, and the broth was a flavorful symphony that left me craving for more.Another standout dish was the egg sandwich, a classic staple of Cantonese cuisine. The fluffy eggs, nestled between two slices of bread, created a satisfying combination of textures. The eggs were cooked perfectly. The slices of bread were amazingly thick and the texture was heavenly soft. The simplicity of the sandwich allowed the quality and freshness of the ingredients to shine through, making each bite a scrumptious delight.The chicken curry was another must-try item. The aromatic spices and creamy curry sauce enveloped the tender chicken pieces, creating a burst of flavors that was both bold and comforting. I was full after finishing the above two items but I was tempted to order this chicken curry to take away. The balance of heat and creaminess was spot-on. The curry could be more spicy but overall the dish was great.Despite being situated in the neighborhood of "the Little Thailand" in Kowloon City, this restaurant is definitely worth visiting. 繼續閱讀
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大份到食唔晒嘅份量,味道同款式都不錯嘅茶記,可一試🫡・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・🍳 常餐 HK$48> 蔥花火腿炒蛋配丹麥多士、牛肉羅宋湯米粉・味道:蔥花火腿炒蛋好香蔥味,但多小小鹹味更好。丹麥多士加牛油好食,甜甜酥酥嘅肥仔多🤓羅宋湯唔辣的,好多菜足料,同時唔會太重茄味,合格以上嘅羅宋湯。牛肉都仲有小小肉味的~・口感:炒蛋同牛肉好嫩滑,米粉攣攣的有啲似蒟蒻麵~🥩 西冷牛扒(厚)配太陽蛋飯 HK$88・味道:強調扒厚但唔厚🤡,正常味道同厚度啦XD。黑椒汁好重味,仲食到一粒粒黑椒但唔會好鹹,OK desu。・口感:唔厚呀但唔韌嘅~🍝 茄汁鴛鴦扒燴意粉 HK$60・味道:豬扒正常,雞扒外焦內嫩好香口。個燴汁幾好食欸~・口感:雞扒正,豬扒都唔柴的~・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・🤰性價比:中~🤰9衝度:可試~🤰結論: 想講個凍OT,冇一次飲得晒😂加上用不鏽鋼杯好保冷,解暑掂!・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 繼續閱讀
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由紅雞開張幫襯已經覺得間茶記整嘅野有heart,最近返去成個menu唔同哂。所有需要技巧同耐心嘅茶式全部變曬快餐。海南雞,牛肋條,日式咖喱全部唔見曬😵‍💫講真食快餐不如大家樂大快活。自家制漢堡牛肉鴛鴦芝士滑蛋飯 1分/10分特色:以前係軟硬適中,真心食得出自家制,而家係咪自家制唔敢講,但煎到又乾又硬見到都唔想擺入口滑蛋亦變左做芙蓉蛋,唔知以為煎蠔餅少甜凍咖啡 3分/10分特色:有咖啡味但少甜都勁甜P.S.一間餐廳有無用『心』去整野食真係食得出。如果以前個帶眼鏡嘅年青廚師見到呢篇食評希望可以話俾小弟聽去左邊做。真心想再食到你整嘅野🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 2019年加入openrice到而家第一篇食評就係想俾個like【以前】嘅紅雞冰廳❤️❤️❤️ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)