以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
八月三十一日‧星期三‧炎熱暑假的最後一天,原本想跟姊姊去中環的來佬餐館吃個午飯。前一天致電訂座,原來午市不設訂座,那只好當日早點去吧。不過到後發現店內已有二十幾三十人在等候,店外都有約十人,好不誇張。我們都肚子餓,不想再等,便轉戰姊姊提議的Wagyu Kitchen En。姊姊之前曾和同事們來吃午餐,回家後都讚口不絕,但這次的經歷…… 只好怪自己無食神罷了。當天真的很熱很熱,我們從來佬餐館步行過來都已經整身汗。到達Wagyu後,一位男侍應問我們有沒有訂座,他表示沒訂座的只好坐餐廳的室外座位(餐廳有個大露臺)。由於那天真的非常熱,我們問他真的不可以坐入面嗎(還有一兩張檯)?他回應說可以,但必須在一時前離開。當時經已是十二時半了,他真的認為我們可在一時前離開?沒座位都沒辦法。其實露臺有兩個大型降溫機,所以都不會是太過熱的,但由於露臺有白色膠布圍着,都很焗促。姊姊和我都點了漢堡扒。我點了的是和牛漢堡扒伴蒜蓉白菌汁 Australia Wagyu Beef Hamburg with Garlic Mushroom Sauce($118)(我想是Australian才對呀,是菜單grammar有問題?),而姊姊點的是蕃茄芝士和牛漢堡扒 Wagyu Beef Hamburg with Tomato Cheese Topping($118)。套餐附送湯,沙律,甜品和咖啡/茶。沙律除了碟子外都沒有特別,菜湯很足料但我喜歡濃一點杰一點的。沙律和菜湯都很難失水準的,主菜才是中伏位!漢堡扒上碟時我們經已被嚇呆。飯平平的攤在碟上,有一碗的份量嗎?不是飯桶的姊姊都嫌份量太少。Wagyu用是珍珠米,但飯只是微暖,雖然飯是軟糯,卻沒有我吃米飯追求的飯香。吃了一口漢堡扒,今回我們真的被嚇壞了!汁是冷的,漢堡扒都是冷的,冷是指放涼了的室溫溫度。姊姊的漢堡扒上的芝士明顯沒有熔掉過的痕跡 。不只是我們的漢堡扒,連鄰桌都要求服務員為食物加熱。那位男侍應生一句話都沒說,一臉不悅拿走我們的漢堡扒,像是覺得我們無理取鬧般。若然食物是沒問題的話,兩臺食客又怎會同時浪費寶貴的午飯時間去要求加熱食物!漢堡扒加熱後終於會冒煙,但是汁仍然是冷的,薯蓉都是冷的,吃不出薯蓉的薯香,應該是只加熱了漢堡扒。不幸中的大幸是蕃茄和沙律菜沒有被微波爐加熱過,不會熟透。加熱的時間不短, 原先只是微暖的飯都變得冷。漢堡扒吃得出肉質不錯,不是用廉價肉,但當其他東西都是冷時,漢堡扒多好吃都是假。所謂飯要趁熱食,食物涼了都失去其獨特香氣,失去了色香味的其中一環,浪費了好的食材。甜品是很頹的巧克力/柯華田布丁奶凍東東。在這麼熱的天氣吃便當消暑吧……而姊姊就覺得它太甜把口都黏住。咖啡/茶要了作用同樣是消暑的很日式cafe味道的凍咖啡。這個不愉快午飯吃到尾聲時,熱風取代了降溫機的冷風,應該是因為女經理在準備餐桌給另一檯客人時,不小心揭開了白色膠布留了個入風口...... 我們只是想簡簡單單吃午餐,過百元的一位的午餐服務不好、食物不好、環境焗促。雖然身在中環,但是中環有很多餐廳價錢都較便宜,服務和食物亦比Wagyu好。這次經驗有點用錢買難受的感覺。看到Wagyu在openrice的好評(零哭臉!),相信這次應該只是店子失準。希望店子可以多加注意QC和侍應生的服務態度。不過經過這一役,姊姊和我都不會光顧Wagyu了。
People who wants to go there for dinner please be aware that they have changed their a la carte menu for dinner. They pretty much got rid of 3/4 of food on the old menu. The menu is now pretty small and there's no photos of the food on the menu as well. It's such a pity that they don't serve seafood salad and beef tataki anymore since I think those are two of their signature dishes! Anyway even tho they don't have my fav dishes we still ordered some other food like beef steak, dragon roll and ajillo. Pretty nice but it's really a pity that they changed their menu. I prob won't go there as much as before
Waiting time = 0 minutes only because we didn't mind sitting outdoors. It wasn't very hot...and there were sun umbrellas outside. If you wanna sit indoors you really should make reservations. Could come back again for their famous burgers. Environment:Lazy Probably because they have an outdoor section. Good when sunny. It's a balcony, with a seating capacity of around 18. There is no view. You're surrounded by tall, tapering concrete monsters with glass shields. There is a big electric fan to keep the place ventilated. It kind of works. Smoking permitted outdoors. Food: Spaghetti set lunches @ $88 + 10% = $1001. Wagyu Spaghetti in meat sauce, with salad, soup and drink I had this. The soup and salad were...well, very average. A watery pumpkin+potato+onion soup (don't worry it didn't taste weird coz it wasn't intended to be cream of pumpkin soup) The soup was enjoyable although it wasn't particularly tasty - at least it tasted of pumpkin, and wasn't too filling. There's also a lot of cooked onion, which I like. Salad: An average green salad. The dressing was yummy though - not your standard olive oil dressing, but a sesame dressing, which was store-bought, because I have that bottle at home. A cross between thinned mayonnaise and sesame sauce. Thankfully it didn't drown the leaves. The Wagyu Spaghetti was average. Tastes quite good but i'm not 100% sure if the minced meat really is wagyu..you really can't tell when i'ts minced. oh well, i shall believe it to be wagyu. Makes me feel better. Would've been better if it weren't so oily...when I finished there was a small pool of oil at the base of the plate. 2. Bacon and mushroom spaghetti in tomato sauce (with salad, soup and drink)Didn't try this dish. But the plate was clean after the meal. Personally am not too fond of red sauce, so. Quite nice for a lunch <$100 in central.
16-10-2010重陽都要返公司做嘢 , lunch 當然要食好一點為自己打打氣. 記得朋友 J 提過中環有間 "Wagyu" 幾好食, 應該係指呢度吧, 又難得公眾假期有開門, 又試試. 上到嚟先知原來係日式西餐廳? 然而覺得 lunch menu 的 Wagyu flank steak 及 Wagyu Hamburg 幾吸引, 結果就叫了各一 set 方便 share 食.沙律係普通 green salad, rockets, 生菜, 車厘茄 etc 全都夠新鮮, dressing (mustard seed dressing?) 份量剛好, 味道酸而不嗆喉, 不過面頭的芝士粉就有點畫蛇添足, 味道 "Kraft" 又一撻撻的, 感覺一般.湯係蕃茄湯, 飲落則似走辣版羅宋湯, 不過幾喜歡入面勁多的洋蔥, 腍腍的又幾香, 幾滿意.Wagyu flank steak: 中間呈粉紅色, 賣相吸引, 食落少少韌, 不過肉味實在香 醬汁係 gravy? 唔算濃, 又好似帶少少 garlic 味, 配牛肉不錯, 送飯亦好.Wagyu Hamburg: 漢堡扒外帶點香脆, 中間就仍生生哋, 質地軟綿鬆化, 帶點 herbs 及黑胡椒味, 亦食到粒粒肥及筋位, 好食喎 醬汁係陳醋 based, 酸香十足, 亦減低了漢堡扒的油膩感, 配搭不錯的. 配角除了面頭的大根茸之外, 仲有 mashed potatoes, 燒過的蕃茄, 洋蔥及疑似係虎皮尖椒的青椒, 其中特別喜歡 mashed potatoes, 質地有點粗糙, 但薯味好香, 仲帶點甜及牛油香, 諗起人氣豚丼店的薯仔沙律 (http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2119935) 兩款牛肉都偏濃味, 送飯就最好, 更好的係呢度用日本米, 米香強勁帶少少甜, 亦煮得偏乾身及硬身, 啱晒我 嚟到日式西餐廳, 飲品當然叫了熱咖啡, 一貫日式咖啡的唔算好濃但夠香, 齋飲唔苦, 落糖落 cream 就當然香滑不少, 穩穩陣陣的.食物不錯, 環境及配套亦十分好, 每人埋單 $120 有找, 值得試試的.
Our friend was telling us about this hamburger place on Stanley Street so decided to try it for lunch the other day.Much to our surprise, the restaurant was like one of those cute cafes you would find in Tokyo! .. with Japanese staff and japanese upbeat music playing in the background! Girls take note*: There's a pretty cute Japanese waiter too! Place is small hard to miss... * ;) We ordered:Steak tartare / Teriyaki Beef Burger / Cheese & tomato Hamburger steak / Beef curry / Dessert special - The Steak tartare was alright. liked their presentation with a very appetizing egg on top.- Teriyaki burger - DELISH*! Would def come back for it.- Cheese & tomato hamburger steak - could use more flavour...- Beef curry - Again could use more flavour - semi disappointed as i love Japanese curry and thought this place would do a good job. No need to order.- Dessert special - Crepe with icecream: Crepe was semi-dry and not as fresh as I expected it to be. Should have ordered the Green tea pudding recommended by Openrice bloggers instead For those who like japanese hamburger steaks, this is definitely a good, inexpensive place to dine! I'd recommend the burger version or the hamburger steak version that comes with rice.Really like the atmosphere of this place, casual yet initmate. They have an outdoor seating area too! Wouldn't mind re-visiting Kitchen Wagyu for Dinner once the weather cools down. A note: They have a seperate menu for Lunch & Dinner . So best to call ahead to make sure they have the teriyaki burger for dinner too!