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食評 (24)
等級4 2024-03-13
99 瀏覽
原本好期待買左個33蚊貓山王糯米糍,但係個糯米糍拿到手發現好細。。咬落去仲差,個皮竟然佔四分之三😅 榴連餡得個小小,仲要無咩味,完全吾覺得係貓山王,好失望😔唯一好既就係個糯米糍皮幾軟熟,但係比三十幾蚊吾值。 繼續閱讀
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每個禮拜都會專登出去天后買糯米糍,不過今次遇著個紮辮戴眼鏡staff真係好掃興,態度極差,好似一副買就買唔買就罷就,買左幾個,包好後佢係用dum比我既手法比我,真係超垃圾🤢🤢🤢 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-03-04
838 瀏覽
難得去到天后,但係因為太飽,所以搵咗個可以拎返屋企食嘅甜品🧁。可能係太夜,去到剩返好少款式,芒果無放出嚟,係見前面嘅人點先知仲有,所以叫咗2款試試。柚子蘆薈 $18糯米皮較厚,拎上手都幾軟身,口感煙靭。裏面柚子味有啲香精感覺,帶有幾條柚子皮;蘆薈切得太細粒,完全feel唔到。芒果 $22芒果味幾大粒,呢舊糯米皮非常厚,厚度大約1.5cm,食落雖然煙靭,但係成舊粉團無味感覺幾差;中間嘅芒果🥭微弱嘅芒果味,完全冇甜味+輕微酸味,可能係唔當造。不滿足😿。😾小熊私心評分:29/100糯米皮煙靭柔軟,但係太厚,裏面嘅餡做得未夠水準。另外,服務係最差,明明寫明可以八達通、電子支付,想俾八達通時,個店員白眼我,我都即刻俾佢嚇一嚇😿,小戀熊受驚了。同行朋友仔話佢淨係收現金,其實店員可以出聲通知,唔使比一個白眼反應我😿。芒果糯米糍,都係留返去長洲食啦😼~ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-12-14
525 瀏覽
呢間店舖位於天后亨環food court,主打外賣糯米糍,單單糯米糍都有數十款口味,超級百變,而且粒粒都好有份量,口感Q彈軟糯,皮軟度適中,即使冷藏後也不會硬邦邦👍🏻今次試了呢兩款口味:紫薯口味 Purple Yam $18紫薯味近年好受歡迎,餡料好足料,味道香甜,而且外表透出淡紫色,顏色好靚😍芝士曲奇口味 Cheese & Cookies $18芝士味香濃,配上脆脆既曲奇令口感不再單一,兩者係很好的配搭😋 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-09-27
768 瀏覽
I had no idea 嚐雪 (English name: Snowy Savor) had an actual shop. Usually I see them at pop-up markets selling their  mochi. Since we were waiting for takeaway, we decided to munch on two. This place is pretty popular for their mochi as they have fillings that are not of the norm. But their most popular filling is the mango and durian one.The mochi are on display in their window and while we were deciding, they had a good amount of business.Menu is in English and Chinese. They had various types of mochi from the regular fruit variety to cream based varieites.  As it's takeaway only, there is no 10% service charge.We chose two and the staff placed it in a  plastic container. They were the size of my palm. AND SO SOFT!Boyfriend had the taro one ($18). It was stuffed to the brim with taro paste. The paste was smooth and sweet.I had the Lycee ($18). Inside was a whole piece of lychee! There was also some nata de coca inside as well. The mochi was soft and chewy. Absolutely delicious.Sadly my wanted flavour was sold out, so I guess I'll have to try another time. 繼續閱讀
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