港鐵深水埗站 D2 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 21:00
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食評 (54)
等級2 2021-12-17
446 瀏覽
I went to this restaurant to try Hainanese Chicken Rice. I was really disappointed!Entering the store, I don't know if the air conditioner is broken, and I feel cramped and want to leave immediately. But because there is not even a "bad" food review, it should taste good, so just try it.Ordered a Hainanese chicken rice with a bowl of soup, HK$48. When I drank the soup for the first time, I really thought I was drinking salt water with only a little chicken taste. After two sips, I can't drink anymore. A plate of Hainanese chicken rice was also served almost at the same time. First taste the first bite of rice, the taste can be said to be still acceptable salty. Taste another piece of chicken...the chicken is tasteless, but it doesn't even have the savory taste of chicken. The quality of the chicken is not good, and the meat is a bit rough. Even the essence of Hainanese Chicken Rice "Black Sauce" is not available in this restaurant. There are some sauces in the store, one is ginger, and the other is a bit of sweet and sour sauce. The chicken with those sauces is a bit of a taste finally. But really, the more I eat, the more salty I feel. I didn't ask for a drink, so I had to drink the only water on the table...it was the bowl of "salt water soup." Which of course is more salty.Because the price of this Hainanese chicken is not cheap, I just finish the chicken then pay and leave immediately. I bought a Coke and drink after I left the store, but I couldn't help it. And the MSG used in this shop caused my headaches.Anyway, I regret having a taste here. Only this time, never taste it again. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2021-06-12
768 瀏覽
每日收工,經過深水埗,又想試吓食雞飯,於是OpenRice search左呢間,見評語都不差就試吓啦,入到去好似一個酒吧嘅隔局咁,都聞到陣酒吧味,我去到都差唔多成8:00 ,唔知係咪就嚟收檔,樓面得一個人,點餐及上餐速度當然係有啲耐,跟住我後邊有兩個客人想叫啲食物都話賣晒,咁我當然叫雞飯食啦個半菜係菜心,我好鍾意食,比起平時食嗰啲海南雞套餐,用青瓜半碟我根本就唔會食,雞嘅味道同口感都唔錯嘅,不過成個食評都拎唔到我嘅好評,因為佢個地區係深水埗,呢個飯賣$48梗係唔抵食啦 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2021-04-27
573 瀏覽
下午時間經過深水埗唔知食乜好,行經福華街見到呢間海南雞店入去試下。入到去唔使等位坐低叫呢度招牌海南雞飯先。首先送一碗冬瓜湯先,個湯好消暑解渴但湯面有少少油膩,飲落少少鹹及有少少胡椒味,有D特别。海南雞飯終於到了,原來呢度雞飯配埋菜心,雞嘅份量都不少,佢的特色醬汁配埋D雞都幾好,海南雞飯D飯係嘅油飯,飯粒都ok不會係淋飯。另外叫左杯青檸蜜梳打解下喝,估唔到杯野都幾好飲!青檸味清新加埋蜜糖既甜味又中和左青檸D酸味。good 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2020-11-19
1127 瀏覽
同朋友去深水埗行吓街肚餓,就決定搵啲嘢食大家都知道深水埗最多平民美食,鍾意食好嘢嘅我一定唔會放過每一個機會。今次就去咗呢間海南雞飯餐廳入到去裝修格局好親民,餐牌上嘅都係普通茶餐廳嘅價錢,但就可以食到高質嘅海南雞真係好抵咁我就叫左佢嘅招牌海南雞拼安格斯牛肉飯,真係估唔到呢個配搭一次過可以食晒兩種好野個飯仲附送青木瓜沙律同埋餐湯添嚟到嘅時候超大碟,估唔到咁嘅價錢都仲可以比到六大舊啖啖肉嘅海南雞,另一邊仲有勁大量嘅安格斯牛肉,真係淨係食餸都飽啊跟埋嘅青木瓜沙律都好正,撈埋飯一齊食酸酸地,幾爽口配飯一流仲有佢秘製嘅海南雞醬,雖然唔係平時嘅三種,但都係超級正,配雞配飯食到一流。另外讚一讚佢嘅湯,食得出係真材實料,絕對唔係茶餐廳嘅味精例湯。當然仲嗌左招牌嘅青檸梳打,味道當然好食完個咁抵嘅海南雞飯又係時候繼續行街啦 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2020-10-09
645 瀏覽
收工買外賣,又岻試新野!係深水埗呢間開左唔係好耐既海南雞飯好評如潮,就等我試下佢既真偽!限聚令下六點後,街上都是冷冷清清的餐廳,唔問真係以為佢已經關左門!招牌去骨海南雞飯跟埋個湯$48講雞先喇好冇?雞肉唔係超級滑個隻,不過雞味濃!!真係唔錯!而且跟既果個汁好好味!買飯跟埋個湯,有粟米、冬瓜,清清地好飲!呢個外賣算抵食,下次想食雞既時候又多一個選擇喇!好一句無雞不成宴!我記住你!IG : f.nbreak 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)