港鐵灣仔站 C 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
這海鮮酒家多次獲得必比登美食餐廳殊榮,以新鮮食材製作中式懷舊小菜及點心,適合和家人或朋友聚餐。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 20:00
11:30 - 20:00
11:30 - 20:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 AE
電話訂座 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (58)
First, the place was really stinky as soon as we entered.  It could be because of the moldy wall due to the old air-conditioning system and fish tank.  Then, we were given the wrong dish even though the record on our table was correct. Third, we simply asked for a small box to pack away the food that we could not finish but we were forced to take a larger plastic box with plastic bag and got charged for something that we did not want since they already put the charge on our bill.  I did not take the bag as the large box was environmentally unfriendly enough. And I noticed one of their staff took clean plates to set up tables right after she emptied dirty plates and moved used chopsticks and cups into a trolley placed in the open area. Worse, we were charged incorrectly for $10 more as the restaurant insisted we ordered from an old menu which showed the old, hence wrong price. What's funny was that they could not find the dish listed anywhere on their "new" menu to justify for the new price that they were charging us! Maybe it was just me being unlucky. I brought my family here as I had good experience in their branch in Central. But the environment and service here are day and night compared to the one in Central. Even if the charges were minor mistakes, they should at least sanitize the restaurant and keep it hygienic. Afterall, it's a place to eat. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2021-07-06
4553 瀏覽
今日第一次來灣仔星記食生日飯,一行六人,分兩張枱。小菜不錯:椒鹽魷魚                $178(略貴,但好食)金沙苦瓜                $108(非常好食)咕嚕肉                     百多元(不錯)魚肚栗子炆雞      $218(不錯)芥茉牛柳粒           $198(不錯)黑椒粉絲蟹煲  (每兩$28,一斤四両)$560+30(粉絲)(新鮮,不錯)整體餸菜不太鹹,很適合本人。送例湯及糖水(都不錯),不收切餅費。共$1770,人均$300。由六點食到九點,慢慢食,傾下計,招呼好,又不用趕交枱,很人性化。家庭聚餐又個選擇,誠意推介。不過,今日的坐位較熱。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2021-05-16
4152 瀏覽
我喜歡在這間飯店吃其午市套餐,每個套餐有例湯及糖水送,上次來訪,相公和我選了一碟炒河粉另加了兩個套餐。前兩日再到訪,相公選擇了三個套餐;欖角話梅豬扒不酸反覺鹹鹹香香,豬扒掛汁吃很惹味又有嚼感。魚肚栗子炆雞煲味較濃,因此魚肚和原粒栗子吸收了這些汁很入味,又爽口。這碟蝦醬蘭度炒牛肉,蝦醬沒有蓋了牛肉的鮮味但菜卻吸了它的濃味。今午例湯是霸王花紅蘿蔔豬骨,很滑腸的湯呵! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2021-04-25
3241 瀏覽
未到中午在區内正找地方午飯,侍應回答已全場訂滿, 周旋一會勉強有位但需於一小時内吃畢二話不說即點了蔥頭菜蒸鮮肉餅,咖哩醬炆牛筋腩,沙爹鮮牛肉炒河餸菜未到先附送例湯節瓜鱆魚㷛豬骨,鱆魚味重湯好正😋😋肉餅甚有咬口遠勝一般機攪肉,肉味鮮而不膩😋😋咖哩汁香辣而味濃,筋腩冧軟適度,我用汁混合河粉吃了兩大碗😋😋牛肉河内加脆脆的腰果令河粉更有咬感,牛肉鮮嫩,沙爹醒胃😋😋贈送甜品綠豆沙軟绵不太甜,應讚😋😋坐下至结帳全程一小時完成👍🏼👍🏼 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2020-06-21
6874 瀏覽
今晚八點響灣仔星記食晚飯. 一行七人叫咗以下餸菜 :豉油皇海中蝦 - 隻蝦係大隻嘅,但係就炒得較老身同埋出嚟唔熱. 似乎油爆咗一段時間之後再番鑊上豉油. 以海鮮要求一啲都唔彈牙同埋冇乜鑊氣. 每隻$68輝哥煎鹹雞 - 放落嚟个碟雞唔熱, 夾咗一嚿肉唔熟, 退回. 再放第二碟都係唔太熱但比第一碟正常因為起碼都熟. 可惜以依個價錢隻雞一啲味道都冇, 冇雞鮮味, 亦都冇醃鹹嘅鹹味, 真唔知想點. $420隻生炒排骨 - 都好食係个顏色紅到過位 $158?椒鹽鮮魷 - 呢個做到應有嘅效果, 啲肉仲係好軟, 鬆脆, 入味同唔太油 $158?梅菜扣肉 - 正常$168上湯浸莧菜 - $118總括嚟講, 依個質素今次攞唔到星係正常嘅. 以價錢对比餸菜份量(較細), 味道出品等灣仔仲有好多選擇.值得一提反而係啲侍應服務態度良好, 亦肯聽意見之後反映畀廚房聽. 希望佢哋以後可以做好啲, 咁先留到客. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)