港鐵朗屏站 D 出口, 步行約11分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (3)
等級4 2011-05-28
166 瀏覽
這2個星期只管做做做........返工,ot,返工,ot再ot...........所以may 28, 11一定要出來走走........喺or做吓功課.............去1吓好耐都無去掃過嘅元朗區.............搵來 : 1) 班戟王 (hk$8)-之前見有食家寫,已心癢癢,想去搵嚟食-今天特意來找,兜了1個圈,應是這街邊檔了,因附近都無另1檔賣班戟的-初時諗住用價$$$$來verify是否食家所寫的1檔.........但望了1望價$$$$,和之前食家所寫的$7/件(只是2011年4月2x日嘅事),已+了價.........haha+幅高達14%之多呀............通漲話嚟就嚟~~~-沒所謂啦,難得喺即叫即整........原來只喺得pancake會喺on order basis,其他雞蛋仔/格仔餅都會有整好的stock-熱辣辣,入口丁點自發粉嘅苦味都食唔到,所以好貨真價實,真材實料-軟熟,滑,略嫌醬奶份量剛好,沒有慷慨的下,下次要叫老細比多d先得 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-05-01
58 瀏覽
This is the shop that I mentioned in my last comment!The best雞蛋仔can be bought there!It is crispy and hot outside,and spongy inside.I can say it is much much better than利強記!Although the shop always increase the price of the food,I and my friend do not stop going there and still go there to share a 雞蛋仔.Because it is really tasty and the person who run the shop makes the food by himself only!He is very nice and he is effective in making one 雞蛋仔.I strongly recommend you to have a try if you go to Yuen Long! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-04-27
54 瀏覽
四月二十二日由黃金海岸乘車到元朗搜尋美食看了看飲食雜誌,發現有隠世已久的混醬夾餅(文雅地說即班戟)是老公仔的兒時至愛可惜現在的小食店大都只售賣雞蛋仔和格仔餅老公仔說以前在屋企樓下只賣兩元一塊如今要賣七元了座落於偏僻的兩街交界,好不容易才找到呢即叫即製的,用與製雞蛋仔和格仔餅的同一蛋漿 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)