12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
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食評 (10)
等級4 2014-01-03
291 瀏覽
本來約左朋友去食車仔麵,但途經此店就吸左入來試一試店子唔係太大,但座位都唔算迫GOOD前菜~~~味道不錯,青瓜好清新,泡菜是微辣的,味道很不錯,大荳芽菜的好香麻油味 叫了一個泡菜豆腐豚肉湯LUNCH SET飯配上雜菜,上面放上一隻荷包蛋,蛋是凍D~~~NO GOOD,將所有材料拌勻再加入韓式辣醬,又幾好味喎!雜菜都幾新鮮爽脆 泡菜豆腐豚肉湯~~~味道好好喎,有點辛辣,而且非常夠熱,配料的好足夠!如果天氣凍吃更GOOD 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-05-23
139 瀏覽
食韓式食品,通常是在兩個地方:一是商場的Food Court,通常只有一款主食,也都會很快食完;另一個是餐廳內,會有很多前菜小吃,以燒烤為主,有很多不同的食物,也要一段長時間才會完成一餐。而今次來到這餐廳剛好是各取其長,有不同的前菜小吃,但用饍時間又不會很長。三款精選的小吃:青瓜、泡菜及芽菜。雖然份量不多,但勝在夠精。主菜是鐵板牛肉,薄薄的牛肉夠新鮮,味道很好,有牛味之餘配合洋蔥很是惹味。 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2012-12-28
101 瀏覽
It is Christmas time so I took my mum to try some new cuisine near her home. The outlook of this restaurant is rather neat looking and the photos of the dishes posted on the outside seem reasonable so we gave it a try. After going through the menu we decided to order a set dinner for three (for three of us) assuming that the portion would be decent. The first 5 small dishes were some of the usual Korean cuisine - pickled cucumber, kimchee, bean sprout, yam and spinach. The taste was typical without any surprise but the portion was more for ONE person than for three adults. These dishes were meant for the customer to consume while they were waiting for the main dishes. The size of these dishes defeated the main purpose of these appetizers. The next dish was hot-plated stir-fried pork with onion. This is probably the best dish of the day. However, it is more Cantonese than Korean style. Following this was a hot-pot sea-food rice with chilli sauce. Not a dish that can capture my brain to memorize its taste. The next dish was 'curry-squid'-taste korean rice cake. There were roughly 5-6 tiny cylinder-shaped rice cake. By dipping an octopus tentacle from the sea-food rice to this dish it triggers you that you were no doubt eating 'curry-squid'. The last dish was tomato-sauce vegetable pancake. Very thin and ...err..OK. The dessert was 3 tiny slices of melon. And that's it. The service was great because we were the only table when we were there. I suppose the rent must be very dear otherwise such a meal definitely did not worth what we paid for. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2012-11-18
61 瀏覽
8月11日, 因為住喺附近嘅關係, 都會成日經過呢間韓國野. 雖然門口都黐咗好多廣告同唔係透明玻璃, 但裏面都好以好神秘咁~ 睇過下個menu, 都唔算平, 會想試但係都俾個價錢嚇怕咗… 撞啱近日呢間餐廳都加入團購行列, 我地都可以有機會試下~ ::: 沙律 餐湯 豬肉雜菜石鍋飯 可樂 ::: $38呢個團購餐$38包咁多野食, 同佢地平時正價比, 一定係超值, 同foodcourt嘅石頭飯價錢差唔多~ 當然想像係美妙嘅, 嚟到嘅又同想像差少少咁啦. 沙律係有一小碟, 並唔係八小碟, 附上嘅菠菜份量唔多, 好彩味道ok嘅, 菜色水幾好幾爽口~ 餐湯係麵豉湯, 好日式, 入口普通咗d, 同d即沖嘅冇乜分別… 跟住就石鍋飯上枱喇, 仲有吱吱聲, 好香嘅飯味~ 石鍋飯材料包括有碎豬肉、芽菜、青瓜、蘿蔔, 再喺中間加隻生蛋, 感覺好正宗~ 將d飯同材料撈勻, 加埋韓式辣醬, 就可以食, 味道都唔錯, keep住熱辣辣食好有鑊氣, 每樣材料個味道其實都會俾辣醬蓋住, 只可以食到佢地嘅質感… 豬肉偏瘦, 少韌, 其他配菜都尚算爽口, 可惜飯嘅份量太少, 飯焦又唔多, 食晒都唔會飽…::: 沙律 餐湯 牛肉雜菜石鍋飯 凍檸茶 ::: $38呢個餐沙律同餐湯都同前者一樣, 個石鍋飯亦只係豬肉換上牛肉, 牛肉係碎牛肉, 同韓國傳統正宗石鍋飯如出一轍. 呀菲怕辣, 開頭無加辣醬撈飯, 但因為有隻蛋, 撈起上嚟飯粒都幾濕潤, 不過就無乜味, 免為其難都要加d韓式辣醬~ 好在辣醬辣得嚟都帶甜, 再加埋牛肉都帶甜, 整體味道都唔會好搶喉. 不過可能全部飯都太濕, 所以都無乜飯焦.凍檸茶茶味就夠, 但檸檬得兩三片薄薄片… 孤寒咗d… 得茶味無檸味.終於都一試呢間餐廳, 原來個環境都幾茶餐廳feel, 一路食人流都唔多, 星期六嘅夜晚都只係坐到成間餐廳嘅1/3… 論價錢, 佢地一個正價嘅石鍋飯要$80, 真係幾貴, 加上食身份量唔多, 埋單都唔知點計… 對於我地呢個團購, 會比較正常番d, 但係要我地俾正價食就一定唔會食~ 繼續閱讀
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I rarely eat Korean food because everything tastes sweet and spicy.I came here to try the cold noodles and the rice.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Korean buckwheat noodle with cold soup:When it came the noodles looked different. From the previous reviews there was crushed ice.Anyway, when the noodles came, the waitress used a pair of scissors and cut the noodles into smaller strands.When I dug my chopsticks into the noodles I realised they were very elastic and hard to pick up if they were in long pieces.The texture of the noodles were exactly like konjac noodles but the strands were thinner.The cold soup tasted sweet as expected and it tasted of Chinese radish.On top of the noodles were cucumber, pickled Chinese radish and Chinese snow pear.There was strong mustard paste to go with the noodles.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Steamed rice with mixed vegetables and beef in hot stone pot:Not my cup of tea because it just tasted sweet and spicy.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Soup and sidedishes:The sidedishes were quite nice especially the spinach.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★It was nice to get an extra free drink as well because the cold noodles did not come with a drink. 繼續閱讀
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